I don't get what you want to do: a badnik that rotates indefinitely over time or snap its orientation to a certain rotation? To switch to first person view, just zoom in with the mouse wheel; about head tracking I don't really know, regular people don't have access to March UDK with Oculus Rift support. Omni looks good, could be weird to use it with jumps though.
I think I got it, paste this text in Kismet of my test map, the first enemy of the chain of box badniks should rotate. EDIT: Oh! I also manually changed the property EnemyClass of EnemySpawnerInfo_6 from "EnemyPawnFlying" to "EnemyPawnInterpolating". Spoiler Code (Text): Begin Object Class=SeqVar_Object Name=SeqVar_Object_1 ObjInstanceVersion=1 ParentSequence=Sequence'Main_Sequence' ObjPosX=4936 ObjPosY=2712 DrawWidth=32 DrawHeight=32 Name="SeqVar_Object_1" ObjectArchetype=SeqVar_Object'Engine.Default__SeqVar_Object' End Object Begin Object Class=SeqVar_Object Name=SeqVar_Object_0 ObjInstanceVersion=1 ParentSequence=Sequence'Main_Sequence' ObjPosX=4696 ObjPosY=2344 DrawWidth=32 DrawHeight=32 Name="SeqVar_Object_0" ObjectArchetype=SeqVar_Object'Engine.Default__SeqVar_Object' End Object Begin Object Class=SeqAct_AttachToEvent Name=SeqAct_AttachToEvent_0 InputLinks(0)=(DrawY=2234,OverrideDelta=11) OutputLinks(0)=(DrawY=2234,OverrideDelta=11) VariableLinks(0)=(LinkedVariables=(SeqVar_Object'SeqVar_Object_0'),DrawX=4886,OverrideDelta=16) EventLinks(0)=(LinkedEvents=(SeqEvent_EnemySeePlayer'SeqEvent_EnemySeePlayer_0'),DrawX=4952,OverrideDelta=93) ObjInstanceVersion=1 ParentSequence=Sequence'Main_Sequence' ObjPosX=4840 ObjPosY=2200 DrawWidth=147 DrawHeight=61 Name="SeqAct_AttachToEvent_0" ObjectArchetype=SeqAct_AttachToEvent'Engine.Default__SeqAct_AttachToEvent' End Object Begin Object Class=SeqEvent_EnemySpawn Name=SeqEvent_EnemySpawn_0 Originator=EnemySpawnerInfo'EnemySpawnerInfo_6' MaxWidth=249 OutputLinks(0)=(Links=((LinkedOp=SeqAct_AttachToEvent'SeqAct_AttachToEvent_0')),DrawY=2236,OverrideDelta=13) OutputLinks(1)=(Links=((LinkedOp=SeqAct_Interp'SeqAct_Interp_0',InputLinkIdx=2)),DrawY=2256,OverrideDelta=33) VariableLinks(0)=(LinkedVariables=(SeqVar_Object'SeqVar_Object_0'),DrawX=4548,OverrideDelta=94) ObjInstanceVersion=1 ParentSequence=Sequence'Main_Sequence' ObjPosX=4424 ObjPosY=2168 ObjName="EnemySpawnerInfo_6 Enemy Spawn" DrawWidth=162 DrawHeight=168 Name="SeqEvent_EnemySpawn_0" ObjectArchetype=SeqEvent_EnemySpawn'SonicGDK.Default__SeqEvent_EnemySpawn' End Object Begin Object Class=SeqAct_Interp Name=SeqAct_Interp_0 bLooping=True InputLinks(0)=(DrawY=2502,OverrideDelta=15) InputLinks(1)=(DrawY=2524,OverrideDelta=37) InputLinks(2)=(DrawY=2546,OverrideDelta=59) InputLinks(3)=(DrawY=2568,OverrideDelta=81) InputLinks(4)=(DrawY=2590,OverrideDelta=103) OutputLinks(0)=(DrawY=2518,OverrideDelta=31) OutputLinks(1)=(DrawY=2574,OverrideDelta=87) VariableLinks(0)=(LinkedVariables=(InterpData'InterpData_0'),DrawX=5099,OverrideDelta=20) VariableLinks(1)=(ExpectedType=Class'Engine.SeqVar_Object',LinkedVariables=(SeqVar_Object'SeqVar_Object_1',SeqVar_Object'SeqVar_Object_17'),LinkDesc="NewGroup",MinVars=0,DrawX=5164,OverrideDelta=67) ObjInstanceVersion=2 ParentSequence=Sequence'Main_Sequence' ObjPosX=5064 ObjPosY=2464 ObjComment="play / pause / stop" bOutputObjCommentToScreen=True DrawWidth=154 DrawHeight=157 Name="SeqAct_Interp_0" ObjectArchetype=SeqAct_Interp'Engine.Default__SeqAct_Interp' End Object Begin Object Class=InterpData Name=InterpData_0 Begin Object Class=InterpCurveEdSetup Name=InterpCurveEdSetup_0 Name="InterpCurveEdSetup_0" ObjectArchetype=InterpCurveEdSetup'Engine.Default__InterpCurveEdSetup' End Object Begin Object Class=InterpGroup Name=InterpGroup_0 Begin Object Class=InterpTrackMove Name=InterpTrackMove_1 PosTrack=(Points=((InterpMode=CIM_CurveAutoClamped),(InterpMode=CIM_CurveAutoClamped),(InVal=1.000000,OutVal=(X=-0.000122,Y=0.000122,Z=-0.000488),ArriveTangent=(X=0.000000,Y=0.000092,Z=-0.000488),LeaveTangent=(X=0.000000,Y=0.000092,Z=-0.000488),InterpMode=CIM_CurveAutoClamped),(InVal=2.000000,OutVal=(X=-0.000122,Y=0.000183,Z=-0.000977),ArriveTangent=(X=0.000000,Y=0.000092,Z=-0.000488),LeaveTangent=(X=0.000000,Y=0.000092,Z=-0.000488),InterpMode=CIM_CurveAutoClamped),(InVal=3.000000,OutVal=(X=-0.000244,Y=0.000305,Z=-0.001465),ArriveTangent=(X=-0.000122,Y=0.000092,Z=-0.000488),LeaveTangent=(X=-0.000122,Y=0.000092,Z=-0.000488),InterpMode=CIM_CurveAutoClamped),(InVal=4.000000,OutVal=(X=-0.000366,Y=0.000366,Z=-0.001953),InterpMode=CIM_CurveAutoClamped))) EulerTrack=(Points=((InterpMode=CIM_CurveAutoClamped),(InterpMode=CIM_CurveAutoClamped),(InVal=1.000000,OutVal=(X=0.000000,Y=0.000000,Z=90.000000),ArriveTangent=(X=0.000000,Y=0.000000,Z=90.000000),LeaveTangent=(X=0.000000,Y=0.000000,Z=90.000000),InterpMode=CIM_CurveAutoClamped),(InVal=2.000000,OutVal=(X=0.000000,Y=0.000000,Z=180.000000),ArriveTangent=(X=0.000000,Y=0.000000,Z=90.000000),LeaveTangent=(X=0.000000,Y=0.000000,Z=90.000000),InterpMode=CIM_CurveAutoClamped),(InVal=3.000000,OutVal=(X=0.000000,Y=0.000000,Z=270.000000),ArriveTangent=(X=0.000000,Y=0.000000,Z=90.000000),LeaveTangent=(X=0.000000,Y=0.000000,Z=90.000000),InterpMode=CIM_CurveAutoClamped),(InVal=4.000000,OutVal=(X=0.000000,Y=0.000000,Z=360.000000),InterpMode=CIM_CurveAutoClamped))) LookupTrack=(Points=(,,(Time=1.000000),(Time=2.000000),(Time=3.000000),(Time=4.000000))) bUseQuatInterpolation=True MoveFrame=IMF_RelativeToInitial Name="InterpTrackMove_1" ObjectArchetype=InterpTrackMove'Engine.Default__InterpTrackMove' End Object InterpTracks(0)=InterpTrackMove'InterpTrackMove_1' GroupName="NewGroup" GroupColor=(B=190,G=0,R=147,A=255) Name="InterpGroup_0" ObjectArchetype=InterpGroup'Engine.Default__InterpGroup' End Object InterpLength=4.000000 InterpGroups(0)=InterpGroup'InterpGroup_0' CurveEdSetup=InterpCurveEdSetup'InterpCurveEdSetup_0' SelectedFilter=InterpFilter'Engine.Default__InterpData:FilterAll' EdSectionEnd=4.000000 ObjInstanceVersion=1 ParentSequence=Sequence'Main_Sequence' ObjPosX=5072 ObjPosY=2712 DrawWidth=32 DrawHeight=32 Name="InterpData_0" ObjectArchetype=InterpData'Engine.Default__InterpData' End Object Begin Object Class=SeqVar_Object Name=SeqVar_Object_17 ObjValue=EnemySpawnerInfo'EnemySpawnerInfo_6' ObjInstanceVersion=1 ParentSequence=Sequence'Main_Sequence' ObjPosX=5184 ObjPosY=2712 ObjComment="should be deleted, only used for prewiewing purposes" DrawWidth=32 DrawHeight=32 Name="SeqVar_Object_17" ObjectArchetype=SeqVar_Object'Engine.Default__SeqVar_Object' End Object Begin Object Class=SeqEvent_EnemySeePlayer Name=SeqEvent_EnemySeePlayer_0 MaxWidth=131 OutputLinks(0)=(Links=((LinkedOp=SeqAct_Interp'SeqAct_Interp_0')),DrawY=2501,OverrideDelta=14) OutputLinks(1)=(DrawY=2523,OverrideDelta=36) OutputLinks(2)=(DrawY=2545,OverrideDelta=58) OutputLinks(3)=(Links=((LinkedOp=SeqAct_Interp'SeqAct_Interp_0',InputLinkIdx=3)),DrawY=2567,OverrideDelta=80) VariableLinks(0)=(LinkedVariables=(SeqVar_Object'SeqVar_Object_1'),DrawX=4773,OverrideDelta=16) VariableLinks(1)=(DrawX=4831,OverrideDelta=75) ObjInstanceVersion=1 ParentSequence=Sequence'Main_Sequence' ObjPosX=4736 ObjPosY=2432 DrawWidth=132 DrawHeight=216 Name="SeqEvent_EnemySeePlayer_0" ObjectArchetype=SeqEvent_EnemySeePlayer'SonicGDK.Default__SeqEvent_EnemySeePlayer' End Object
Thanks once again Xaklse. I feel a little silly for not changing the Badnik type to interpolating now, I should have known that! For the background music in the video, maybe Sonic 3's data select music?
Congrats on the new release Xak ! This is a big one since it has menu system. This Will save a lot of people a lot of time ! (Menu designed by P3DR0.) Great work guys!
New 1.10.222 version is up! Source Code (requires UDK February 2013): Cr / PL / TB / UB / ZS What's new? In short: Flash-based Main Menu and Pause Menu (located in ...\UDKGame\Flash\SonicGDKPackage\UI ) Configurable HUD and Pause Menu through new HudInfo object. More Kismet nodes. Loading movies (located in ...\UDKGame\Movies ) 14 special stages. More bug fixes. Special thanks go to P3DR0 for the initial design of the Flash menus, and Andrew75 for additional help. Now you can easily change the video settings, allowing low-end PCs to run this game with higher framerates. __________________________________________________ Updated the wiki with more links and documentation; wikified Andrew's guide. .
I still don't get why you guys try so hard to create ultra-realistic stages. Started working on this scene today, probably have to tone down the specularity of the water and make a few adjustments in the skybox. Also I'm bumping this thread because no one comented on the new awesome update (still without grinding rails) that Xak released and it is awesome and even have a video. Spoiler and... *cof* *cof*... I totally saw it almost a month and not just now when I came here to post this pic... *cof*
Ugh, damn P3DR0. That looks gorgeous, how do you even. Also I really need to try this update, but first I gotta get more space on my computer.
I was about to say something about the water in relation to wind waker, but I would guess that all of nine hundred people already did, so I will instead compliment dat preeetyyy lighting. Maybe it's not pretty, I don't know. My standards are too low to tell, but I like it, so screw anyone who doesn't.
I usually make comments for the kick ass updates... but than again Xak always knows I support his work haha P3DR0 that screen looks great, so is this a full fledged project or just a play around environment ?
Playing around with assets that I've modeled myself, I plan to turn this into the first stage of my fangame eventualy, but you know... I need to learn how to model more than planes and boxes first. I'm getting the hang of it, but there are two factors that are slowing me down: UVWs and my hard drive that is about to fail, hence the low quality of the screen, lack of antialising, low resolution, etc.
Better back that shit up somehow ...if you don't have another hard disk, use an upload service or maybe send it over to a friend on Skype or something.
I really wish I knew how to compile this with Oculus Rift support. I just got my Dev Kit in, and everything I've been playing with it has been amazing, but I'm still hoping someone else will shoehorn it in. So I guess: Feature Request, Rift Support.
Anyone out there willing to help with original/remixed music? I absolutely need a music track for the main menus, and I'd also like to replace other tracks like invincibility or end of level. Or where should I ask?
This is wonderful. It's so simple, it just has such a powerful atmosphere. It's... it's dream-like. Okay, done gushing now.
So finally got this reinstalled after losing everything about a year ago, got a bug to report: I can't get the SonicGDK test map to load. All the other maps will load, just not that one. I installed the right version of UDK (Feb 2012) and everything. It doesn't crash or anything, it just hangs at the loading screen forever.
You need the Feb 2013, not 2012. Also the test map takes a few extra minutes to load the first time, even on high-end PCs. I believe the first time I've opened it (and I have a very "ok" PC) it took me up to 10 minutes give or take.