That falls into the realm of "fangame property" and out of the scope of this topic, in my opinion. But it looks cool.
The only thing I really didn't like about the Green Hill Paradise demo, besides the fact that it was easy to get lost, was the fact that you absolutely had to use boost to climb up steep inclines and across loops. I'd rather let pure momentum do that job for me. Get a graphics card? :v: Anyway, I'm running an i3 on this Thinkpad of mine with a much slower clockspeed (2.1 Ghz) and I'm not really getting any of the choppiness. Then again, maybe I just have lower standards than you do. Or maybe you have HD 2000 graphics and not HD 3000 like on my machine.
I played the build, which is nothing but a bunch of disjointed hills with no real sense of direction. I can understand the idea of going open-world, but when everything looks like a mess of randomly extruded bumps on a plane with awful texture mapping, it's difficult to really get behind it. Try this, make one pathway to a goal. Then, make a second one. Then find a way to connect those in an interesting way. Then create a third, and do the same. Then, take your negative space, and find a creative way to connect it all together in a concise way. Because right now, all you've got on your hands is a mess.
I can't say that I'm truthfully wow'd visually.The geometry of the landscape is brutally sharp in areas. On alot of the edges,you can see extremely stretched UV's and on some parts of the bridge,it feels a bit out of place because you can feel the orientation jittering the camera movement.I'd try placing a simpler collision for it.Anyways,I really felt lost whilst playing.There we're no real indications as to where I should be going,unless I we're to count the signs.I could barely see them though.When your playing a sonic game,usually your confined to an area,but here,it's more open. I think that you'll honestly have to explore it a bit more and see how you can make this work to be less confusing to the players.I liked how his speed was more defined and how his movement was a bit more adjusted to suit better controls.It felt absolutely dreadful having lose a ton of momentum at the slightest 60-90 degree angle.This looks to be a nostalgic type of project seeing that it's based from one of the most memorable areas of S.T.H. Last thing I want to touch on is the scenery.Some of it doesn't seem to go hand in hand with the other so it feels awkwardly placed.I addition to that,I think that the huge trail of light is a bit too much.
Hey, guys familiar with UDK and GDK, I've got a question, mostly pertaining to SonicGDK. Is it possible to set up the camera in SonicGDK similar to how the camera works in Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2? Like, you can move it and rotate it but in actual levels the camera is locked in certain angles and follows you? (I am terrible at explaining what I'm trying to explain, sorry!) Like for example in Emerald Coast the camera starts out behind Sonic and follows him, and then during the whale chase scene it's in front of him pointing at his face? Or in City Escape, at the beginning the camera starts out pointing at Sonic as he descends and then switches to behind him for the street-boarding section.
I'm curious if a ingame map/mini-map would be possible, maybe that could alleviate the feeling of getting lost in more open levels somewhat?
@Xaklse Whilst playing around with the newer GDK build,I stumbled upon the collision for the dash ring. Just wanted to know if the collision is the trigger for the dash/sound/animation/etc.Seemed interesting,though I'm no coder at all.
It's possible, not in my plans though. The collision mesh detects Sonic and triggers dash/sound/animation. Which one and to where? No links are broken right now.
I'm referring to the link from the ['revised'] GDK beta. It starts downloading fine, but it's at such a slow download speed, and I've only gotten it to about 40-something MBs before it says it's corrupted or something - that was with trying it using DAP.
Thanks Broseph. The toon shader is pretty weird in a Sonic game at first, but now, looking at the final comp, I really liked the result.
I like the style, but I still hate the default GDK Sonic model. Now that we have a perfectly viable model to rig from Generations, I wish GDK in general would use it instead if Classic Sonic is a must. It'd be nice if the Modern Model was an option as well. That one "Colors" mod for GDK was awesome, until it was broken by one of the updates. But yeah, great work, hopefully you'll be doing good level design to go along with the great style.
Wow! That looks really great! That's the way graphics should be judged IMO, not the polygon count or how "real" it looks. Its the colors that matter the most! Anyways I've been having trouble with getting SGDK to cooperate with UDK. It keeps crashing every time it loads, I think it has something to do the version I have the February 2012 Beta. Could that be the problem?