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Sonic Zero: Remastered

Discussion in 'Fangaming Discussion' started by Sparks, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. E-122-Psi


    Sorry for the late comment.

    Impressed with what you have so far. Lush authentic graphics and music, good level gimmicks and the mission mode adds some nice variety, I must agree that Palmtree Parkway is the high point of the game.

    You also implemented Amy well. Only things I can see off are the lack of instant duck and the spring boost from using hammer attacks.

    Only problems otherwise is the aforementioned screen stretch caused by water and the lack of a pause button.
  2. Deef


    Anywhere else to download from? Never seems to work for me.
  3. Techokami


    For use only on NTSC Genesis systems Researcher
    Sonic Worlds Next
    Details? The file is still present on the SAGE 2012 booth page.
  4. Deef


    Sorry. Yep that's the one I meant. When I try to download it just sits there waiting for holenet forever.

    Oh, nevermind. I just whacked the URL into a download manager and that did it.
  5. Sparks


    Sondro Gomez / Kyle & Lucy
    Sonic Zero: Remastered has basically kicked the bucket. Kaosu has been occupied with other things, Larks occupied with finishing up University, and I've been occupied with my own platformer project, so development has grinded to a halt. Recently Kaosu and I have pretty much decided that Zero is not going anywhere, and have decided it would be best to have its assets gain a proper home instead of going to waste.

    Kaosu and I are looking for fan games (or rom hacks?) that have steady progress, and that the accumulation of Zeros assets would actually advance said fan game towards closer completion. If your fan game only has one zone done, you might not be the best applicant. If your game has several zones made and is closer towards completion, but maybe has a zone or two that are lacking in quality, this might be more ideal.

    On the table are the following:

    • Palmtree Parkway Zone
      • Snout badnik, Worm badnik, concept art, level maps, graphics, level gimmicks, etc.
    • Tidal Tubes Zone
      • Sub-bubbles badnik, Dragonfly badnik, Otter badnik, concept art, level maps, graphics, level gimmicks, etc.
    • Unfinished Assets
      • (Electric Enclave, Quirky Quarry, etc.)
    • Concepts for other Zones
    • Misc
      • Amy, Power Ups, leftover badniks and bosses, smaller stuff

    This includes any gimmicks and enemies that are already in each zone, sprited, programmed, or both. This also includes anything you saw in the 2012 demo. Not sure about Kaosu, but I'll try to assist in bringing the zones over. Also included will be stuff such as concept art for uncreated gimmicks, and assistance in finishing the zones level layouts. Note: I won't be able to assist in porting things at a programming level to your fan game.

    The assets won't be handed out publicly, so contact me via PM or Skype to apply for these assets, or post here if you have an inquiry about something specific, questions about the assets, Zero Remastered in general, etc. Kaosu and I would love to make sure everything doesn't go to waste, off to a good home. If your game is not made in Multimedia Fusion 2.0, then everything you acquire will have to be recoded from scratch, obviously.

    So basically, if you have a fan game and you need material, acquire within.

    skype: sondrogomez
    email: [email protected]

    Samples of what to expect:
    (The whole 2012 demo)
  6. SpaceyBat


    United States
    Freedom Planet 2
    I might apply for this. Freedom Planet could find any number of uses for the badniks and gimmicks present in Zero. All we'd really need to do is redraw them to fit the game's theme and possibly adjust their behavior to accommodate for the fact that they have HP instead of being destroyed in one hit. And since I'm already crediting most of the Zero team with doing engine work on Worlds for FP, I wouldn't technically be adding any more to the credits.
  7. BlazeHedgehog


    A "Community Enigma"? Oldbie
    And here I was hoping this thread getting bumped would be that second demo. :(
  8. Techokami


    For use only on NTSC Genesis systems Researcher
    Sonic Worlds Next
    Well, arses. This really bums me out.
    Talk to me on Skype, guys. Might put some of these things to use in Sonic Edge.
  9. Tiller


    HDK & World Runner
    To be honest I would like to see how you guys went about making certain level and enemy gimmicks since I'm currently screwing around with Worlds and just barely beginning my project. I wouldn't use any of the assets or enemies as my own though, I would just be looking to learn how to get a handle on Worlds.

    Bubble Bubbles are fucking genius.
  10. Sparks


    Sondro Gomez / Kyle & Lucy
    If you're interested in this, we can give you access to our Dropbox and show you around. If more people are interested, I could write up a tutorial on level construction from the ground up to finishing.

    As for updates, Palmtree Parkway and Tidal Tubes look like they're going to Sonic Time Twisted. Electric Enclave is going to Sonic Edge. Strife is currently looking through enemies and gimmicks of interest. With the main zones going to Twisted, and various things being redesigned for Freedom Planet (to help make them original, and or get rid of the Sonic look) I don't think similar content should be a problem.

    I'm thinking about making the remaining assets public and letting whoever wants what claim them. Keep in mind some stuff was contributed by other members so the works will be labeled and you'll still have to give credit to them. Sound like a good deal? It's mostly stuff like unused sprites and unfinished zones.

    As for Amy, it looks like she might end up in a later release of Sonic Worlds Delta, to be used as a tutorial on how to make a character that isn't just a Sonic clone.
  11. Tiller


    HDK & World Runner
    I would be delighted. I've only changed a few simple things here and there in the .5 version of Worlds to test how certain things work with the physics. I've only managed to add things like tiered speed for animation and details like dust trails. I found the lack of documentation a little disheartening but then again I haven't tried out Delta yet. I need to purchase MMF2 proper to use the plug ins I think. In particular I'm interested in how external forces can move the player character around, boss design, parallax, how mobius spirals work, and a possible option for widescreen, but my general knowledge is really lacking.

    You know it might be smart to include a "real level" test act along with the standard test act with Worlds using some of the assets from Sonic Zero. More like a "this is what you can do with in a real coherent level" sort of feel rather than just a feature tour. Amy could be featured for how to make a unique character like you suggested. If there is more interest that is.
  12. Sparks


    Sondro Gomez / Kyle & Lucy
    All coding assets were claimed or moved to Delta, so only sprites and tiles here, folks.

    Just a few things before I dump the remains of Zero:

    Sonic Pocket Next Gens assets have also gone unused since 2009, due to the difficulty of scaling down the player collision in Sonic Worlds. If picking up the project interests you, give a post or throw a PM.
    There's a variety of WIP zones available, including Dawn Dash, Neo Marble, and Cyber City.

    Lastly, if SAGE 2013 is happening this year, I'm considering hosting a livestream about how to do level design. Tiller kind of gave me the idea since doing a whole livestream for people would probably be more beneficial to the general fan game community. Would anyone be interested? I would most likely use Palmtree Parkway or Tidal Tubes as the example. This would mainly cover level design, enemy placement, how gimmicks relate to level design, etc.

    Alright, lets get down to the leftovers.

    Once somethings claimed, it'll be removed from this post and handed via PM to the new owner, less they specify otherwise.

    Quirky Quarry was mostly an edit of Madcap Mine, so I'll just post it here with the rest of the content being dumped. They're completely compatible with the lib that DW released in his respective topic. Quirky Quarry was planned as a fusion of Madcap Mine and Barren Badlands (Sonic Exogenesis), so since its already public (I forgot this earlier), we're including Barren Badlands concept and early art..

    Genesized Kukku sprites.

    Sonic and Metal Sonics sheets are also up for grabs, but I'm only going to post Metals as a sample. Send me a PM with your project and its progress, since Sonic and Metals sheets are designed in a specific shading style that's a mix of Sonic 2 and 3, so I just want to make sure they go to the right projects.

    Concept for a scrapped zone, Scrambled Sphinx.

    Sonic Zeros special stages were going to be an upgraded remake of the Triple Trouble special stages. This is the sprite progress that was made, as well as the original art, done by Kaosu.

    Sketch artwork for a title screen, also by Kaosu.

    Misc Sprites

    If there's anything else I forgot while looking through Dropbox, I'll post it.
  13. Vaiz


    I'm still here for some reason! Member
    Those are some really awesome assets. I hope they end up going to use for something.
  14. Palas


    Don't lose your temper so quickly. Member
    I would love that. Theory on level design is always great, but yours specifically is most interesting. However, if possible, I'd like to know from you some more basic things such as how exactly do you get to work in a fan project as a level designer, how you work with the engine etc. I mean, it'd useless to ask you to cover thi in your livestream since it's probably common knowledge to everyone but me, but if I could get word from you by any other means :Ç
  15. Sparks


    Sondro Gomez / Kyle & Lucy
    A lot of it is just networking, getting to know the right people. Basically finding and looking at fan games, and going up to them to see if they need help in certain departments. It probably helps to show what you've already done (aka a portfolio) to increase their interest.

    I started making my own fan game, then merged with Zero because they had programmers and music composers, but were a bit behind on spriters and level designers, which was something I could do. End result was both games got more progress, but creative control was also a bit divided, e.g. I would pitch ideas a lot, but Kaosu still had the final say.

    As for understanding stuff like the engine or program, it all depends on what you're using. I have no Game Maker experience, but over time I've found that Multimedia Fusion 2.0 has a poorly designed level builder. Programming wise, Sonic Worlds does include details in it that can help people understand the basics of the engine. Just need some basic programming knowledge and to read what the contributors put in Worlds.