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Sonic X-treme STI Engines, Saturn, PC, Win95-PC+NV1, +V37 Level Editor

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Andrew75, Feb 24, 2015.

  1. GeneHF


    SEGA-ier than you'll potentially ever be. Site Staff
    Scenic Studiopolis
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    At the least, this gives further validation to all the previews from E3 1996 saying the game didn't play particularly well and people hoped it was just rough.

    I really don't think X-treme would have been the positive impact Saturn Sonic needed. I think it would have made things worse, actually.
  2. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    There will be a future Sega Saturn release, ( the re-tweak of the Saturn V40 engine) but Jollyroger will concentrate on support for the newer build levels in that release.
  3. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Sandman from Senntient requested I post this here.

  4. Energy


    Any chance of a re-up of the level editor?

    -- EDIT: Never mind, found it in a folder on my computer but just so you know the links are down.
  5. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    I'll let borman know thanks.
  6. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Ok so yeah, some links have been going down for various releases. if I fix the links, would Retro also be able to host the builds on the server or something? its hard to find time to keep re-uploading all the time.
    (Added a new download link for the level editor) didn't fix the 2 broken links as they are related to Borman uploading them)
  7. itsstillthinking


    Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 Dreamcast Website, Sega Saturn Netlink Voip
    Someone posted out how the one interesting looking Sonic in this pic looks like a scaled down model found in the new 32x era footage found here around the 0.24 mark
  8. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    yeah man! lol anyways as you already know that's Ross Harris himself posting his modeling work. just thought I'd chime in in case other ppl didn't know.
  9. itsstillthinking


    Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 Dreamcast Website, Sega Saturn Netlink Voip
    Yeah man! its so exiting seeing the ring toss in action finally after all those years when i first read about in in the RSD :specialed: il compile all the new animations into one video, but every time i do it he uploads more juicy stuff!
  10. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Hey guys !

    Luis Bryan over on youtube noticed that the build of V040 Saturn we released vs the video linked below had some differences.
    (check the comments section for more context)

    Anyhow Upon Request.
    We've uploaded the alternative V040 Saturn build on the front page of this topic as well as below.
    This version is was compiled by STI back in 1995, and not the version compiled with fixed up source code by Jollyroger) This Binary version is much more prone to crashes, and has a few more glitches. However it does run Faster.

    Enjoy: And good eye Bryan!

    Edit, new notes for crash bug:
    (Faster FPS But more Bug Prone version)
    This is the original raw Binary compiled by STI.
    Note: Hold Y until the blue level loads up or you instant crash on a real Saturn.
    but, You will eventually crash out no mater what.

    Last edited: Feb 15, 2021
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  11. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    I'm going to add some Notes here from Jollyroger to give better understanding on the first Fixed up release vs this one.
    This comes direct off of Discord.

    There was a nasty race condition in the v40 binary, which I found and fixed in the source code, and the extra synchronization (the engine is very badly written) makes it slow down
    without the sync it can lock up randomly
    nothing the compiler can fix by itself...
    certainly gcc 8.4 can do much better than the old tools STI used at the time, but it was never my intention to do any performance work anyway...
    those releases have always been for preservation, not for improvement/completion, I don't have enough time to do it properly, otherwise I would have coded the engine from scratch, (kudos, as always)

    Okay Guys, Update time! Its been many years since the original prototype Releases dropped, and sometimes we forget why we do things. ( in this case why the OG STI build was not released publicly)
    So yes, here is the story, I just now, today got threw attempting to run the STI Compiled build of V40 on real hardware, and Poof I just remembered something, we didn't release this STI version because it would freeze up the Saturn after reaching the Blue level. (it takes awhile to initialize before getting there)
    Anyways, this was one of the reasons why Jollyroger had to fix and recompile the code, so that it could actually make it past the first few frames on real hardware without the freeze, Sure it runs faster in the emulator vs the original release, but good luck getting it to run on a real Saturn.

    P.S. at least its uploaded for posterity's sake.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 14, 2021
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  12. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Okay! Last Bump here, Sorry Guys...
    For the STI compiled version of the V40 prototype, If you hold Y down anytime during the blank red loading screen until the blue level loads, you have a very high chance to be able to play a little bit until the game eventually does crash.
    I noticed that the The FPS are about 25ish in the starting area vs the 15ish for the repaired version.
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  13. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects

    == V037 Engine release 4 ==
    == Jollyroger's FISHEYE MOD for V037! ==

    Back in 2015 Jollyroger had backported the fisheye code from V040 to V037. At the time we decided not to release this build believing that it could possibly cause confusion for future generations. In that, some people mistake this modification as being an "as IS" official STI build, When in fact it's basically a mod using the original source code from the 2 build's source.
    We're not really sure exactly when the fisheye was introduced into Xtreme, perhaps between V038 and V040.

    Anyhow Here it is!
    We hope a lot of you diehard Xtreme fans and level modder guys out there will really enjoy this one.


    F key to enable fisheye (Please guys read the Readme file)

    Some levels may have the camera distance either too close or too far from sonic,
    This is because many of the levels were designed before fisheye was implemented.

    (if you want to have some fun, Please check out the .def files using a text editor, and experiment around with some of the setings)
    Also most RSRC19 folder levels are pre adjusted.

    I left notes in the .def file named Test.def
    // CAM0003
    NEW_CAMERA "CAM0003"
    Value 003,426 //Scale Z Range: 0 -> 256*16
    Value 004,10 //Skew Y Range: -512 -> 512

    //Custom function coded by Jollyroger to move the camera closer or further away from Sonic.
    Value 005,245760 //Camera offset Z default value is 81920
    //notes by Andrew75
    //ideal multiples: 5120, 10240, 20480, 40960, 81920, 163840, 327680, 655360
    //* 81920+20480=102400
    // * 163840+40960=204800+20480=225280+20480=245760

    Please be mindful the following is not a bug.
    Back when the original engine was written, the camera pipeline did not include a Z-Buffer, so you may experience some geometry sorting issues when the fisheye is enabled.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2021
  14. Amazing you are still working on this Andrew, I've been loosely following this project for years!

    Keep it up
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  15. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    I really want to say thanks. but,
    Please Please guys, I dont deserve so much credit for this as Jollyroger does.

    Todays release is actually something that was done in 2015, with a few recent tweaks.
    This here thread is all about Jollyroger's Port (to modern hardware/windows) of STI's source code for ancient NV1 builds that he had acquired. The only credit i get in all this was working on the Def file side of things, some of which was to make many of the levels compatible/consistent with his port so that they didn't crash ect ect ect, and handling the release/public relations.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2021
  16. SanicDerpy


    SMPS2MID & MID2SMPS Conversions and learning to draw.
    This is amazing, we have a fisheye mod for v37! Been following this for years but all I wanted to say is thank you Jolly and Andrew for releasing this!
    Especially you Jolly keep it up!