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Sonic X Shadow Generations thread, movie level out now

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by charcoal, Jan 29, 2024.

  1. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    I would without pause pay for extra acts for either Sonic or Shadow Generations
  2. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    They wouldn't do this, but I'd love to play both all the Forces levels and all the Frontiers levels in Shadow Generations.
  3. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    If they were going to port over levels from other games to Shadow Gens, my preference would be to take the original levels layouts from Sonic Generations 3DS (I say original because quite a few levels are identical to their layouts from earlier games) and put them out as DLC. The way Shadow Gens does the 2D acts is pretty much exactly how Sonic Generations 3DS did them, with the camera slightly panned back to see forward more. I just hate that those levels are locked away on the 3DS, even if they're not the best. For the vast majority of people, they'd feel like entirely new levels. Maybe if they wanted to go the extra mile, include one new zone based on Sonic Rush or a Game Gear game or something.

    That's all pipe dream, though, IMO. I never would expect this to actually happen.
  4. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    My biggest want right now is a mod for Sonic Generations that recreates the handling and movement from the Shadow side as much as is practical. That game still has some of the best level designs 3D Sonic has ever seen and I’d love to play them without having to fight to control Sonic.
  5. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    There are already some mods that are doing that, they work the opposite way. They're porting the original Generations levels to Shadow Gens. There's also the opposite: people porting Shadow Gens levels back to Sonic Gens.
  6. synchronizer


    Sigh, I wasn’t sure how to phrase that, but new locations is what I meant, not additional acts. I liked the Unleashed DLC too, but it didn’t contain new locations, just new levels and layouts in existing locations.
  7. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    I mean that's fine I guess, though I'm struggling to find any results for that from YouTube or GameBanana. I'd like to play them as Sonic but character mods aren't really there yet as far as I'm concerned in terms of animation replacement, granted that's a fairly minor quibble. Hopefully modders are able and willing to take advantage of HE2's lighting tech and make those 2011 levels look better than they ever have (which would be saying a lot given how pretty stages like Seaside Hill are).
  8. DustArma


    Santiago, Chile
    Learning Python.
    Honestly? I want the opposite, I want a mod for Shadow that recreates the handling and movement from Sonic Generations
  9. Why would you want the controls to be worse?
  10. synchronizer


    You realize how surreal it is that after years (decades) the controls are getting better and not worse? Interrupting a pattern that’s gone-on for this long surely has some subliminal side-effects on the human brain we couldn’t possibly understand.

    More seriously, Unleashed at full speed did have a satisfying feel, but I’d say that only worked because the level design was tuned to that sort of racer gameplay. Also, the camera automation was carefully-customized to make Sonic feel faster than he was.
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  11. XCubed


    Will Someday Own a Rent-A-Center Oldbie
    Now that I figured out how to use Doom Wing properly outside of Radical Highway, why hasn’t anyone said this is basically Super Shadow in all levels???
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2025
  12. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    It's been brought up numerous times. It's pretty much the consensus around here.
  13. DustArma


    Santiago, Chile
    Learning Python.
    I don't consider them worse, honestly, I consider them different, but of course YMMV. I personally love the more racing game/platformer feel of the Unleashed/Colors/Generations controls, that being said I'm not blind to the improvements that Shadow Generations brings to the table and if there are two things I would take from ShGens into SoGens, it would be both the double jump and being able to Homing Attack out of a boost.

    And honestly I'm not a big fan of how the doom surf controls, I prefer boosting on water :V
  14. TheInvisibleSun


    Buffalo, NY, USA
    The Water
    Can't say I agree, personally. I went back to Sonic Generations after finishing Shadow Generations, and it didn't feel great.

    Regarding the DLC level, I had fun with it, but the cutscenes start to feel quite long upon repeat playthrough.
  15. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    If Generations-style controls went harder into the racing game influence, it would be better--but as a platformer, Shadow Generations is the better of the two. Few more tweaks and it's perfect.
  16. Linkabel


    OG Generations is still fine to me, but it would greatly benefit from having the double jump.

    Shadow Generations has great controls, but I feel having the OG Generations drift would do wonders for it because there are still spots where it's needed or would be wonderful during speedrunning.
  17. YuTwo


    (October 26 2024)
    I am very, very late to respond to these messages as I have not been active on the forums for some time but I got the game the day after my initial post once I read both of your responses (October 27)

    Thanks to you two for answering and giving reassurances. I got the Switch version. I was surprised to get what I assumed were the pre-order bonuses for the game, the journal booklet and the Adventure Sonic skin. It even had “Day One Edition” on the cover. I thought the Day One Edition was only for people who pre-ordered.

    I encountered no problems with the Generations half of the game. I have been playing the game on and off between periods of time so I have only just started to get to the Shadow story. I just got so distracted constantly replaying the Modern Sonic levels. I missed playing them after so long since I had the original version on PS3 and no longer own that one after some years.

    I also got Generations on Steam a long time ago. I bought it when I saw it on sale for only one dollar so I took that opportunity. However, I only have a PS4 controller and for some reason when I try to play the game with it the controls don't want to work properly and Sonic just starts to automatically sidestep. So I couldn’t play it on Steam then.

    I do have to say that this new release certainly has better performance. It does have faster load times into the levels and I really noticed the smoother framerate particularly on the Modern Speed Highway part where you go down the building side.

    I got the Jam Sonic skin too and I definitely preferred playing with it on since I really don’t like how regular Classic Sonic looks in this game.

    After all these years the Modern Sonic levels in Generations are still the best the boost formula has offered. Sonic Frontiers boost feels so nerfed in comparison and the Cyberspace levels in it were not that great admittedly.
  18. XCubed


    Will Someday Own a Rent-A-Center Oldbie
    My Generations on Steam has the same auto side stepping issue. I thought it was my computer as my usb controller works just fine for everything else.
  19. DustArma


    Santiago, Chile
    Learning Python.
    That's an issue with the original game's handling of DirectInput, to fix it you need to emulate an xinput gamepad, on a DualShock/DualSense you can use DS4Windows, alternatively for a more universal solution you can use xbox360ce, maybe Steam Input will work as well?
  20. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member
    Finished the game, almost 100%.
    All the level acts, all the challenge acts, from both games.
    All S ranks, except for the final boss in Shadow Generations (which I got a fucking D).
    All the red rings.
    I used a mod to show me the locations of the missing chests, but I still miss 4 pieces of the rocket.
    And I still couldn't beat the two hard time challenges within the White Space, and I don't think I can do them.

    Sonic Generations is as great as I remember (despite Planet Wisp which is as boring as I remember).
    The addition of a search for chao in each level was fine, but it didn't work for me. They are too tiny, sometimes I can't see them when I pass right in front of them. I miss that radar from Adventure 1.
    And the changes in dialogue and a few scenes are... meh. Some are good, some are not that much. For instance,
    Sonic asking "without the Time Stones?", when Tails told him it's time travel, does not work. That would imply that the only method Sonic knows to time travel is the Time Stones, and that is simply not true. Another example is at the end of the game, when Tails tell Classic Tails to not think too much about the consequences of the time travel. That is Ian Flynn answering the question on a BumbleKast, not Miles Tails Prower, who is the genius boy of the crew that many times before tried to explain difficult concepts for them and they couldn't understand.

    Levels are great, awesome, outstanding, amazing. Even those "2.5D" levels are fun because they are easier to get the collectables (i went for all of them of course).
    Radical Highway is very good as a final level, but a PAIN to get the S rank, jesus christ.
    The only level that was kind of meh was Chaos Island. Too much of that doom gimmick and the music is boring.

    I don't get why don't we have a Shadow (the game) level, aside from the final boss.
    I mean, it's almost like Sonic CD in Sonic Generations. We didn't get a level, but a boss (a rival). But Sonic CD to Sonic is not at the same level of importance as StH is to Shadow. So I don't get it.
    Instead we get Chaos Island (probably to reuse the assets), which Shadow has nothing to do with it. The game tries to justify this, saying that maybe Shadow will go there in the future, which I'm fine with it, as a game about time travel shouldn't care about timeline restrictions. But then I would like to see a Lost World level too. And of course a StH level, it makes no sense to not have one. They made 06 look like a good game, they could do the same with Shadow.

    The story is... I don't know.
    If the game explained how Black Doom managed to return, I missed it. Is he fucking Palpatine now?
    I loved to see a fight against Mephiles, BUT. I simply cannot believe that a demon that controls time like Mephiles has an opportunity to return and all that he is going to do is to fight Shadow. "I want to exist" my ass, I remember you bouncing on timelines in 06 like it was nothing.
    And the interactions between Shadow and Maria + Gerald were kind of disappointing. Right after Shadow saved Maria from those guys, and confirmed she was indeed Maria, I was expecting a truly emotional scene. Instead we got... nothing? Maria is right there! Say something!
    But then again, Generations were never about the story, so I think it's fine. But yeah, I was expecting more.

    In general, great game.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2025