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Sonic X Shadow Generations thread, movie level out now

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by charcoal, Jan 29, 2024.

  1. Antheraea


    Bug Hunter Member
    yeah so the issue I had with this is that the game itself passes by so fast that my only recourse is to restart from the checkpoint as I just blitz right by it and/or pull out a guide and memorize where it is for future runs, and I just. I hate having to have a guide up on the other screen to know which extremely specific side path for a single specific segment in all of Chemical Plant to get the one red ring I need. With the classic games you could backtrack most of the time, and/or there were multiple ways to get to a place (elemental shields, tails flying you, flying as tails, gliding and climbing as knuckles, really clever use of enemy bounces, really clever uses of momentum), as opposed to having to repeat the same segments of a level over and over for one specific area, sideeying the cool side paths you haven't hit yet because you're afraid that it'll make you miss the ring you need to complete the set, so you avoid them and play the same paths over and over.

    (it is probably just my own mind demons lol)
  2. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    I really don't know how I managed to organically find 79 of the 80 machine parts. The last one I needed was definitely the most difficult to find and easiest to miss; on the ceiling of the tunnel that leads to the Mephiles boss fight. One quick Google showed up several results of people pointing out that exact piece. There needed to be something to guide you towards the parts. The White Space isn't huge, but it's big enough to send you running around like a headless chicken.

    The Chao still suck though.
  3. Vanishing Vision

    Vanishing Vision

    Speaking of collectables, are not all the chests marked on the map? I've got 77/96 with no more unopened chests visible. Do they appear after clearing the hard mode challenges/bosses?
  4. Mana


    International and Domestic GOAT Member
    What I think is rather interesting about this games sales proves something I've thought for a long time. Shadow's fandom never really diminished or went away, they just stopped getting catered to because Shadow was taking over the franchise.

    Now that what Sonic is without Shadow has been clearly established and defined, from that time in the 00's where he was arguably more important to the series plot than the series's main character, I think a seperate line of "Shadow" games that play similar to this style of game with all of Shadow's doom powers, and the Sonic brand continues with Frontiers type gameplay could coexist.

    I think they could easily work as seperate branches if SEGA decides to go this route but I guess we'll wait and see what they do. All I can say for certain is that we're going to be seeing a lot more Shadow again.
  5. Chimpo


    Artificial Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Bring back guns
    Doom Guns
  6. Jonny Axehandle

    Jonny Axehandle

    The one. The only. Oldbie
    I wonder, will they appear if you switch the hub to the "doom mode" or whatever it is? (I should try myself...)

    EDIT: Nah, just tried it and as far as I can tell the collectible items on the map look the same.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2024
  7. Obviously this only worked out well largely because Shadow is attached to it but I can't help but hope somehow this leads to Sonic Team maybe letting the mainline games have playable characters that aren't just the main 4 and Shadow again, even if effectively just being skins of those five.
  8. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    Don't forget that one of them only spawns is if you enter Doom Morph near its location.

    There are actually two or three chests that only spawn while the Doom Zone is active. Only chests you've actually discovered are marked (white if you've unlocked them and red if you've tried and failed to from not having the key). Machine parts can all be collected without Doom Zone.
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  9. MH MD

    MH MD

    Found about 70, did everything else i could and explored hard enough that i just gave in and went to a YT guide, which also sucks because then i have to watch the whole 24 minutes video and trace back my steps to know which one i got and which one i didn't.

    Even if chao sucks and you decided to cave in and seek a guide, a simple guide for them is much easier to use and won't take as much time, even all of the chao combined in all stages will take less time than machine parts , and the final "reward" for that is almost as insulting as getting all korok seeds in BOTW, at least it's only 80 compared to 900
  10. Chao don't serve a secondary...(primary) purpose.

    So the amount doesn't matter. Also the game tells you where the Chao are in the collection room, they tell you the ones you haven't gotten.
  11. TheOcelot


    Scooty Puff Jr sucks! Member
    Retailer cdjapan is listing a physical release of SXS Gens soundtrack "Perfect Reflections" with a release date of 25th December.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2024
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  12. Kilo


    Starting new projects every week Tech Member
    Changes with the weather
    The collection room does give you hints, but they're very vague, i.e Seaside Hill Act 2 saying you should search around the cannon, when there's like 30 cannons in that level. Some of their locations are even off by a decent bit like Chemical Plant 2's last Chao where the hint is that it's by the crane landing area, when you have to first go down a blue goop tube straightway and it's on the ledge with all the enemies.
  13. Jaxer


    I can't believe it, they finally brough the treasure hunting gameplay back, and with extreme faithfulness at that!
  14. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    If it were really faithful, the Chao would be in different locations every playthrough and you'd have a shitty radar that only locates one of them at a time and in order.
  15. Jonny Axehandle

    Jonny Axehandle

    The one. The only. Oldbie
    Sounds based. B)
  16. Vanishing Vision

    Vanishing Vision

    I'm loving this game, but man do I wish it had a proper scoring system that rewarded enemy combos. Shadow has some serious air mobility with the double jump, air boost and especially the Doom Wing, and there's lots of fun ways to cross between groups of enemies without touching the ground. In Kingdom Valley 1, before going into the tower where you fight the big group of enemies, you can hit the enemies outside of the tower, hit the Doom Blast guy to launch into the tower, and then hit everyone in the room all without touching the ground. It would be so much fun if the scoring prioritized actions like that.

    On the plus side, attacking enemies is at least more valuable than it was in Sonic Gens, since it charges up Chaos Control, which translates to free time bonus. Less incentive to just skip over combat, which is good.
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  17. Kilo


    Starting new projects every week Tech Member
    Changes with the weather
    So I was sent a fix for a bunch of Sonic Gens' PC issues. In particular, it helps a bunch with lag and level load times. What you need to do is in the game options, disable V-Sync. And then exit the game. Open your GPU's control panel (In my case NVIDIA control panel), select SONIC_GENERATIONS.exe, set the FPS cap to 60, and enable V-Sync via the control panel instead of in-game. I guess the in engine frame limiter doesn't work properly so that's fun.
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  18. Has anyone else noticed that Classic’s ledge balancing animations seem to be missing? I can’t get them to trigger on any ledge.
  19. muteKi


    Fuck it Member
    Was the crisis city switch mission always this broken? I really don't remember it much but some of the footage of it I saw (to clarify -- from the original release) looked like it had oddities. I swear those sideways buttons don't like being pressed.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2024
  20. Battons


    Shining Force Fan Member
    Shadow May Cry Special Edition: Shadow’s Awakening Day 0 digital deluxe pre order vault edition.