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Sonic X Shadow Generations thread, movie level out now

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by charcoal, Jan 29, 2024.

  1. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
    I hate the fact getting a Sonic Generations remaster at same time is a good AND bad thing.
  2. BenoitRen


    Tech Member
    I don't think that's a fair comparison.

    The strength of console platforms is that they're not a moving target, so if I want to play the Sonic Adventure games I can just boot them up on my Dreamcast, GameCube, Wii, or Xbox without a fuss. Yes, I'm aware that those versions aren't being sold anymore, but given that they're a pain to set up on PC, to the average user the games might as well not have a PC version anymore. At least if you kept your copies and consoles around they're still available and work fine.

    Neither situation is ideal, in the end. If we want to preserve games, we need source code.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2024
  3. Londinium


    People actually read these? Member
    It's not forgotten, it's just too perfect for a remaster

    Also, if Sega's so up for remastering old classics, WHERE'S MY SONIC ADVENTURE 1/2 REMASTERS?! :argh:
  4. bombatheechidna


    I’m going to hold back excitement on this one. I’m having flashbacks of Sonic Colors and Sonic Origins. I also hope they don’t re-release the vanilla version with a few tweaks and better visuals because that is not worth me buying when the modded version is already great itself.
  5. GoldeMan


    Call me pessimistic but after how shoddy most Sonic remasters (or ports) have been up to this point, I'm honestly not too excited about this yet. They got a lot to prove that this isn't another rushed mess like Colors Ultimate (regardless if the problems are fixed now).
  6. RikohZX


    Best scenario, it's just a straight up port of Generations to modern hardware with no major enhancements or anything besides FPS / resolution, because that's the absolute most I could trust Sega with. Worst case scenario, tacked on new content that doesn't really mean much for the game itself, and either an attempt to port to Hedgehog Engine 2 which would probably have various issues, or it's another outsourced port like Colors Ultimate was, and it becomes a disaster class ruination of a perfectly good game they still have lying around for properly updating seemingly.
  7. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    If this is true, then how did they come up with this idea? Whose voice got heard and was deemed important and worthy?
  8. MykonosFan


    MODE CHANGE. Moderator
    Generations is one of the most beloved entries in the series, putting that out again on modern platforms and making it easily accessible for the target demographic (kids who didn't exist when the game originally came out) seems rather sensible...if it's a well-made version.
  9. RikohZX


    Suspiciously the Sonic franchise is having a sale on Steam - and Generations is the only game not on sale.
  10. Jason


    *Results not lab tested. Member
    Adventure 1 and 2, Mania, Spinball, and 3D Blast are also not on sale. And Generations was on sale for $5 during the Winter sale earlier this month.
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  11. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    I'm not buying it. It's so dang cheap during sale and doesn't require a super powerful PC to play. At least bundle it with Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed or something. The two were truly the best when they came out.
  12. Mana


    International and Domestic GOAT Member
    If there's no new levels or character skins then I'm not really interested in this. We've been spoiled by so many mods in the last 13 years that paying $50 just for the vanilla experience again but prettier and running at 4k 60ps (things the PC port already can do) just doesn't seem appealing.

    If they add a decent (doesn't even have to be substantial) amount of content I'll pick this up. If not then I'm good for now.

    And if the previous generation of mods (pun not intended) aren't compatible with the new version, and I doubt they will be, well I'm excited to read Forums, Twitter, and Reddit to see the salt.
  13. jubbalub


    #1 Sonic Superstars defender Member
    The game on PC is a Jenga tower. It falls apart if you look at it the wrong way. It's not playable on PS5 without streaming, and on Xbox it's got some nasty issues.

    I don't see how it's that unbelievable that they'd want to remaster one of the most popular and successful games in the franchise for modern platforms. Super easy way to make money.
  14. PhazonHopper


    I wonder what they'll add to this. Could see some minor content based on Classic Knuckles and Amy considering they're conspicuously absent from the original. New levels are an absolute pipe dream, lol, but I think everyone knows that.

    It'd be funny if they just added in Metal Sonic races again and called it a day. I remember everyone getting excited thinking they might have added Tails as a character in Colors, but that turned out to be the biggest wet fart ever. So I'd expect something in the "wet fart" category as far as new content.
  15. Naean


    Naean H.F. (Nez Man) Member
    United Kingdom
    2D. Sonic Fan Game
    Hoping for the best, bracing for the worst. My expectations are tainted due to the way Sonic Origins and Sonic Colours Ultimate were fumbled.

    I'll be pleasantly surprised if it's polished and well optimised out of the gate, doubly so if they package in the 3DS levels and bosses as well. (I really think SEGA should do this, they deserve to be preserved with a better graphical and frame rate presentation.)
  16. Snowbound


    A state of play has been announced, so this looks more legit:
    This sums up my personal feelings. As someone who currently has modded gens set up on my laptop it would take a lot of additional content for me to consider buying this. That said I think it makes business sense to put gens out on modern consoles (especially the switch).

    The initial tweet implies that extra shadow content has been added to the game. I’m very curious to see how that turns out. I’d be down for extra third acts for shadow. Give him more sprawling levels, chaos combat attacks and the frontiers spindash.
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  17. PhazonHopper


    Can anyone recommend a good modlist for Gens? I downloaded it a thousand years ago to play with the Metal Sonic mod and never touched it for more than a few minutes.
  18. Mana


    International and Domestic GOAT Member
    The game can run at playable frame rates on any PC with integrated Intel graphics as long as you have a chip older than 2014. And its cheap. It's already easily accessible.

    I don't really get the point of this rerelease but I'd love to be proven wrong on the 31st.
  19. Snub-n0zeMunkey


    yo what up Member
    It would be pretty cool if they made some tweaks to classic sonic's physics in light of Superstars' more robust physics. Probably won't happen at all but I can dream :P

    EDIT: one thing I just remembered is that Generations had this really obscure secret room where you could input a code to get statues. As far as I'm aware the only way to get the codes was to dig through the game's files. Maybe the remaster could make these unlockable items that you can actually get in-game?
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2024
  20. MootPoint


    Clockwork Aquario's Strongest Soldier Member
    If it's a remaster, I'm wondering what the new content would be since Sega seems to like to throw in extra things for these kinds of re-releases. Generations is pretty packed as is and lacks any universal mechanics. At least with Sonic Colors Ultimate, they can easily toss in a new Wisp as a selling point since Wisps are the main gimmick of the game.

    It makes sense to sell Generations again since that game did sold super well and is well regarded, general public-wise. I find the timing kind of weird because Frontiers reuses Generations' assets and level designs for the cyberspace levels, and we got a new Classic Sonic game that nailed the physics. It'd be kinda jarring to go back to Generations' controls unless they fixed that up.