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Sonic X Shadow Generations thread, movie level out now

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by charcoal, Jan 29, 2024.

  1. Jaxer


    I meant that the poster looks fake as hell
  2. The Joebro64

    The Joebro64

    I regret to inform you that you've been jebaited

    (don't worry it got me on the first time too. Burger King Brazil is doing a happy meal type thing though)
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  3. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    You guys shouldn't be sleeping on the real promotions anyway.
  4. Chimpo


    Artificial Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    I expected Shadow's to be ribbed.
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  5. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    The differences are so miniscule that, as has been shown, I wouldn't be able to tell if you hadn't pointed out what I've been looking for, and I'm still not entirely sure they exist. Maybe it's a new master or mix of the original arrangment, but I still don't think it's final, and that what does end up in the final game will be markedly different from the original. It just doesn't compute to come out with a fourth version of Supporting Me, obviously different from the prior three, one of which was made for a version of Sonic Generations and was used as a placeholder in promotional material for this game, only to then put a version of What I'm Made Of into the game that sounds barely different from the original, if at all. It's just not the MO for how music arrangement is handled in this series.

    I think this is a product of level design mentality. Sonic Generations has, comparatively, much wider levels than this game, both in the micro and macro sense - individual paths are wider, but levels are also a lot more laterally dense (a really good example of this being Seaside Hill). Meanwhile, Shadow Generations is a lot narrower, with straighter paths and less space between those paths. It's telling that you think the surfing sections are the only appealing part of the new gameplay, they're by far the most open areas seen in the footage. I think part of the rationale behind this approach is economy of resources (it takes less to keep these paths close together rather than adding in the geometry needed to space them out), but also because Shadow Generations is a slower game and doesn't need as wide pathways, especially with the radically more responsive turning controls on display here.

    And I think it's fair to not like that. I think I've been feeling a kind of emptiness to the levels along the same lines that I wasn't really able to articulate before now. With that said, this still looks to be the best level design since Sonic Generations and speaks more to that game than Lost World, Forces or Frontiers have. It's far from perfect, but it's the best we've had in a bit and I think that's why (anecdotally) a lot of us, myself included, are willing to take that. It's also worth noting that a lot of the original staff from Generations just aren't at SEGA anymore (with several moving over to Nintendo). That retention is an issue in itself, but I think it's at least understandable (albeit no less regrettable) that we haven't seen linear progression since Generations. However, I still believe we're entering a new era for Sonic, and if this does as well as Frontiers has, then hopefully that'll indicate consistent performance to SEGA that keeps attracting resources and talent for the long haul.

    Or maybe I'm just a hopeless optimist. I don't know, but what's the point in being here if I don't believe in a future where the series has improved upon what it is now?
  6. Londinium


    People actually read these? Member
    We joke, but we live in the same world where Sonic had a promotional deal with Hooters and Hooters girls were posing with a costumed Sonic.
  7. Jaxer


    Don't forget those Game Gear ads in that one British magazine which joked about Sonic having a huge cock
  8. Vertette


    That's clearly fake. What Sonic fan would have a need for condoms?
  9. Bluebobo


    Weird take central Member
    Dreamworks made Shrek and revolutionized animation industry and the first movie is in National Film Registry.
    It did not stop us from making Shrek Ketchup.
    It's another dumb stunt of marketing.
    Edit: oh nevermind, lol, didn't see the later post of yours, and yes i fell for it.
  10. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    I'd love a new version of What I'm Made Of, but as things are for now, they've only re-recorded some instruments. We got a new remix of It Doesn't Matter for the Passion & Pride compilation album. This seems to be different.
  11. It's fake.
  12. Only for viewing

    Only for viewing

    aka Superstarxalien Member
    i think they should zoom in the camera so it feels like you're going faster. which is what og generations does i think
  13. Mana


    International and Domestic GOAT Member
    Know for sure you've never stayed at the furry conventions after hours now...
  14. Chimpo


    Artificial Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    I may have been bamboozled, but my wallet wasn't thanks to The King of Wrap combo for $9.49. Featuring a Royal Crisp Wrap, a Value sized Fries and Drink, and your choice of a Whopper Jr., Original Chicken Sandwich, or 8 PC Chicken Fries. Available exclusively through their online ordering or mobile app. With Burger King, You Rule
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  15. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    I can't wait for the sonic x shadow bad dragon dildo shaped to be like one of shadow's doom morph tentacles
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  16. Snub-n0zeMunkey


    yo what up Member
    I really think the boost gameplay as we traditionally know it has reached the end of its tether. It's hard to innovate in a gameplay style which, from its inception, prioritized rigidity over player driven freedom as part of its design. The boost games are designed to turn Sonic into a speeding bullet barrelling down a linear path. The levels have to be larger which in turn creates a feeling of sparseness between each set piece and a more noticeable binary between 'going fast' and 'not-going-fast'.

    The biggest innovation they made to the boost gameplay was the Wisps, which were mostly situational and felt like an impermanent part of the moveset and the Doom/Chaos powers look like they function the same way. Compare that with the character upgrades from SA2 which become a permanent part of your moveset and completely change the way you interact with the levels after you get them.

    I think Shadow Generations looks fun for what it is. Every game has rules, the Adventure games definitely aren't perfect in this aspect, but the boost games really want you to play by their rules.
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  17. qwertysonic


    creating the biggest sonic collection
    Well I broke down and pre-ordered the collector's edition. The only other game I've ever pre-ordered was Mania.
  18. Chimpo


    Artificial Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    I personally don't think we've scratched the surface of what's possible with the formula. There's far more that can be done with it, but really pushing those boundaries would cause the needle to move towards niche territory. Any advancement would cater more to the hardcore mechanical gamer instead of the desired child target audience. I think Advance 2 is the best 2D Sonic game thanks to how rewarding it is to play once you learn all the tehnical grit and level layouts. That game is phenomenal, but I know a lot of people don't vibe with it its speed focus design.

    When I think of how much further a boost game could go, I can only point to something like the intensity of F-Zero GX mixed in with some Rollcage. Ditch the segments where the game asks you to slow down and jump on boxes and really lean in to solid track design and make a moveset that accomodates that gameplay. Basically, I'm asking for the games to stop pretending to be a racer and just embrace the racer DNA, but take advantage of the fact that you're Sonic the Hedgehog. At this point though, I'd argue that Boost should just be revisited in a spin-off capacity and not a mainline title. A spin-off would be far easier for people to write off and just let the developers go buck wild.

    Where else do I go?
  19. synchronizer


    Strange considering the Hedgehog Engine was meant to make things look not-flat.
  20. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    Everything is flat and huge though, literally speaking. I'm making this remark in regards to the level design and presentation of the world that Shadow is part of. Surfaces are all very, very flat, and scaled up considerably in relation to Shadow himself. This says nothing of the graphics, but it does make the game look visually off. It's unnatural and incongruous, to the point where Shadow looking like he shouldn't be there at all.

    There's also something about the rim lighting they've chosen to go with on Shadow (and other actors, including springs, rings, enemies etc) . Shadow's constantly got this white glow illuminating him, which kind of takes him out of the environment. Instead of reflecting all the crazy metal colours and neon lights surrounding the Ark for example, he's just brightly lit instead. Forces had a similar issue, especially noticeable in the comparable Death Egg levels. It's a strange artistic choice.

    The graphics on display in ShGens are nice enough in a vacuum. In particular they've got some great cinematic animations going on. In-game though, everything comes together to make some unfavourable visuals.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2024