So umm, this was posted on twitter today: loving the JP boxart theme.
Yeah but then again Sonic X doesn't really have a visual style to call its own. Btw, Brady is releasing pics from the style guide I've never seen these renders before.
Its what happens when you're talking to someone with a similar name lol. fixed. Any chance we can see the style guide released for Retro's wiki?
Wonder why Mendinso and Kushami have stopped giving us updates? Anyways, Discotek posted this on their facebook: So, they say that a JP release will be considered if enough sales are acquired through the dub release, but how much of a set up for success or failure are we in for? is it going to be released in all countries? how much time do we have before the window is closed on consideration of a JP/subs release? how much sales need to be acquired before the consideration is met? I'll still support the dub release but I'd just like to know if we actually do have a legitimate shot of getting a subs release.
I like that box art but yea it seems so out of place haha. But like you said Lanzer Sonic X doesn't really have a visual style of it's own outside of simplified Adventure artwork so yea why not. I mean it's better than this hot garbage:
Maybe it's because the Adventure games are how I was introduced to Sonic, but I've always really liked the art style of Sonic X. I'd imagine that the concept of making Sonic look "anime-esque" is probably way easier said than done, but I think the end result is really unique. I've always disliked the show and love Sonic F for making it bearable, but at least the art style is always nice no matter what you're watching.
You're slacking, Retro. This is coming soon: More details here: Features include: -All new encode from original masters. -English captions for the hearing impaired. -Sing Along versions of the English Opening and Ending "Gotta Go Fast" -English Pilot Animation -Animated Storyboard Sequence Release date 5/28/2019. Still trying to make a Japanese collection happen. Cross your fingers.
Possibly part of the reason is just how bleh Sonic X was once it was translated into English.... I promise I'll be much more enthusiastic if the Japanese collection ever happens.
Pretty much this. If there was an appropriate time to use the [Donald Duck wakes up then goes back to sleep] image, it would be whenever there's a Sonic X re-release that's still just the 4Kids version. Trying to avoid going full weeaboo here, as it's less about the language, and more just keeping the original music, script and edits. Even the Sonic OVA is still entertaining in English, and retains the feel of the JP version. Imagine a 4Kids edit of the OVA. IMAGINE IT. (I take it all back, I kind of want this now)
I disagree with that as a whole. I think even in Japanese, Sonic X isn't a good anime. Sure, I like the background music, and the voices, but that's not enough for me to get invested. It's still not very fun to watch. Like, I get that 4Kids is bad. That much goes without saying. But pushing this narrative that Sonic X was some anime that was a gift from God that they ruined is really just going too far.
Gift from god? No. Perfectly servicable? Yes. I enjoyed Sonic X when it first came out and watched the entire run up to episode 52 (for some reason raws became difficult to find for a while after season 3 started so I never really watched the last few - should get around to that now subs are easy to get). On the other hand I nope'd out after like episode 3 of it subbed. It's just that awful. This isn't even weebing either, 4Kids did a much better job with Pokemon.
is this Bluray only? I'm still missing sections of this Series. (everything between the New World and Eggmoon Sagas)
Nintendo had a much tighter leash on 4Kids when it came to Pokemon. After that I think other companies just took it for granted that 4Kids knew what they were doing. Dinosaur King (another 4Kids/Sega collab) fared a lot better.
No. This is Discotek's SD on BD release. So it's all the episodes on 2 blu-ray discs in standard definition. The DVDs are here. As stated in the thread though, these DVDs are dubbed only.
Both the new SDBD and thosee DVDs are dub only. The quality of the new Blu-ray is leaps and bounds better than the old DVD, though. If you have a Bluray player I wouldn't even think about picking up the DVD TBH. Part of this is doing an archival quality version of the english version of Sonic X, since the new encode is very close to the original masters whereas all the old DVDs have a lot of blocking and artifacts.
Did they? I tried rewatching the first season of Pokemon on Netflix a couple of years back, and I could not put up with it for more than a few episodes before dropping it. Also not even weebing, because I've never seen it subbed.
I have no problem with Dub only, but I think it may finaly be time for me to get a blueray player. (Looks at PS3) Also those DVDs likely don't include the pilot epsiode, do they? I've never been one to take part in the Dub VS. Sub war. All I care about is, can I understand what's going on?