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Sonic Uno

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Super, Aug 21, 2006.

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  1. StephenUK


    Liquor in the front, poker in the rear Tech Member
    Manchester, UK
    Quackshot Disassembly
    I'llk help but juist makew sure you catcvh me whenm I'm sobert,; unlikje now.
  2. Super


    The ever vigilant GSWAS. Member
    It's not dead, I got a monitor, I'm going to be working on it a lot for awhile now that I can again. Although that computer has no internet access because the internet provider screwed us over and didn't give us the installation CD. We're probably going to check into that tomorrow.

    It may be in the contest, I'm not sure, but I want to PM it in, sorry guys, but maybe I'll consider publicly releasing the demo.
  3. Super


    The ever vigilant GSWAS. Member
    Real quick update - I just need some opinions on what to do with this window. Any suggestions for the top?

  4. Hayate


    Tech Member
    Well, you don't get a single wall like that - the window should have some kind of "inside" background behind it.

    Also, you need to sort out that double row of bricks - it just doesn't look right. Add some more variations on the cracks too.

    I like this art quite a lot though, keep up the good work; just don't make it too bland ;)
  5. Super


    The ever vigilant GSWAS. Member
    Haa... Those bricks are mainly place holders at the moment, I forgot to mention that. I tossed them on there to get a feel of where the windows are going. But I need opinions on the outside rim of the window - leave the rest to me.
  6. Hayate


    Tech Member
    Looks like it should be about twice as wide as it currently is, and space them out a bit more.
  7. Super


    The ever vigilant GSWAS. Member
    Yeah, So, I've basically ran out of imagination for the Art. I finally got around to going back to Spring Yard Zone after fixing up bugs and replacing some art from the previous levels, as well as replacing some objects so you can actually take damage from lava, and not just stand there like a moron. Moving on...

    So, that last image of SonED2 is pretty close to what I have now, except I extended the window size and spaced them out, as suggested. While they look better, they are only One part of an entire level, and quite frankly, I don't have the imagination left to work on more art or this variety.

    I've figured that my lack of progress is connected to the lack of interest, and I can't blame you guys - it's nothing you haven't seen before. No Over world maps, no special techniques(yet), nothing to get you guys excited over it.

    That being said, I think It's about time to release a REAL beta(Not the crap excuse I sent out awhile ago, riddled with bugs and crappy object placement). I'm much more proud of what I have now, and there is little editing to go through before it is able enough to be released as a beta(Up to SYZ Act 1).

    Short version of what I've just said: Expect a beta before the Summer is out.
  8. Shadow Fire

    Shadow Fire

    Ultimate victory! Member
    The Land of Darkness
    Sonic: The Lost Land (Series), The GCN (site)
    Just thought I'd post to supply an update, because I was too lazy to when this was done.

    Sonic Uno sub-page is now up. Click here to view.

    Unfortunately, there are no available screenshots, nor is there a download. However, hopefully, in the not too distant future, we'll have both. =P
  9. Super


    The ever vigilant GSWAS. Member
    I want it to be known that my new monitor - although a life saver because of the fact I can now use my computer - is unable to run Gens Properly. I have not a clue why this happens, but the Computer can Run Gens perfectly on the old monitor, but now, the only way for me to test the hack is by going full screen. That being said, no matter what I do, the screenshots are always extremely screwed up. I do not know how to fix this, so I can't give out screenshots.

    But, I decided to loosen my belt a bit and send the hack over to one of my Beta Testers(I normally only send them it when it nears release, so I guess it's near enough to be considered that. Shadow fire should be able to show off a couple of Screenshots for Uno very soon, and I may update with a few announcements on Uno as well.
  10. Shadow Fire

    Shadow Fire

    Ultimate victory! Member
    The Land of Darkness
    Sonic: The Lost Land (Series), The GCN (site)
    UPDATE: Screenshots for all levels (except Labyrinth) are up. The reason Labyrinth has no current screenshot is because the level is being worked on, and therefore, has no actual tiles at the beginning. Hence, death.
  11. SMTP


    Tech Member
    Use Kega for the time being...
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