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Sonic Unleashed

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Adamis, Mar 12, 2008.

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  1. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    I never had any problems with that, personally, but a few medals that were left out in the middle of a wide-open running strip were annoying, 'cause it's like they expect us to accurately hit them while boosting or something.

    I can't say I have more fun with the Werehog. Matter of fact, it struck me as supremely average in pretty much every respect. With all the medal-hunting and story out of the way, I'm glad to return to day stages and blaze through them at my leisure, but I rarely touch the Werehog stages.
  2. Chaos Rush

    Chaos Rush

    I got the Wii version about 2 weeks ago (I don't have a PS3 or a 360). I like the day-time levels, but I absolutely hate the night time levels. Why the hell are the day time stages only 2 minutes long on average, while the night time stages drag on for 9 minutes? And I hate how I have to do 4 acts of night stages sometimes, and I'm only forced to do 2 acts of day time stages. I would absolutely LOVE Unleashed if it was composed entirely of daytime stages.

    After reading about the differences between the PS2/Wii and the PS3/360 versions, I wish they didn't even bother with a PS2 version. I feel that because of the PS2, the Wii version sucks, it lacks Adventure fields, and Empire City, and most of Mazuri. I mean, look at Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing. All three versions are identical, heck, even the Wii version has similar graphics to the PS3/360 versions. Why couldn't they do this with Unleashed? I'm tired of Wii games sucking because of the PS2.
  3. Polygon Jim

    Polygon Jim

    Eternal Tech Member
    across town from Hinchy
    All the bitches.

    Because DIMPs made it and they suck ass at everything. It has nothing to do with the PS2. The PS2 version is actually worse graphically to the Wii version.
  4. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    Wii and PS2 both use the same disc format, don't they? I fail to see how the PS2 could drag the game's content down. Graphics and technical stuff, maybe, but...

    Actually, DIMPs only designed the daytime stages, didn't they?

    Oh, and no, they don't. If you don't like 'em, fine, but give them at least some credit.
  5. Super


    The ever vigilant GSWAS. Member
    Well, I just got all the Sun/Moon medals. Now those Joyful Hotdog missions remain. Oh happy day. I'd like to think I shouldn't of put this down for a year, but the way I'm playing right now gives me so much more joy than just boost boost boost. Just a relaxing run with moderating boosting for enemies or barriers or the occasional red ramp.
  6. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    Well, that was your prerogative during the regular levels, wasn't it? I wouldn't advise it during Time Attack, though. Those Level 3 missions can be a pain in the ass.

    Don't even get me started on Eggmanland...

  7. Fucking Eggmanland.........that is the hardest 3D Sonic level ever designed....if not, THE hardest devised Sonic level of all time.
    Sonic Team really managed to pull that level off well inspite of this though.
    There are literally Tons of branched routes to be taking in the PS3/360 version at least (Sonic Team made the 360/PS3 version alone, DIMPS only helped with the Wii/PS2 version).

    From what I've heard though, Eggmanland on Wii/PS2 was pretty linear though....

    I think the new Sonic Team are competant enough with making games....I don't know why they think they need Dimps' help....insecurities perhaps?
  8. Uncle Otis

    Uncle Otis

    Uses too many goddamn commas Member
    Well, Dimps has the most experience in making 2D Sonic games today, even if their work isn't as good as the original Sonic Team / SEGA Technical Institute. For their obligatory 2D releases, I would think that SEGA is rather dependent upon Dimps.

    I think SEGA could actually hire help away from Dimps to make a competent 2D in-house studio, but it would take a couple of games to hone consistent quality. Even then it may just be more worthwhile to farm out their 2D games. Let Sonic Team focus on overall direction and their major 3D game releases, ya know?

    Wii Eggmanland was indeed linear, but it was still a rather enjoyable level with a lot of thrills and twitch gimmicks. Same with all of the daytime stages, to an extent. Dimps's work in Unleashed wasn't half bad, I say.
  9. Chaos Rush

    Chaos Rush

    I'm just wondering, in the Wii/PS2 version, was the exclusion of Adventure fields, Empire City, and most of Mazuri due to the disc storage, or because of laziness?
  10. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    Laziness, its not as if they were massive or anything. Zelda TP and probably a bunch of other games have tons more content and landmass than the entirety of Sonic Unleashed, the Wii isn't that incapable.
  11. diplomacydog


    What did I just read? Member
    South Carolina
    No :(
    Eggmanland actually deserved its name. I was very surprised at how it matched Eggy's personality.
  12. Hey guys, Sonic Unleashed made Platinum Hits!


    Sorry for crappy quality it was my phone...
  13. VB.NET


    United States
    Learning C++
    It definitely deserves that status. =D
  14. Jayextee


    Unpopular Opinions™ Member
    Atro City
    It was the only day stage that was. Despite their shortness and almost-emptiness, the Wii/PS2 versions offered branching paths that remained separate for longer than the PS3/360 versions, which branched for a few seconds and quickly returned to the main route in many of the earlier stages (although Skyscraper Scamper and Eggmanland differ a lot here).
  15. Runner


    Long time no see, old friend. Member
    Wow only 15$ Damn, I hate to be a Brazilian. I paid the equivalent to 70 Dollars.
  16. Enzio


    I should go back to Unleashed and try playing through it without using the boost when possible. It sounds like a fun way to play, trying to explore some of the areas. I never had any real desire to totally complete the game, all Sun and Moon Medals and whatnot, but doing a little bit of exploring might help me appreciate some of Day Stages a little more. I have nothing against the homing attack though... I like all the aerial acrobatics and such. The boost I can do without, though.
  17. Hey guys, check this out:


    This is Eggman's Dreamcast...notice it has two games with it!

    - Robotnik's Adventure
    - Nights

    Verrrry Interesting...
  18. I can't really tell on that Eggman's Adventure thing - is it just he SA1 character select with the Sonic Adventure title and Eggman's art placed on top?
  19. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    I found that I had the most fun with the game after I beat it, when I played the levels looking for all their secrets. I really enjoying searching and finding all the medals, books, tapes, records, etc. The level design doesn't exactly call for it but it was pretty fun, honestly, and very rewarding.
  20. Abiondarg


    Eggman Adventure? That's fucking awesome. What a neat little detail.

    I'm surprised I hadn't heard about that until now.
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