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Sonic Unleashed werehog levels are shattered

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Rolken, Jan 8, 2009.

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  1. Rolken


    Tech Member
    DsS from TSC has found a glitch that allows you to walk through any sufficiently thin wall and fall though any floor (nothing new there lolol), and another glitch that allows you to use the uppercut as a superjump to grab poles and such things. His summary from YouTube:

    Shamar night in 79 seconds.

    There's all kinds of ordinarily inaccessible areas that can be romped around, but the most notable is in Adabat: you can reach the area past the goal ring that's normally barred off by a solid gate, and within lies an unused device that changes the water level and a tree that can be knocked down to walk across. If you can manage the wallwalking glitch, you can get to it by going through the barred door on the right side of the Adabat ghost mission, after which the ordinary goal ring area isn't barred. He's putting up a video, but apparently having some problems with his DVD recorder <_<

    edit: not directly related to the above glitches, but another hidden area in Shamar, from Paraxade of TSC 8)

    edit2: DsS has put the video up for the Adabat hidden area. It's primarily a round chamber with platforms that rise with the water level as you reach each new platform and turn the switch, similar to Lost Temple or various Zelda puzzles, with the level's actual original goal ring chamber at the end - since he's actually in the ghost mission, activating the ring results in a failure message. The reason they cut it is pretty obvious once you watch it: while the platforms and the kill plane rise, the actual water graphics don't. My guess would be that it got left on the cutting room floor when time was short. It's a shame, as the concept is much more interesting than the rest of the level and the ring chamber is quite a bit more impressive than how they ended up leaving it in front of a barred door. Given that the engine capabilities for handling the area don't appear to have been implemented, I'd say that's fairly solid evidence against these hidden areas simply being reserved for DLC.
  2. NintendoBrad


    That's pretty cool. I actually feel like going back to some of the night stages to see how fast I can beat them using these glitches.
  3. Oh wow, that is weird. I wonder what other crazy things sega has left in store for people to find.
  4. Tom41


    Pheer the baby EggRobo! Oldbie
    Is it possible to do this on the Wii version? Or is it only on 360/PS3?

    I would have thought that the 360/PS3 versions were basically the Wii version with improved graphics and HD, but from watching a few Youtube vids it seems that the Wii levels are completely different.
  5. Totally different levels, engines and some mechanics probably differ.
  6. Rolken


    Tech Member
    Bumping to point out new stuff edited into the OP
  7. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    Nearly all the mechanics differ. For example, in the wiis2 version, you have a button for right punch and left punch separetly. And you don't really have combos. It's just "press left punch three times" or "right punch three times"

    by contrast, the PS360 version has 2 punching buttons - strong and weak. And lots of combos, like "weak, weak, strong, weak, weak, strong, strong, strong."

    The two games are 100% different. The best way to describe them is Genesis Sonic 1 vs SMS/GG Sonic 1.
  8. Polygon Jim

    Polygon Jim

    Eternal Tech Member
    across town from Hinchy
    All the bitches.
    That area in Shamar, is in the first video of it. Weird that they would take it out, in the videos it looks complete.
  9. Afti


    Interesting trivia: you CAN get to the unused Adabat area in the normal version of the level, but it's hard as hell, and there are no objects whatsoever.

    So the version in the ghost mission is most likely as far as it got.

    I'll wiki this when I finish looking at a suspicious area in Apotos. After the Goal Ring, a pathway is visible...

    EDIT: Wall's too thick.
  10. GeneHF


    SEGA-ier than you'll potentially ever be. Site Staff
    Scenic Studiopolis
    Complete Global Conquest
    Bit of a shame all this stuff is seemingly more and more cut out than ever. Good to see even this game was rushed out before being fully finished.
  11. DimensionWarped


    Erinaceous! Oldbie
    It should have been obvious at the mention of a Christmas release.
  12. Rolken


    Tech Member
    It should have been obvious at the mention of a Sonic release.
  13. Super


    The ever vigilant GSWAS. Member
    I don't think it's so much rushed so much as DLC already implemented, such as with the case of Megaman 9 and other Capcom games. Either way, I'm going to go have fun with this mission soon - should be fun to go around and search for places to go.
  14. BlazeHedgehog


    A "Community Enigma"? Oldbie
    Most games are, though. Even games that are given as long as they need end up with tons of cut content - think of all the delays Half-Life 2 suffered, for instance, and you can dip in to the game's data files and find references to cut weapons, cut enemies, cut textures... You could write a book on the stuff cut from HL2. (Oh wait, they already did)

    Deadlines are, unfortunately, deadlines. If it wasn't Christmas, it would've been some other date, and there are very few games that ship with everything the developers originally planned or even originally implemented. Another good example: tucked away in Donkey Kong Country 1 are a couple of music tracks from DKC2, and I even heard years ago that there are even lost sprites in there from a secret bonus room Rare was planning (a remake of the original Donkey Kong Arcade game, redone in pre-rendered DKC sprites).

    Don't think of it as "rushed", think of it as "having too many ideas for the time alloted by the publisher". Compared to most 3D Sonic games, Sonic Unleashed doesn't actually feel that rushed to me.
  15. Diablohead


    Indie dev Oldbie
    Near London
    Shamar is the most annoying level for me, I will abuse this glitch to no end to beat that level again XD
  16. GeneHF


    SEGA-ier than you'll potentially ever be. Site Staff
    Scenic Studiopolis
    Complete Global Conquest
    I could still argue making these unused areas mini missions, or offering "extended" versions of the levels, like the Wii/PS2 version has for a few missions through DLC. Adabat's may be tougher to pull off, but I don't see by any means how Shamar couldn't be done.
  17. BlazeHedgehog


    A "Community Enigma"? Oldbie
    Could've been a simple matter of optimization, though. Rather than have an alternate path in Shamar or the room with the rising water in Abadat, they simply deleted the stuff that was supposed to be in there/causing the slowdown. The rising water in Abadat would be a simple enough addition, after all. Just a big square block with a water texture on it set at the water's height.

    Rendering these levels was expensive and time consuming. 100 networked PCs grinding away for three days on each level. Its possible they did not feel these pieces of level were up to snuff, and rather than having a mapper remove the specific rooms, they were simply walled off and ignored in-engine so they wouldn't have to recalcuate light maps.
  18. NomadTW


    I ain't gotta impress you fucks. Member
    Huh, I had no idea about this. Neat. I'll have to look into it some more..

    Also yeah, I kinda figured someone would do this eventually. Fucking raped that level. Jesus. A godsend for those who don't like the 'overly-long' Werehog levels, no doubt. Myself, I haven't been able to get my hands on the game yet, so I can't really say. Me and mah poor ass. :c

    But the extra areas/rooms are verrrry interesting. Makes you wonder what else might be hiding in this game.
  19. Diablohead


    Indie dev Oldbie
    Near London
    My lv30 combat werehog does not have these moves yet, a shame but I'll get there after a little while longer.
  20. Shadix


    It's also possible some of the content was cut out due to the fact that the werehog levels already dragged on wayyy too long and the developers were trying to aide with the pacing.
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