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Sonic Triple Trouble 16-Bit

Discussion in 'Fangaming Discussion' started by Noah Copeland, Nov 13, 2019.

  1. Josh Cristan

    Josh Cristan

    Noah, you hot. sexy. BITCH!! Thanks to you and your team for putting out a mac version. I know we're often looked down upon and disregarded for not having proper computers and all that, but thank you for giving us a thought!

    Dying to give it a spin.


    Played it many many times, and there's nothing to say really except that this is the best Sonic fangame ever made. Works effortlessly with the classic Sonic muscle memory that's been hard coded into my dna from years of playing. Bravo!
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2023
  2. Iko MattOrr

    Iko MattOrr

    I think I already praised it at Sonic Stadium, but I'll do it again here: I love this fangame and I can't stop replaying it.
    A few days ago I redownloaded it, the latest version, and I had a lot of fun replaying it from the start again.
    The main story is great and I like all the level transitions, the cutscenes and in-game events like + - the train   etc. but I think that the competition mode is also very good! Except the teleporters in the race mode*, I hate those, but they can be disabled at least. Playing the competition mode casually is an enjoyable time killer.
    + - Fang/Nack is kinda overpowered, but he's a lot of fun to play as.  

    Some feedback:

    -This never happend in the older versions, so I'm not sure if it's an issue with the latest or if it was always there but has a very low chance of happening. At the beginning of Sunset Park Act 1, the first enemy on a minecart you meet... the last time that I played the story mode as Sonic & Tails, it spawned in the air and was flying horizontally. It never happend again, just once, and I didn't take a screenshot unfortunatelly.

    -Sometimes, when you try to fit in the gap of a crushing hazard, it can kill you even if the crushing object is moving away and the gap is growing larger. It sometimes happend in the original classics (and advance games too), not specifically a problem of this game, though it tends to happen quite often in + - Atomic Destroyer Act 2, in the "2" route   .

    -Not really an issue, but it would be nice if after collecting all the emeralds, there was something else to do. + - The final emerald is locked behind the final boss, so you get it at the end of the game   . + - Getting all of them unlocks Super Sonic, but all the times I unlocked it when I already finished the game   and there was no point to use it anymore (beside replaying random levels, but I would rather start a new save). I would also like if there was another way to access the special stages without starting a new save as Sonic & Tails.

    -*Regarding the teleporters, I think they should join the pool of the random items only if the gap between players is under a certain amount... it doesn't get much annoying if you can still recover. Else, it should only teleport the opponent that's behind, to near the player in 1st place, without affecting the leader.

    There are a few other things about level design and graphics that can be improved, but they're nitpicks, the game is really good regardless.
    Congratulations for making this awesome fangame!

    I also downloaded the Android version but didn't play it yet... I will in the next few days.
  3. Blue Spikeball

    Blue Spikeball

    I second that being able to use Super Sonic before clearing the story would be much more preferable. I know the last emerald is locked due to story reasons, as it was held by Eggman in the original GG game, and that carried over here. But the original game didn't have Super Sonic, so it wasn't a big deal there.

    I dunno, maybe it would be possible to add a cutscene with Fang stealing Eggy's emerald? Then there would be a 7th special stage where the player fights Fang for said emerald.

    That aside, the implementation of rumble feels kind of incomplete to me. The gamepad vibrates when you use a spring or destroy a badnik, but not when you get hit or use the Drop Dash?
  4. REPO Man

    REPO Man

    I recently beat the game's Android port on my Retroid Pocket 3+ and loved it.
  5. Garth


    Thoroughly enjoyed this game. Probably my favourite sonic related experience since mania.

    You have great talent Mr Copeland, I see big things for you in the future mate.
  6. Noah you madman, adding a new option for 32-bit Android phones!! My old Galaxy S4 on Android 5 can run it, not full speed of course but it RUNS!! Fantastic job!
  7. Naean


    Naean H.F. (Nez Man) Member
    United Kingdom
    2D. Sonic Fan Game
  8. I don't know why, but this update doesn't work on my Steam Deck. I get the following error window:

    ERROR in
    action number 1
    of Async Event:HTTP
    for object objUpdateChecker:

    JSON parse error
    gml_Object_objUpdateChecker_Other_62(line 7)

    I was using version 1.0.2 before, and it would run on my Deck perfectly. I know that since the Deck uses Linux and Proton for compatibility, it's adding another layer of complexity that you probably don't want to deal with, but since the older version ran perfectly, I don't suppose you have any clue why the new version doesn't work? Worst-case scenario, I can copy the older version from my desktop (I was stupid and overwrote the older version on my deck, hoping to update it that way. And yes, I did try a clean install in a new folder and setting everything up manually, and got the same error). It would just be nice to have the newer features added in.
  9. Noah Copeland

    Noah Copeland

    Darn. I will look into this! Just give me some time.
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  10. Quick question, because one can never be sure with the Steam Deck: are you playing on SteamOS or on a different OS?
  11. Blue Spikeball

    Blue Spikeball

  12. SteamOS. It works well for about 95% of the games I have, so I don't see the need to tinker with it and create a whole new partition for a second operating system. Though I did boot Kali Linux from a MicroSD card a while back for a cybersecurity class. Worked so well, it kind of scared me a bit. Especially since a quick reboot swaps it back to the main drive and hides all of the hacking tools. You could carry that thing into a bank or something and nobody would be able to know.
  13. Noah Copeland

    Noah Copeland

    This error should be fixed in all versions!
    Now to fix an issue with Angel Island crashing...
    oh well. no launch/update is every smooth is it?
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  14. To be completely fair, it does work on my PC. If I run the 64-bit Windows version on my 64-bit Windows computer, it does work. Your game does exactly what it's supposed to on the operating systems you officially support.

    My issue is trying to coax the game into running on SteamOS, which is why I was hesitant to bring up the issue. I only asked because the older version did work, the new version did not, the error states it's the updater that does it, so I was hoping there was a easy way to revert the updater or whatever change was made back to how it worked in the older version so that everything would work. I just love having a portable version of the game.

    If it's a difficult fix or something, don't worry about it. Like I said, every part of the game works when used the way it's supposed to.
  15. Noah Copeland

    Noah Copeland

    ...uh....look at the post above yours.
    the update check is gone. it's fixed. you just need to redownload.
  16. Completely misunderstood. I thought you were saying that you thought the error was already fixed when you released it. Regardless, thank you very much for going out of your way to fix an issue for an OS you don't even officially support.
  17. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
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  18. penBorefield


    Badniks, attack! Member
    Conquering the world
    Bumping the thread: Now I have an issue playing as Knuckles.

    Reason: After Knuckles jumped into the Master Emerald, the game just exit itself.
  19. Tiberious


    Yeah, I'm furry. Got a problem? Oldbie
    This would be an awesome thing to play on consoles with the power to run it as well...