To cancel a signpost, hold the opposite direction that you are running, and you'll skid after spinning around the time post rather than warping.
No, style isn't the issue at all. I wouldn't mind if the art was just in a different style but this depiction has some bizarre anatomical inconsistencies and looks sloppy overall. To name them: - Big caveman brow ridges over the eyes: arguably a style issue but it seems unintentional and it definitely leads to other problems like ear placement and forming a weird profile. - His left ear is coming directly out of his brow. - His right ear is tilted toward to the background and doesn't seem to be attached to his head. - His hand shows no attachment or spatial relation to his arm. Overall, the figure is asymmetrical and has features that are contrary to anatomical common sense. It ends up looking more like one of these poorly made plushies than an attempt at an original style.
I've been half-following this project for x number of years now and I have to agree... Sonic's sprite is a bit poor, as he is on the title screen. The whole idea with dithering and the very reason it exists was to give the impression of more colours. Big blurry CRT television sets and monitors weren't too great with pixels and so dithering appeared to create a new colour. And when you could only stick 64 colours on screen at once, it was a big help. But these days most people have 16 million colours to choose from, and less and less people use CRT monitors. Last year when I played this at SAGE, the fact it was made in Game Maker meant it ran far too slow on my old PC (which shipped with a CRT monitor). I got a new one and now it runs fine, but the difference is, now I use an LCD screen and dithering doesn't really work because it's able to produce much sharper images. I mean newer CRT sets are less blurry anyway, but that's besides the point. In order to run this game you need a fairly decent computer, and if you've got a fairly decent computer, chances are it shipped with an LCD (or maybe even LED) screen. Also I must admit I don't really see any point in the time travelling feature whatsoever... though that might be because the game isn't done. It just seems to get in the way. It is a notable step up from two or three years ago when it first came to SAGE though, and the music is very good, as are the graphics that aren't Sonic.
That's actually a pretty good idea maybe next demo. I took this while designing the stage so its only about half the level and its small. In the final game you will have to travel through time to get to the different Special Stages hidden throughout the level. Right now each time post is place so that if you use it it will take you on a "better" path that you wouldn't have access to in the other time zone.
I said it in other places, but the fact that you jump to full height no matter how hard you press the jump button is really really annoying. It's the only real issue I have with the game's controls, but I think it's a big one. I imagine that'll be addressed in some fashion later on :P Also cause I'm a whore I made these:
Sweet videos! The full jump height thing is only underwater. Its not supposed to be that way it just got over looked.
I played your demo and I have to say I am very impressed with it. There are a few issues (which I'm lazy to list although I will mention that you jump too high and fast underwater and touching a bubble makes it so you lose control until you touch the ground). However, I feel that this is one of the most polished fan games I've played to date. I really like the art style for the stage and the music. I can feel that you're inspiration heavily comes from Sonic CD and I approve. :> One strange thing, though... was the second act supposed to be called "Lost Level 0"? And were you supposed to start very close to the end? That's what happened to me...
Besides the physics, which still are being tweaked, there's one thing that I spotted in your level while watching a video of it: That purple strip of wall that you pull the switch to open; It would look a lot nicer if it didn't overlap the foreground when it's raised. Instead, I think it would look much nicer if it was on a layer BEHIND the foreground so it appears as if it is a door attached with the foreground. Basically, make it exactly like the bigger crusher versions of the same wall, which surprisingly go behind the foreground. It would be a nice touch.
I'm assuming that it was probably a mistake, since the crushers look pretty much the same but have the proper effect.
Excellent STT news. Mercury is now acting as lead programmer on the project. And the game has moved to his super smooth engine that's almost 100% accurate to the Genesis games with the only. What does this Mean? This will free me up to work on graphics and level design. Plus since his engine is in Game Maker there is virtually no learning curve for me. It also means that in the future Sonic Time Twisted should be just about as bug free and accurate a fan game can be! Anyway you should expect to see a lot more progress on Time Twisted thanks to Mercury's involvement. Video of the engine:
Depends, how much time will it take to port the game to his engine? Hopefully it won't turn into Duke Nukem Forever. :P
This will do nothing but speed up development. Since his engine is in Game Maker I can easily port the existing levels to the new engine. Plus its to people working on the game. I used to have to struggle to program everything myself or ask others for help. It really slowed down development. Now that there's a competent programmer working on the engine side of things I can work none stop of graphics, level design, and gimmick ideas.
Aha, who better to pick for Sonic physics programming, than Mercury, Congratulations, hope you do well with the new engine.
I really like what I'm seeing here. The Sonic sprites are especially nice to me. What's up with the delay when you hit a time post though? That's rather annoying.
Oh wow, do want. Probably be the first 100% accurate fan-game out there (that I know of, excluding SFR for the camera), I'll definitely play this.
There was one point where I time traveled into the past near the end of an act (I cannot remember which one) and time traveled myself right into a wall. When I held down right if would scroll right and only a few objects appeared, and then I beat the level... over the background.