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Sonic the Hedgehog IDW Comic Megathread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Dark Sonic, Jan 22, 2018.

  1. Adamis


    Gimme waffles! Oldbie
    Lammy and "Fafnir"
    We saw that back last summer... wasn't it fake ?
  2. Jason


    *Results not lab tested. Member
    A comic shouldn't just be a retelling of what's happened in the main canon, sure. However, I personally couldn't get into the comics growing up because of how far they deviated from the game canon. Granted, they had very different starting points. The Archie reboot streamlining most of that felt like a good balance. Unfortunate we didn't see it pan out after its retellings of Unleashed and Death Egg Saga.

    This first issue felt pretty good, too. How fast they decide to throw characters at us is important, as to give them enough development to have staying power. How the new kids on the block become part of the crew will be interesting. This post-Forces Sonic world will hopefully stop keeping humans on the DL, for the sake of cohesion. And to probably do a better job than the movie will :v:.
  3. Linkabel


    I think the way they went about it with the first issue was the right way. It has a little bit of the Archie feel, but sticking to the games lore more closely like some people wanted. It also has hints of something different coming but I imagine they didn't want people to feel alienated from the get-go. Tangle might be the first element that's going to establish the identity of the series.

    About the Freedom Fighters, I hope they don't make it on the comic to be honest. They already had their time on the spotlight and the minute they show up I just know Ian along with the IDW offices are going to be bombarded with messages to keep them around.

    Let the comic become its own thing instead of Archie 2.0.
  4. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    Dunno, still funny.

    Anyway, we already have the Freedom Fighters. They're just called the Resistance now.

    Also, a thought occurs. What species usually has it out for Hedgehogs in fiction? Since mystery chair person seems to have it out for Sonic AND Amy.
  5. Linkabel


    Foxes eat hedgehogs so Tails could've set up Sonic. I just spoiled the twist didn't I?
  6. Jason


    *Results not lab tested. Member
    Hey I almost missed an 06 reference when + - Tails went ahead and pushed the gate switch so they didn't get out   .
  7. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    But I could see it being a fox, actually. Maybe have a dark mirror to Tails, since they seem at home in Robotnik's command centre.

    Y'know, speaking of Tails, I hope they make the Battle Kukku Armada as a separate entity from Robotnik. I'd like the idea of having multiple sources of antagonists, not just all under Robotnik's rule.
  8. Burezu


    Butt. Member
    Kyushu, JP
    Finally got to read issue #1, great start! It's a very solid issue #1 for a comic, and it feels like it never went away. I didn't enjoy the flat blue page backgrounds, really wish they'd just extend the art to give the comic a less void-filled feeling. I might just feel that way cause most comics just use black or white, but the blue wasn't welcoming to me. Although, I'm sure hoping that it was an artistic choice to be able to churn out 4 issues in the first month. Glad Tails isn't the shitsack he was in Forces. Can't wait to see Blaze at the end of the month and intrigued if the figure in the chair ends up not being Robotnik.

    EDIT: One thing I forgot to mention was the way the panels were laid out paired with the blue background gave it the feel that it were made for a 'motion comic' and not a 'printed comic.' I dislike that. A LOT.
  9. SuperSnoopy


    I like Sonic Advance Member
    Lyon, France
    Slice of life visual novel, coming soon...?
    I never got a chance to read the Archie comic, so I'm really exited about this comic; hopefully it'll last as long as Archie (or at least a little while)

    This first issue was really cool, I'm just a bit alienated with the art style. It probably didn't feel weird people that read the previous comic, but for someone who's main source of 2d artwork is Sonic Chanel, it's kinda weird seeing sonic look so... American. Eh, I'm sure I'll get used to it.
    also that dude in the chair is totally infinite
  10. Jason


    *Results not lab tested. Member
    Second comic dropped today. Amy's best when both useful and has some grasp of her hormones, and it's on full display here. She comes close to not, though.

    Comic shop I bought this from claims the first issue sold out faster than any of the Archie ones they had. Good show, IDW.
  11. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Well I think it's ok if Amy has some Sonic infatuation moments, it is kinda part of her character. But she shakes it off quickly.

    And yes that's great to hear, I hope the pace keeps up. I'm sure the fact that Archie comics always seem to be shoved in the back of everywhere didn't help the original Sonic sales much though. But that series had so much baggage it was hard to find a jumping on point. A fresh slate is for the best.
  12. Boxer Hockey

    Boxer Hockey

    It's kind of a given that a #1 will sell faster than a series several decades long in print, to be fair.
  13. Laughingcow


    Resident Edgelord PHD Member
    Not a comic reader but I will state I love Amy best when she's borderline crazy for Sonic. Not Sonic Battle's "sonic house" but something more than generic chick with a hammer.
  14. Jason


    *Results not lab tested. Member
    There is no agreement on anything Sonic-related. :v: Gentle flirting is fine, and on display here. Won't talk about anything else other than Sonic is a boring character. Sonic magnet with snail-trail propulsion is an absolute no-no for me.

    True, and I suspect there will be a drop-off over time. I dunno how forthcoming sales stats are in the comic biz. But considering the tenacity of the brand, and the quality I've seen, I think it's going to do fine for a while.
  15. Laughingcow


    Resident Edgelord PHD Member
    Sonic is a boring character for the same reason Mario is: No deep motivation

    They're just nice guys stopping bad guys, which is fine. They don't need much.

    The best you could do is like with Megaman (Normal robot with a strong sense of justice chooses to become a fighting robot to stop Willy and save his kin) but even then, it ain't much.
  16. RikohZX


    Sonic does have a motivation in his love for freedom and all, it's just that he's practically typecasted into being a snarky one-liner tossing hero of justice to the point that I've seen people actually get angry that he hasn't stuck around with the resistance post-Forces, as if he's not true to his character or something. For all the constant shifting and shuffling of their feet SEGA does with the franchise, only a couple times in the franchise has he done anything more than that, like Black Knight where he was willing to be considered the bad guy and stuck to what he thought was right (the fact that he was right aside). They ironically play him too safe, when the very conceptualization of the character in the early 90's was practically "toss attitude and cute together like a brick in a washing machine" levels of risk taking against the juggernaut that was his direct competitor.
    These comics so far let him shine a bit to me, though; he's cocky, but rather than just the pantomiming and saturday morning cartoon lines of recent games where he says he's all cool but is really disconnected from actual action, he's got the motions and the style to really carry it through and back it up. Especially with ABT's artwork.
  17. SuperSnoopy


    I like Sonic Advance Member
    Lyon, France
    Slice of life visual novel, coming soon...?
    Did they change the artist for this issue ? I really like the art here, it's pretty great.
    As for Sonic, I think he work well when he's interacting with other people, and this comic haven't disappointed me with that so far.
  18. Burezu


    Butt. Member
    Kyushu, JP
    They did, thankfully. It was paneled much better and it felt so much better to look at. I'm glad this iteration of Amy isn't a braindead throwaway that she has been in past Sonic media. The comic's off to a great start, but since I read the Archie stuff, it just feels so slow right now. And yes, I get it's issue #2, and this is how it is for the first year, but I'm just ready for more.
  19. Linkabel


  20. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    While good it's done well, another variant? I bought 3 when I was in London this weekend and there was one left on the shelf I didn't get, plus a fifth they didn't have... and that doesn't even count the multiple con-exclusive ones!

    (Sidernote on the fast sellout - indeed, I bought several of #1 but I'm not going to be regularly buying the comic.)