I don't mind the 4 issue arcs. Not too short that they're rushed, not too long that they overstay their welcome. Just no more 30 issue long plot points. I like what Ian did with Archie but both mecha Sally and the unleashed shattered world lasted wayyyy too long.
Well, Shattered World took place after the 4-issue structure was set. So, you might still have larger arcs that overstay their welcome. I think 4 issues is a good number for shorter, more self-contained arcs. My only concern is that having a set number per arc might be too restrictive for the writer sometimes.
Both of those were background plots. Main plots were always 4 issues (Fighters, underwater kingdom, etc.). I'd like for things to have an actual focus like Iron Dominion stuff or Eggman going insane.
Agreed, I love the SATAM character as much as the next fan, but would be nice to see a series that doesn't follow them for a while (especially when we've had more than 2 decades of their development). I'm open for new continuity and fresh new faces.
I'm on board with this... kinda? I really don't know how to feel still. I'm super excited for what's ahead, but still don't care because I got burnt hard on Archie. And I think Tangle's design is good and all, but there are already 5 billion other characters Sega has made that could get the spotlight instead. And the biggest issue is the SatAM characters, they were all so GOD DAMN GOOD. Leagues better than the umpteenth Sonic recolor/"new" hedgehog that Sega feeds us. When I saw the "new character in 5 days" thing, I got super hyped and excited. When it came I couldn't care less. I fear that's how I'll feel when issue 1 hits. Super hype now, couldn't care less when it actually is in my hand.
If anything, doing a post-Forces story provides a potential way to implement the Freedom Fighters. Having a resistance force to battle Eggman means they've got a convenient way to integrate them in the story.
I am so shocked that one of the variant covers is a 1 in 100 incentive. Listen, I'm sure like Midtown Comics will get 100 copies of Sonic, but holy fuck, even I know it's not that popular to warrant that. I was talking with the guy who owns the comic shop I go to and he was saying he'd order 10 of the first issue, but not for the other 3, and even then he's pushing it with 10 copies and doesn't know if he'll make that money back. By the end of Archie's run, I was the only one with Sonic on my pull list. Sonic's big, but even with Archie, he wasn't hitting big numbers. I don't expect the numbers to change that much at IDW.
My friend was browsing Twitter last night when he stumbled upon this Tweet showing what looks like another possible IDW comic cover for Sonic. There's no information in the tweet that indicates this but it shares the same art style as the artist Nathalie Fourdraine who did the covers with Amy and Sonic and Sonic and Tails. Here's a link to the tweet.
While this comic coming out it pretty much the highlight of the year for me so far, I'm really disappointed that they're seemingly hopping on mid-continuity. Starting off right at the Genesis games would have given them a huge buffer that would allow them to develop a rich world organically. Potentially starting with Forces is such a handicap, even if their intention is riding off the back of Forces' brand recognition. They may end up dwelling on filler while waiting for the new games to be released, fall into the pit of too many original characters that contrast with the games, start showing jarring flashbacks or introduce new characters that they expect us to have the same emotional investment in as the cast feel since they were part of an arc that occurred in the unwritten past. Most of those can be handled well... A majority of the time they aren't, even by great writers. It's just a really bad choice in my opinion.
I'm a bit more optimistic. I feel Forces dug the game's story into a whole, and this comic is the perfect way to get out of that hole and maybe use the events of Forces as a catalyst for some interesting original plots. (rebuilding a world Post-Eggman takeover has been interesting in both Fleetway and Archie stories) Then of course there's opportunity to go back and cover the Earlier games at a different point, like what the Archie comics were trying to do, except more... eh, SEGA-Sonic instead of Archie-Sonic? I would love to see a proper Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 comic adaptation with the current talent as well. I'm sure this could still happen even with the comic currently starting with Forces.
Now it all makes sense. Sega established different Sonic-'brands' (Boom, 25th anniversary) to see which products work best with their concepts (TV show for Boom, Comic for Forces).
Gotta say that I feel that this is a big missed opportunity for SEGA to start a brand new comic based around Sonic Mania's classic universe... since, you know, that's the game that worked and all.
It also has a lot less story and characters. Them doing what they're doing at the moment makes more sense, and that's speaking as someone who thinks Forces failed on basically every level.
This. As lovely as it would be for IDW to yet again start from Sonic 1 and go forward, you know Sega would never allow that. Honestly this is the best option. All the characters and plot points are established without need for review, and they can use the base and make new stories from there. It may be attached to Forces in this sense but it's not like the plot focuses on Forces. For better or worse, Archie's already touched on the classics a number of times, and while it sucks that the Sonic: Mega Drive series was never completed we don't need to see them start over for like a 4th time. Besides if this comic does well there's always a chance for a Classic series spin off. I'm pretty sure they know the demand exists.
Doesn't IDW regularly branch off comics from their series, like Transformers? Perhaps if the main comic is successful, we can see a Sonic Universe-style thing where they focus on the Classic story.
Being current with the game series, having all the characters and lore available from the get-go, is the most sensible approach. Starting from Sonic 1 and moving forward through the games wouldn't really be an option. The last 3 issues of the Archie STH were adaptations of Sonic 1, 2 and CD. IDW couldn't make their debut Sonic comics a repeat of the very last thing Archie did with it. And they wouldn't want to wait a year to get to Knuckles, or five years to get to Shadow. Maybe they'll eventually do some mini-series on the side filling in past events. A Sonic Adventure mini-series, a Sonic Adventure 2 mini-series, and so on. That would be the best of both worlds. Yeah, this is almost certain to happen. It's how IDW handles its other licensed comics when the main series is successful. They just need to build that foundation first.
Oh, I'd say it would be worth it. I'd be very tempted to buy a new comic book in the style of the "Sonic: Mega Drive" series, but I'd never consider buying one based on Forces, of all things... EDIT: Also... "not enough characters"? The new comic hasn't started its run and there's a new main character already. I think you guys may be underestimating the involved artists and writers.