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'Sonic the Hedgehog Encyclo-speed-ia', Out Now

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Only for viewing, Nov 23, 2021.

  1. GT Koopa

    GT Koopa

    Elgin, IL
    Flicky Turncoat DX, T.L.W.S. Vs M.G.W.
  2. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

  3. Only for viewing

    Only for viewing

    aka Superstarxalien Member
    Seems "Hip" and "Hop" have been (re-)officialized as the names for the kangaroos in Sonic Spinball's Lava Powerhouse.

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  4. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member
    Does anyone know what game they could not include in the book?
  5. Linkabel


    It's Sonic Pocket Adventure.
  6. Sid Starkiller

    Sid Starkiller

    Virginia, USA
    Paying off student loans
    ...they were supposed to be kangaroos? My world is fucking shattered right now.
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  7. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member

    So Sonic Pocket Adventure is the least canon of the non-canon games.
  8. Linkabel


    Btw, Pocket Adventure is not the only game that didn't make it. It's surprisingly a long list:

    Like I said in my tweet not every game got an entry, but the ones that didn't at least got mentioned in a release timeline towards the end. Pocket Adventure along with the games in those screenshots don't get mentioned at all.

    I'm sure that canon had nothing to do with the placement of games on the book.
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  9. Blue Spikeball

    Blue Spikeball

    What did you think they were?

    Yeah, the book includes games based on the cartoons like Spinball, as well as titles stated to be non-canon like Rivals and Chronicles.

    That said, I don't think SPA was ever supposed to be canon to begin with, what with its levels being basically zones from the MD games (mainly Sonic 2) with new layouts, and Knuckles being the guardian of a regular Chaos Emerald.
  10. Sid Starkiller

    Sid Starkiller

    Virginia, USA
    Paying off student loans
    I had absolutely no idea what they were supposed to be. The heads kinda made me think moles, but that was about it.
  11. Forte


    I speak better after three beers Member
    Oh come on, Sonic Pocket Adventure is one of the finest 8-bit Sonic games. Not to mention, it has Robotnik changing clothes! The only in-game connection of his Eggman transition!
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  12. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member
    I was particularly interested in reading the plot of Pocket Adventure in the Encyclo-speed-ia, but I guess this will never happen.
  13. Brainulator


    Regular garden-variety member Member
    Wait, Crackers is in this book?
  14. Linkabel


    It's in the Chaotix factoids/trivia segment.

    Nothing new gets mentioned or shown other than the leaked ROM made it on the internet and it showed Sonic & Tails as "the stars of the game."

    For Xtreme, it gets quickly mentioned in the Sonic Schoolhouse factoids saying that it was a game for the Saturn that suffered production setbacks. And that the sprites for it were repurposed for Schoolhouse.
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  15. RetroJordan91


    The REAL Blue Sphere Guy Member
    I got my copy and started reading the first several pages.. This book is so colorful and I love looking at the art.

    One mistake I found is in the overview for Sonic 2, it says that you can enter the special stage through the Star check points with twenty rings. I literally did a facepalm reading it.

    Another mistake I found is for Sonic CD, where there’s a factoid mentioning Sonic’s 3 minute exit. However the book says that you lose a life instead of getting an instant Game Over.

    Seriously, as a Sonic fan, little details like this are kinda annoying.. was this proof-read before printing??
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2021
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  16. biggestsonicfan


    Tech Member
  17. Sid Starkiller

    Sid Starkiller

    Virginia, USA
    Paying off student loans
    I mean, it's labeled "factoid", and "factoid" is to "fact" and "humanoid" is to "human": something similar to a fact, but isn't.:oldbie:
  18. Blue Spikeball

    Blue Spikeball

    I can't tell if that's Flynn's stealth attempt at validating SatAM, or if he's making fun of the "everything is canon" fallacy.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2021
  19. Only for viewing

    Only for viewing

    aka Superstarxalien Member
  20. Only for viewing

    Only for viewing

    aka Superstarxalien Member
    Double posting in order to bump the thread.
    Someone in a Discord server I'm in posted screenshots of the book. There's plenty of interesting stuff in them.
    Let's go on with the thing I mentioned in the original post of this thread: we now have official names for a bunch of unnamed Badniks!

    Starting with Sonic Triple Trouble, which is what I first mentioned about the book:


    Great Turquoise Badnik -> Springshell
    Meta Junglira Badnik -> Ridal Tap (to accompany Spidal Tap)
    Sunset Park Badnik -> Ladybuggy
    Tidal Plant Badnik -> Eeliotte

    Of course, we also have names for unnamed badniks from...

    Sonic 2 8-bit

    Crystal Egg Badnik -> Flying Chopper (not a riveting name)

    Sonic Chaos

    Electric Egg Badnik -> Bomblin

    Sonic Blast

    There's something to note with the badnik section for this game. Every other enemy section includes images of the enemies themselves. You can see where I'm going with this.


    That's right, nothing.
    It's not too hard to figure out which is which, though:

    Ai-ai -> Coconuts
    Halogen -> Batbot
    GHZ Badnik 1 -> Buzzer
    GHZ Badnik 2 -> Masher
    YDZ Badnik -> Sandoom
    RVZ Badnik -> Rexon
    BMZ Badnik 1 -> Crabmeat
    BMZ Badnik 2 -> Aquis
    SCZ Badnik 1 -> Egg Sentry
    SCZ Badnik 2 -> Egg Pogo

    For whatever reason, Gola remains Gola instead of Sol, despite other badniks similar to badniks from previous games getting renamed to match.

    And most important of all, Knuckles' Chaotix. This one has some good badnik designs, in a game where badniks are bafflingly designed from a game design perspective, in a game where the entire game itself is bafflingly designed from a game design perspective, which is why it's become quite notorious in Classic Sonic circles that some of its badniks are unnamed.


    Isolated Island Badnik -> Liftor
    Botanic Base Badnik 1 -> Am-Bush (or Am-bush?)
    Botanic Base Badnik 2 -> Catalurcher
    Botanic Base Badnik 3 -> Burboom
    Amazing Arena Badnik 1 -> Beatal
    Amazing Arena Badnik 2 -> Triclod
    Marina Madness Badnik 1 -> Floatsam
    Marina Madness Badnik 2 -> It's... missing.
    Marina Madness Badnik 3 -> It's also missing??
    Techno Tower Badnik 1 -> Trundull
    Techno Tower Badnik 2 -> Blitz
    Techno Tower Badnik 3 -> Gut Buster

    Apparently the Encyclo-speed-ia completely glosses over two badniks from Marina Madness Zone. I've never played Chaotix so I can't be sure if these enemies are actually known to appear in the game, as they don't have pages on the wiki either. Still, for a book that's gotten this close to naming every single badnik, this stings. Ironically, the stingray is the only one that got a name.
    At least we finally have a name for TT Badnik 2. Blitz is a cool guy.

    Other things:

    * Fang's bio in the Sonic Triple Trouble section mentions that he is half-jerboa and half-wolf. A Lost in Translation subsection right after that mentions how he was localized to Nack the Weasel for the game's US manual and also the two comic books. The book mentions those more than you would think.
    * The sections for Sonic 2, Sonic 2 8-bit, and Sonic & Knuckles namedrop all the bosses from the game, including the robot sonics; the three of them are all called Mecha Sonic now. With a caveat for the one in Sonic & Knuckles, he's Mecha Sonic Mk. II. Incidentally, the section for Sonic Mania's Metal Sonic boss doesn't name the Mecha Sonics from Sonic 2 8-bit, although they'd probably rename those to Mecha Sonic anyway.
    * The section for Knuckles' Chaotix also names the final boss Metal Sonic Kai, which... is already the name used to refer to the regular Metal Sonic from Chaotix...
    * Going back to Metal Sonic in Sonic Mania, the Everything is Canon section of the book states that the 8-bit Mecha Sonic section is "a clear nod to the Brotherhood of Metallix, a group of villains from the British magazine Sonic the Comic." I guess it's fair to say that the Everything is Canon sections are Ian's way of shoehorning as many mentions of the shows and comics as he possibly can.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2021
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