No, just stop right there! No more scheduled release pal, just work on it to make it the best possible. Think about what TheKazeBlade and I said earlier ^^
I have my six-pack of Pepsi and PC Gamepad locked and loaded. I will write you out some extended impressions (that I expect will be glowing and positive). The reaction thread is going to be awesome.
and I'm bug hunting now! to see how the final time trials will work.
Yo Hez remember to create a new thread to maximise the awesomeness. Can't wait to play your game man.
Youtube video of Act 1 of Aqua Arena. I couldn't get it to in bed in the post for some reason. Sorry no audio.
Sonic Chaos special stages. <3 PS. You have superhuman determination Hez for seeing such an ambitious project through to completion.
This... will be insane. I'm pretty much just posting so that I get e-mail notification on updates and releases. Come on Hez! You can do it! :v:
Just so you know, there is an "Option" menu in the upper right corner of each topic page, where you can enable tracking without the need to post: (sorry for the ultra bad quality screenshot but I'm at work right now and I can't take proper screenshots) Once clicked, it redirects you here.
Haha wow, ok, I'm clearly an idiot. (no sarcasm intended) Cheers for showing me that forum feature! Ahh well, at least I got to say something nice, too.