Maybe that's because you seem a little too desperate? Or maybe it's nothing personal at all. And he provided an estimated answer to your question two posts before it—PIME TARADOX. Count me among the waiting masses. :v:
Im trying my hardest to fix all these bugs! Stephen, Nineko, and RGamer are giving me such fantastic bug reports. It's helping me so much fix these game breaking bugs! EDIT: Name typo :P
that may be what's wrong. pretty sure this hdtv needs at least 640x480. D: edit: on that note, can you make an option for different resolutions?
stretching just makes the window bigger and centers a 320x240 image in the middle (including maximize button).
No PC monitor (VGA or DVI) supports 320x240 (15.73 kHz / 60 Hz). What you may be thinking of is a feature in most video cards that double-scans the image to 320x480 (31.47 kHz / 60 Hz). Unfortunately, most graphics card manufacturers decided to remove this feature in their drivers relatively recently for no good reason.
I've lost count of how many times I said this is the wrongest thing you can do. Enjoy your wrong aspect ratio and your performance loss. Hez is doing it right, 320x240 is the way to go and you're all wrong for asking him to change that.
I know on one of my older computers it would set the resolution to 640X480 and it would be somewhat smaller, but still work. I just assumed everyones compensated like this?
uh how about no. There's nothing wrong for asking for double or quadrouple resolution upscaling. Especially if your video card doesn't let you even play the game because the option to upscale isn't there. Besides, for purists like yourself there is usually a 'lock aspect' option, which I think is a hell of alot better than having no control over your display resolution.
Purist or not, the aspect ratio is the most important thing there is. Instead, many people out there like to be able to do things like these: That's why I love Kega Fusion's unresizeable border, for example. The Sonic & Knuckles Collection also did this in a right way, if you try to resize its window it will automatically snap to a reasonable resolution (e.g. 640x480). Something like that wouldn't be *that* bad.
I think most of people who are asking for different resolutions forgot to mention they'd like to have the correct aspect ratio as well.
...yeah, I don't think anyone would want to play the game like that. >_>; If the game went full screen on my wide screen monitor, I wouldn't want the sides to stretch.
Its seriously bothering me, the really bad low quality samples you're using in the game (what the hell are they, 8 khz??) They do no justice for a game this good. I hope you plan on updating this. Otherwise please let me rip you some clean, high quality samples from the games.