I just tried it out. It was quite fun. Dusty Dunes was somewhat frustrating at some parts though, and I didn't bother trying to see if there was anything past Act 1 in the demo. The first stage was wonderful and well made. Dusty Dunes seemed to trap me in places I couldn't get out of. For instance, push a block on top of a switch. jumped over the block because I was like "OMG Obstacle! must avoid!" Shortly after that when I realized there was no way getting past this part or jumping back up *thankfully Tails got stuck, so there was no way of me using him to fly* and I had to impale myself on the nearby spikes just to get a second chance. Then I got stuck in a spike pit. This isn't so bad. I probably could have gotten out if my right arrow wasn't kinda broken. And then to finish it off, I bounced off a spring, got flung to the left off the screen and died. And I wish I could make the screen a bit bigger. The enemies are sometimes so small I have a hard time seeing them. That and they kinda seemed to blend into the background too easily. Overall the demo was very nice. I demand completion!
I hate to bump this but I don't want it to loose too much interest. I have a dilema. Sonic Classic at its current state is done. So I need beta testers bad. Now here comes the problem. The game itself takes up to much space to hold both Sonic Classic levels and Sonic 1 levels. Now I have two options. A: Spend two or three weeks finding a work around to include sonic 1. B: Delete sonic 1 portion levels and include 3 or 4 more original levels. This would only take about two weeks to do since custom levels are way easier to make than trying to mimick sonic 1. C: Release Sonic Classic as is without sonic 1, and release Sonic 1 portion as a seperate game all together. Now with this said, I need opinions and beta testers. The release is up to the fans.
A mixture of B and C. Make three or four more original levels, but keep working on Sonic 1 as a separate game.
I say go with this as well. Also I'm willing to beta test for you, if you're seriously in need of one so bad.
over the limit to build an .exe :P I've been pushing the bounderies for months. I probably could cut down things and compress stuff here and there to make things fit, but like I said, It would take me two or three weeks to figure out a work around. I'll also look into lock on stuff. EDIT: So the majority feels both B and C? If so, I might just bring back the two deleted levels.
I'm going to go with the majority. B and C all the way, so none of your work on Sonic 1 goes to waste.
I'm always up to beta test interesting stuff. (in fact I *was* a beta tester at a certain point in time, dunno why from another certain point I wasn't one anymore)
I vote B, delete Sonic 1. We have played that enough. :P Also I am still a viable Beta Tester, if you need some.
Interestingly enough, It was SUPER easy to make Classic have available expansions. I succesfully split the two up. Now if you don't have the Sonic 1 expansion in the folder, Classic will act as if it's its own game. If the expansion is there, it acts like Sonic 3K would. Problem Solved? Now here's a bigger question. Release This week, or add two levels?
I say you give it to me now and make two more levels. That way I don't have to wait and still get more levels. LoLz
ffffffff… how about both? :v: I've been looking quite forward to playing this, but then again the other levels could be good. Based on the wiki history, is it Rocky Ruins and Mystic Mines? (I guess Bridge Zone was abandoned ages ago) Edit: Haha, I took too long to write this; ninja'd
Scrapped levels will most likely be recycled and revised for Classic 2...I mean, not that I'm planning on one
Hey, really nice to see this moving again If you need a beta tester I'm always here to help! I believe we can wait a few more for the two new levels, we've certainly waited a long time, a couple of more weeks won't hurt :D