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Sonic the Hedgehog Classic

Discussion in 'Fangaming Discussion' started by Hez, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. Hez


    So you guys have probably heard of my game, Sonic Classic. It's nearing completion, but theres something missing. It's you guys! Before I put finishing touches, and other nick nacks in the game, I want your opinions. As of now, I am going to go through the current level line up.

    Another Aqua Arena (Planet :P)
    OH SHT THE GIANT BADNIK CHALLENGE RETURNZ for both classic and sonic 1 mode :3
    O SHT AGAN its a boss
    Moar gigalopolis
    Some of luster lake
    Special stage...may scrap
    IS IT TEH FINAL BOSS? OR ALMOST FINAL? SHT...sprite by flare, who is an awesome spritest :P
    Semi final level select...woot?

    And of course, the video's you've all probably seen...
    Hazel Hills
    Dusty Dunes...with a partially new Knuckles Sprite
    Crystal Caverns...layer issues I know
    Robot Rave...atleast part ;)
    To show what Sonic 1 mode will be like
    To show how time trials work...

    Now here's where the problem comes. I've got numerous emails and messages asking this question. "Where is Rocky Route zone?" Quite frankly, it was a horrible zone.
    And here is the picture of the zone in question. If it is popular enough, I can and will place it back in the game. It was sort of a Hill Top esq zone, being about the same as Hazel Hills with minor changes. Now here comes the other question. "Where is Mystic Mines zone?" As this is not as popular as Rocky Route (and quite frankly, I don't know why) it is being asked.
    The second zone in question. As of now, it is canned. I may bring it back. but this would make the release date pushed back further.
    And another zone I've been asked abotu is bridge zone.
    I've been asked many times if it is going to be in Classic. The anser as of now is no, it will not be in Classic. If the demand is high, then sure Ill push the release date back further and sweat a bit more.

    With this in mind, Aqua Arena is also on the border of being removed, because of time issues. If everyone is wanting these zones in, then so be it. I can also go the "S&K" route and remove them for now, and then release a Sonic Classic and Fang game. Featuring the removed zones and extras with lock on. It's all up to you guys. With a lock on feature
    If it is pushed back, and an S&K type deal is made, things like the following would be very possible in its sequal
    Such as this

    While on subject, this game features a bunch of "Challenges"
    such as beat the game with no rings, find all the giant enemys, beat the game backwards etc. Completing these will unlock secrets :3
    My question is, are there any features you'd love to see? Any features I should veto? Please, I really do want your input.
    Yay for giant enemys in every level mode =4

    Please forgive my typing, I am hammered right now. I thought it would be a great time to do this now.

    ZOMG 2010 DEMO
    not as crippled. Since know...not done and such.
  2. PicklePower


    Wiki Sysop
    28 the giant enemies only take one hit to defeat? Also, is the game going to be in 16:9 or 4:3? I think it would be really cool to play at the wider screen size, but is that even possible?

    Edit: forgot it was a remake, not a hack. So yeah, it's possible.
  3. Selbi


    The Euphonic Mess Member
    Northern Germany
    Sonic ERaZor
    Most. Awesome. Sonic. Fan. Game. EVER! I just can't say what's more awesome, all the funny little tiny things or the art, or the fact, you implented the original zones or... list goes on.

    Do I really see the awesomness?
  4. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL


    I call best fangame of the decade. Yes, even though we're only in the first month of 120 this decade.

    This is absolutely incredible. Keep doing what you do best.
  5. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    ...Tails? What are you doing up there?
  6. Yuzu


    I'm now looking forward to the giant Badnik mode and the challenges. :D
  7. Matwek


    To answer the original question. I say stick with what you currently have.

    Rocky Route zone just isn't up to the same quality of the other zones, it would look out of place if you added it.
    With Mystic Mines zone its too obvious that its recycled art, that might just be a personal thing though. But again it doesn't live up to the standard of the other zones.
    As for Bridge zone, I would love to see an improved version of all the old master system Sonic's, but used as an extra tacked onto another game isn't the way I would like to see it done.

    Basicly, you seem to know what you're doing and what looks good, you clearly left them levels out for a reason. Don't let other people ruin your game with their interpretations of what should be in it.
  8. Lord Kanti

    Lord Kanti

    Quoted for absolute-fuckin' truth.

    This game is gorgeous.
  9. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Perhaps you should be able to unlock different art styles for the game. Say an option that makes the HUD and sprites look like Sonic 3 and the same goes for Sonic 2, palette and all. Also maybe throw a character in there somewhere like Metal Sonic as a nice bonus.

    Another thing I've wanted to mention is that I feel like some of the art could use some work. Now before everyone jumps on me saying WTF THIS GAME LOOKS AWESOME, let me just say, yes it does. I'm not talking about level art here I'm talking about HUD art. The Sonic 3 font for the title cards looks kind of cheesy with the Sonic 1 circle in the background. The Sonic head in the circle looks kind of strangely drawn. Perhaps you could use the Sonic Team Sonic head for that? The Sonic and Tails art you use for the title screen looks a bit strange, perhaps that's just me being picky with personal preferences and my general dislike of American Sonic art

    If I was going to use art as a basis for the title screen that kind of follows the same idea I might have used this:


    Also I think the signpost art should be redone. Seeing the art from the videos it doesn't look that pretty. Maybe just reuse the Sonic 2 signpost art or something. Oh and the Sonic finger waving pose. That smile looks strange. Maybe use this one:


    A lot of these things like the Sonic 3 font could just be because Youtube makes things look like shit and not having any clean shots makes it seem like it looks cheesy.

    The important part with this fan game though is that it looks fun and it looks like it plays like the classics, so I can't wait for this game to come out. I'm just bringing up some minor art things that seem odd to me.
  10. Icewarrior


    I'm a member of S.T.A.R.S !!11!!!1!! Member
    This fangame is getting more and more promising, can't wait to see more.

    Please, I beg you, please don't remove Aqua Arena!!
    And yes, I'm one of the people who'd love to see Rocky Road making it.
  11. Lobotomy


    35% Cognac Banned
    Traverse City
    Project: Matter/Energy

    Aw dude, Bridge Zone, do it!
  12. Yuzu


    Along with the music, because it isn't Bridge Zone without the music. Seriously though, Bridge Zone had one awesome theme.
  13. E-122-Psi


    You mean like this:

    Truthfully all those levels look good to me, though if you don't think they are up to standard don't put them. It would be nice to put them into a alt project or hand them to another hacker so they don't go to waste however. I would definately like to see the MD/Gen style Bridge Zone appear in one project, an 8 bit to 16 bit conversion of Sonic 1 perhaps? Someone do Jungle Zone along with it maybe:
  14. Soselocke


    I think that Bridge Zone would upset the mood and transitions of the other zones.... also, I've seen it all before and it's pretty plain to begin with. These screens look absolutely gorgeous though and I seriously cannot wait to play this game!

    One question though, is this an actual fangame that needs to be separately downloaded to play or is it a hack that can be played on an emulator?
  15. I don't know how I wasn't aware of this, but I want to play it. This is awesome.
  16. Hez


    I'm surprised at myself how well I presented this while drunk off my ass...anywhos

    If I was to add these two in the game, they would be almost completely remastered to fit the style, the same goes for bridge zone. I was more thinking of if I should give them another chance...which at this point, looks like a no
    The giant enemy's work like so. Instead of going to the end of the level and hitting the sign post like in a typical game, you instead look for the giant badnik. Once you are near him, music starts playing similar to a boss and you have 8 hits to kill him. They do what their smaller counterparts would do and generally, they're fairly easy. Looking for them is half the battle.

    For the ratio issue, I will most likely release two versions of the same game with ratio differences.

    If everyone wants this? I sure can make a "Sonic 1, 2 and 3" bonus art style mode? If any bonus characters would be put in, Nack is the likely candidate. If another was, I'd probably but in Silver...ok I lied, I would most likely put in Metal Sonic
    I have always liked the HUD, but if the majority does not, I can change it. The title screen I do kind of like, so it's most likely staying (again, unless no one likes it :P), and the sign posts were going to be something I was going to touch up near the end.
    Fan-game. Sorry :(
  17. I'd rather have the 3 zones scrapped and brought back for the lock-on sequel, that way you can focus on making the current levels more perfect, and the three levels afterwards can be improved drastically when the other game begins development.
  18. StephenUK


    Liquor in the front, poker in the rear Tech Member
    Manchester, UK
    Quackshot Disassembly
    For now...
  19. Hez


    And he stirs up the crowd =P
  20. StephenUK


    Liquor in the front, poker in the rear Tech Member
    Manchester, UK
    Quackshot Disassembly
    I'll have to catch you online soon and sort out progress. Had quite a lot of shit going on between Christmas and now, lots of work, death in the family etc. If I can get a zone conversion sometime soon I can start work on programming the objects in.