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Sonic the Hedgehog Cinematic Universe Thread (& Knuckles)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Dark Sonic, May 28, 2020.

  1. MH MD

    MH MD

    Long live the King Member
  2. :D wow, I was actually first for once lmao
  3. minichapman


    I'd like to think I'll be imparting words of wisdo Member
    United Kingdom
    Staying sane.
    April 8, 2022

    They missed a trick by not announcing it for November 24th. What with it being the 30th anniversary of Sonic 2 and all.

    30 years? Christ, Retro. We're getting old!

    Then again, I suppose April 8th gives it ample time to promote itself and have a home release in time for Autumn.
  4. Yash


    CHOCOLATE! Member
    The Emerald Hill remix makes me happy. Hope it ends up in the movie, the first movie's OST using so little from the games was a disappointment. I recall Junkie XL tried incorporating Sonic 1/2 music but couldn't due to licensing costs, maybe they'll get a bigger budget this time around.

    (Lord knows they probably wouldn't want to touch anything from Sonic 3, and anything newer than that is probably out of the nostalgia market they're looking for here, though SA1/2 have to be at that point by now)
  5. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    * Title we already knew
    * Tiny EHZ jingle

    That's it? What's there to be excited about? The first film did similar and was about as un-Sonic as you can get, so colour me entirely unexcited for Buddy Cop 2: The Buddying. *sighs*
  6. Yash


    CHOCOLATE! Member
    I mean, the movie is over a year away from its release. We got the first trailer for the first movie at the end of April in 2019 (seven months out from its intended release date), and the second trailer with the updated Sonic design came just five months before its official release date.

    The fact that Tails is in the movie (and should have a decent role, based on the logo and his appearance at the end of the first movie) makes me hopeful they'll draw more from the video games this time. The first movie was more of a gamble so I imagine Paramount wanted something safer and more formulaic ("road trip with a funny talking animal" is a pretty tried-and-true kids' movie plotline).
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  7. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    Given rumours of Knuckles appearing in this movie, it’d be reasonable to guess that they’ll build off the echidnas wanting Sonic’s powers in the opening of the first movie. Perhaps they’ve all been wiped out since he left Mobius (using that name in the absence of any real one), and Knuckles is now after him, seeking vengeance or something? Hopefully the sequel is set mostly in Sonic’s world and is actually the good video game movie that mainstream audience managed to fool themselves into thinking the first one is.

    Of course, the real question is “Will Tom still be a cop?”
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2021
  8. RetroJordan91


    The REAL Blue Sphere Guy Member
    This is an interesting thought.. if they somehow do go the trilogy route and make a third movie, will it bring attention to the original Sonic 3 itself?? Or will SEGA try to avoid it, even if the second movie does well enough or perhaps better than the first?
  9. TheOcelot


    Scooty Puff Jr sucks! Member
    Yeah, that's a neat little EH remix (would be rad if they did a full remix for the movie). Hope we get to see Emerald Hill as a full location instead of Green Hill.

    Still think "Knuckles The Echidna in Sonic The Hedgehog 2" would have been a better title for the sequel :V
  10. Yash


    CHOCOLATE! Member
    If other kids' movie franchises are any indicator, they'll stop numbering the series with the third installment and just go with subtitles from there on.

    tbh I'm not totally sure if I want to see Knuckles in the second movie. I feel like a lot of comic book superhero movies make the mistake of cramming the sequels with so many villains it makes it harder to stay on just one or two plotlines (the Spider-Man 3 problem). Bring in Tails, and bring in Metal Sonic and the Death Egg (since those are both inextricably linked to Robotnik, thus keeping him as the primary focus), and you've already got solid grounds for a storyline right there, especially since they'll no doubt want to do more with Tom and Maddie.

    Buuut it's not like artistic integrity is the primary goal of these movies anyway, so we'll see.
  11. RetroJordan91


    The REAL Blue Sphere Guy Member
    I like your idea with adding Metal Sonic and Robotnik.. they can certainly do a live action telling of Sonic CD if they want to and have Tails as Sonic’s protege, thus linking Sonic 2 and CD together.. BUT I would prefer something original like the first movie.. I would much rather save Knuckles for the third movie

    Regarding the numbering, even if they remove the 3 from a hypothetical third movie title, people will still see it as Sonic the Hedgehog 3, subtitles or not.. there’s no way around that and I don’t feel subtitles will be needed because the names sell themselves.. but the end product will be the most important (obviously) so yeah we’ll wait and see
  12. The Joebro64

    The Joebro64

    None of the rumors about Knuckles being in this movie are credible so I don’t expect to see him just yet. Metal Sonic, maybe.
  13. Sid Starkiller

    Sid Starkiller

    Virginia, USA
    Paying off student loans
    I'd like to save Knuckles for the third as well. They could have him vandalize the logo in marketing. Imagine a proper logo of Sonic The Hedgehog 3, with a hastily painted & Knuckles under it.

    I also vote to leave Metal Sonic for 3. Knuckles could serve as his foil: whereas Metal blindly obeys his creator, Knuckles sees Sonic as a worthy opponent, eventually turning to his side when he sees the crazy shit Robotnik is up to. In the meantime, have 2 deal with the Chaos Emeralds. Robotnik finds one in Mushroom Hill, have Tails take Sonic to various different worlds to find the rest, and Super Sonic can be featured in the climax. That could also leave room in 3 for a Super Sonic and Super Knuckles vs Metal Sonic Kai fight.
  14. jubbalub


    #1 Sonic Superstars defender Member
    How about just no Tom at all. Give me *all* Sonic characters, please. I know that's wishful thinking given the way the first movie ended, but I really just want to see an entire movie of Sonic, Tails, and whoever else against Robotnik.

    This is speaking as somebody who really enjoyed Tom as a character in the first movie.
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  15. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    I agree, but I don’t think they’ll drop Tom cold turkey, no should they at this point, it’d be pretty jarring to have him just written out offscreen. Use this movie to return Sonic to his world, I’d say. Let them have a proper goodbye. Of course, I don’t expect that to happen because I doubt execs see the franchise as being marketable to general audiences without the buddy cop setup because the boomers don’t like animation. :eng99:
  16. I adore Tom, so I really hope they don't dispose of him too quickly. I agree that the sequel(s) should focus more on Sonic, but I'd like for Tom to hang around as a background character or at least pop in for a cameo each movie.
  17. MykonosFan


    MODE CHANGE. Moderator
    If I was a writer in Hollywood who just needed this script to write itself, I would simply make Tom and his wife sneak around in Eggman's base and happen to disable some machine that Eggman will rely on. This will come to light later when Eggman traps Sonic and Tails in a machine or w/e, and then when he goes to hit the killswitch, oops! There's Tom the Cop dangling the electrical plug! And then Sonic just breaks out anyway or whatever. Tails is never seen again. FIN.
  18. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I updated the 1st post with the teaser since why not. Does it really do anything? Nah, but cool that Emerald Hill was acknowledged. Emerald Hill is my Green Hill as it was the 1st level of any game I ever played.

    Also see Sega? Even this crumb is better than the fuck all you've said since TSR :colbert:
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  19. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    This might come a bit late since production has already started, but does Sonic the Movie even has what it takes to become a series? I swear to god, the first time I saw the trailer for the first film, something died inside me. I sure don't want to experience anything like that ever again!

    Ironically, that plus the outcry of Sonic and movie fans in general resulted in the creation of something admittedly strange, but also likeable. For the sequel, add a few bits of Sonic 2 here and there, sure, but the element of surprise was what made the first movie a good watch. What I'm trying to say is: Pulling the same dangerous manoeuvre again just won't do it (at least for me).

    Maybe give Tom a new job as a lifeguard, let Knuckles ride a tank...... no, this doesn't sound right. Ok, I'm quiet now.
  20. Mecha Sally

    Mecha Sally

    Yeah I imagine that's why all we got in the first movie was a short piano version of Green Hill Zone. Masato Nakamura must get a nice paycheck anytime anything from the first two games gets used in anything.

    The idea of never hearing anything from Sonic 3 makes me sad, though. =/ Though I'm willing to accept that possibility.