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Sonic the Hedgehog Cinematic Universe Thread (& Knuckles)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Dark Sonic, May 28, 2020.

  1. MH MD

    MH MD

    Long live the King Member
    It's just a comparison point between 2 known IPs, Spiderman is not above this even if it was the "lowest grossing " one -was still successful overall to spawn into a trilogy, the following movie was way more successful too-.

    But anyway there is an interesting point you raise here, about the difference in performance between live action and animated movies, cause i always heard that Sonic movies while doing good, could do way better if they were animated instead, some thinks that being 3D animated would make it more appealing to kids and families with examples like pixar/dreamworks movies, Minions and Mario movie, at least in my head i can't imagine a live action Mario movie that would do better than the one we got, so people suggested back then -and some even now- that Sonic should go full animated afterwards -i can see them going this direction anyway if they needed a reboot of some sort or there is a decline in profits-

    but of course as you mentioned some franchises just do worse animated versus live action, but it's just an interesting point to think about
  2. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    I made a note of this previously

    A majority of the main outlets have already submitted their reviews so I wouldn't expect the score to budge at this point. Maybe by a point or 2, but no major swings.

    It should also be noted that RT is just an aggregation site. If you look at the actual reviews, some of the scathing ones that give it a 3 on their scale are given a Fresh Score on RT lmao.
  3. Pipoza


    I was also wondering about that because I know Metacritic has some shenanigans happening with "general scores" too, just based on "the nature" of the site.
  4. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    I think there's some key things to note with those specific comps. Transformers One is the 8th entry of a a franchise that was already on decline by film 4. TMNT is also on a down turn with Films and TV. Out of the Shadows underperformed, Rise of the TMNT failed to take off as well as Mutant Mayhem. Into the Spider-Verse is a spin off and 7th entry in the Spider-Man film franchise at that point. Spider-Man got a shot in the arm after entering the MCU, and there's absolutely no reason why anyone should be comping a massive cross-over event film like No Way Home with any other film.

    Does what a Spider-Can

    The 5 of the Top 10 films of 2024 were animated films, all of them are sequels, but they're still very early on in their franchise run. And of course, we have the juggernaut that was Mario in 2023, which has been an IP that has been absent from the silver screen and in TV for decades so that may as well be fresh. It's not like TMNT where they make an attempt to revive it every decade.

    Animation is capable of dominating but it's gotta have at least some level of freshness to it. Unfortunately, I think Sonic missed the boat due to debuting live action first and maintaining that format for the following entries. Paramount is essentially repeating the same mistakes with Transformers and TMNT. I think by the time they pivot, general audiences will be done with the Sonic franchise as a whole unless Paramount manages to pull off something really special. But from what my Transformers friends told me, Transformers One was special, and look where that ended up.
  5. Mana


    International and Domestic GOAT Member
    Live action Spider-Man movies have been in an upward trend since he entered the MCU, with No Way Home and Far From Home both making a billion. And it's fair to bring up given the reception Beyond the Spider Verse got to know it couldn't even cross 700 million despite being almost universally beloved. Just focus on Far From Home then, movie made a billion and I'm sure most people would agree Across/Beyond the Spider Verse was a better film but they didnt get close to that.

    I legimately thought it went without saying that I was talking about animated movies in franchises that have been traditionally live action in theatre's but alas...
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2025
  6. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    What do you think the following means?

    "Spider-Man got a shot in the arm after entering the MCU"

    And I thought I made it pretty clear why I brought up fresh animated films in comparison to stale running series but at alas...
  7. Mana


    International and Domestic GOAT Member
    I only brought up into the spider verse to show those type of films (animated entries in live action franchises) tradionally don't perform better and that it doesn't matter if sonic outgrossed it or not because Sonic's only competition is Sonic.

    I want to point out I said that because Cartoon Base has been doing this consistently whenever Sonic does better than a movie that has nothing to do with it (why does it matter that it outgrossed puss in boots 2 for example? Because they're both "family" films? What else do they have in common?) And I just wanted to say that it doesn't matter in the slightest.

    Like nova said all that matters is that people are going out to see Sonic. There's no reason to compare it to other movies box office except other video game movies or movies that came out around the same season, in my opinion.
  8. Linkabel


    I think this is what pains me the most. These live action movies are going to eventually end but I can see both the financial and creative sides pushing for an animated reboot.

    But at that point the wall for success becomes higher to climb. The creative side can knock it out of the ballpark but if it doesn't hit that money milestone then that might be game over.

    Mutant Mayhem is an example of one animated reboot that did decent and has the backing of Paramount despite the challenges it faced. Despite losing on a lot of promo it looked like Paramount had their heads straight on its performance it could and did achieved.

    But I do think the franchise might need a cooling period, though it might mean some of the creatives that are active right now that could do the project justice can miss the boat on participating in it.
  9. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    You keep bringing up these comparison films and numbers and then refuse to provide context.

    We'll ignore No Way Home, but it should be noted that the film was hyped up to the heavens due to its multi generational cross over event featuring the 3 major Spider-Man actors plus a majority of the legacy villain rosters. This is a major event level comp, not one you toss out willy nilly unless you're averaging out legs or multiplier with other major films.

    Far From Home was the first MCU film immediately after Endgame (they were only 3* months apart) which helped give it a tremendous boost. That whole experiment hinges off synergy and Far From Home was the epilogue to the Infinity War Saga.

    Across is only a follow up to Into with no connection or synergy with other properties. Across saw a massive 54% increase at the box office. That's a damn good jump for a spin off that's on its own. I don't think I need to remind anyone how well the Sony Villain Universe spin off is going.

    Cartoon Base will do whatever it wants for clicks. Stop reading into it.

    It would need a pretty sizeable one for that to happen otherwise we end up like TMNT with diminishing returns. I think we peaked at 3, but 4, 5 and maybe 6 would probably still be profitable ventures for Paramount to pursue.

    *I can't count
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2025
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  10. Mana


    International and Domestic GOAT Member
    I've said in almost every post not to compare numbers to unrelated movies. I made it clear I only brought up how those movies did to say that beating Into the Spider Verse wasn't a big deal but also again it doesn't matter because all that matters is how Sonic is doing compared to Sonic. How No Way Home did or even Far From Home isn't relevant to that specific discussion.

    But I promised not to talk about how Sonic is doing until it's box office run has concluded so as we're getting close to that topic I must refrain myself.
  11. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    You're the one bringing up these comparisons. MH MD didn't other than link to a post about Into the Spider-Verse. Nova didn't. Pipoza didn't. Linkabel didn't. I didn't, and I would never compare Sonic to any of the films you brought up. I'm only talking about those films in relation to their own performance and if any other film within its immediate circle. So what are you talking about? If you don't want to be questioned on these comparison, why are you even bringing them up?

    You do this every time. You bring some random thing up with arrogance and when pushed slightly you back off. Then you come back 2 months later with some smart ass remark as if we're supposed to remember every slight ever laid against you. God forbid you don't end your runaway posts with a "don't quote me bro".
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2025
  12. Mana


    International and Domestic GOAT Member
    Sorry guess you caught me "lying" in 4k, yet again.

    This is despite misrepresenting why I mentioned those numbers and ignoring every time I say the only thing that matters is how Sonic does to Sonic. But I guess that's just me being delulu and the man with no facts who acts like he has all the facts (Me and Disney are somehow at low point despite great personal success last year). My mistake.

    Also , if you thought you could talk to me like that at any point over a Sonic the Hedgehog movie, and I would ever do anything but keep up with this whole subject just to show in the end I raised valid points that were insulted, (Sonic didn't come close to a billion and Downward Slump Disney's Mufasa is beating it), over a scene that DID have toilet humor, then "lmao".

    If Disney is at a downward slump (with the 3 highest grossing movies of last year and Mufasa being at 539 million compared to Sonic which has yet to cross 400 million) in the end I just wanted to root for the underdog and I think we can all understand that.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2025
  13. Plorpus


    Hog Blue So What Member
  14. Mana


    International and Domestic GOAT Member
    Congrats to Sonic the hedgehog 3 for being through first in the franchise to crack 200 million at the Domestic box office .

    The fandom for the movies continue to grow and it's an amazing feat to reach. Hope to see this trend of growth continue for the franchise.
  15. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    I think if the quality of the games continues to be at the quality of Shadow Generations then sales should continue to be solid. People really just want good games, lol. Frontiers was okay but would’ve been so much more successful if it was consistently good.
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  16. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member

    We at a box office gross of $420 million now, making it the 2nd highest grossing video game adaptation next to the Mario, and the highest grossing live action video game adaptation.

    Pretty cool milestones to see! Would be neat to see an even 500 mil but I think these numbers bode well for the franchise’s health and future.
  17. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Sonic 3 is now the highest grossing film in the franchise with a current total of $422m, beating Sonic 2's $405m.

    Sonic 3 didn't just climb up one spot, but it over took another video game film. 2022's Uncharted grossed $407m. Sonic 3 is also at the heels of the number 4 spot currently taken up by Rampage at $428m.

    It still has a big gap to reach the #3 spot which is currently held by Universal with Warcraft at $439m which was a breakout international hit but a dud in the states.

    Edit: You Son of a Bitch :argh:

    Correction - Detective Pikachu is #3 with $433m. Warcraft is #2.

    Correcting the Correction - You sons of bitches kept re-releasing Pikachu?! Pikachu IS at #2 with $450m when accounting for all of its re-releases.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2025
  18. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    Got my numbers a bit wrong so thanks for the clarity!
  19. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Numbers always fluctuate on these Sunday reports since they're always just estimates. Most places are calling it at $420m. Mojo has it at $422m. I'm just going with Mojo. We won't really know until Monday, if not Tuesday at the latest once studios have posted their final numbers.

    Domestic wise, Monday is a holiday so Sonic should gross a little more than usual. Looks like the #4 spot for video game adaption is secured and it might have just enough juice left to overtake Pikachu, but it's cutting it close.
  20. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    It hitting streaming won’t completely cut off its legs, mind, so it could eke out a few more mil