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Sonic the Hedgehog Cinematic Universe Thread (& Knuckles)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Dark Sonic, May 28, 2020.

  1. Mana


    International and Domestic GOAT Member
    It got nominated for visual effects. Popular big blockbusters getting major nominations, like best picture, is an exception not the norm. And even then if you try and look at it more objectively you'd understand why. I have three examples.

    Star Wars 1977 was a landmark film with amazing visual FX, great pacing and editing, and a movie that stood out for its hopeful and idealistic storytelling in a time where most movies had gotten extremely cynical.

    Titanic was an epic movie in scope and scale with amazing action, pacing, and it captured the hearts of millions of people to the tune of literally billions of dollars.

    Return of the King was based on Lord of the Rings, one of the most famous and beloved works of western literature. The movie is still considered to this day to be one of the best text to film adaptations of all time and moreover one of the greatest blockbusters epics of all time.

    Movies like Avengers Endgame, Spider-Man No Way Home, and Super Mario Bros Movie that made literal billions and broke through popular culture didn't get any nominations.

    Why would Sonic 3 be any different? A movie much less successful than any of those? Moreover a movie happy being for children and no one else instead of a "family" film?

    The oscars aren't popularity contests in the way of praising the most financially successful or popular movies of the year. They are popularity contests in terms of finding movies they feel have true "artistry" and seeing which ones deserve note for the year.

    You can argue if that's fair or not, just speaking on the circumstances without saying it's right or wrong.
  2. Kilo


    Starting new projects every week Tech Member
    Changes with the weather
    I can't care less about award shows anymore. It's all circle jerks for who makes the most money. I watch TGA solely for new game trailers. I enjoyed Sonic 3, and it's my favourite movie of the year (Granted, I didn't have time to watch much else) and that's all that matters to me. And whatever you feel about Sonic 3 should be the only opinion that matters to you. And if it means that much, then you can express your gratitude directly towards the filmmakers via social media or what have you rather than complaining an organization won't hand them a trophy. Make what you care about consist of positivity rather than negativity, and you'll be happier.
  3. MH MD

    MH MD

    It’s a family movie where families watched it and references old shit, it’s not freaking peppa pig or something
  4. Mana


    International and Domestic GOAT Member
    Remember that scene I genuinely misinterpreted and got accused of lying about when I thought Robotnik used Agent Stone's shirt to wipe his butt? In the actual sequence in the movie there is a fart joke, a obese people joke, a joke about Eggman's "egg sacks" (BALLS) and also calling him Doctor RoBUTTstink.

    These movies are aimed primarily at a younger audience. They do not take themselves seriously or treat the themes with the amount of dignity a movie like The Wild Robot, or Puss in Boots : The Last Wish, or even The Mario Bros Movie (2023) treated their themes. And I love the Sonic movies for what they are, but they want to be cute films for kids and they succeed at that very well.
  5. MH MD

    MH MD

    There is a huge difference between a movie aimed primarily at young audience -they are called family movies btw, all your examples are movies aimed primarily at a younger audience- and "movie happy being for children and no one else instead of a family film" as you describe

    It's also just blatantly wrong when the movie classification is PG -and in some countries PG12- and not aimed solely for kids

    At least i don't know any kids movie that contained the word "bastard"

    Also funny if you think movies aimed at adults don't have butt or fart jokes at all lol, Deadpool is a prime example of R18 movie that are full of "childish" humor , guess they are secretly aimed for children and no one else :V
  6. Mana


    International and Domestic GOAT Member
    No, these movies are deliberately aimed at small children or they wouldn't be slapstick focused with the emotional scenes feeling like Saturday Morning Cartoon scenes. I didn't say only films aimed at children had toilet humor, but it's a generally indicative factor. Deadpool is the exception not the norm and I watch those movies for the self aware examinations of the superhero genre and accept the toilet humor as something I have to accept with this.

    I will admit they added jokes to a Sonic the Hedgehog movie about Balls and Vagina Waxing to gain a PG rating but it doesn't change the tone or intention of the content.

    A single curse word doesn't make something suddenly not aimed at children. Shadow the Hedgehog has a bunch of cursing and that E10+ it got is because it's still ultimately aimed at 10 year olds.

    Point is, Sonic 3 isn't the type of movie that would have ever won an Oscar and that's okay. The fans loved it and that's all that matters!
  7. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    Hey. This guy gets it.
  8. MH MD

    MH MD

    I am fine without oscars nominations either way, they are basically worthless for a lot of other reasons, but even if they are not, there are lots of competitions that i don't expect to see sonic there either way and i am content with it

    But again, how you make the distinction that Sonic movies specifically aimed at kids while Mario movie of all things are aimed at the whole family or older audience is something i don't get at all , Sonic 3 actually does deal with their themes with utmost respect and give it the care it deserves and doesn't undermine anything, Maria's death is serious and there is no joke about it for example among other things and themes, to speak nothing of various references and things that only adults will get

    also what you deemed as a ball joke is actually very wrong btw, egg sacks are a thing in nature where eggs and babies hatches, it's what the scene context was, referring to his robots who looks like eggs as his babies and such, it wasn't framed as a ball joke at all.

    And at any case those jokes are what, 2-3 lines in the whole movie? they are very minor and it's not like the movie is a skibidi toilet war or something, pretending it makes the majority of the movie's style of humor is straight up wrong.

    But anyway, factually it's a classified family movie where families gravitated to it and is popular with them and they are the majority of the audience according to the data we have, your personal preferences has nothing to do with facts, especially if you are willing to give "exceptions" for deadpool for some reason without sticking to it anyway, either fart jokes are enough to make a movie aimed at kids or not, you don't get to make a slasher movie with horror and gore but shove a butt joke or 2 for 2 seconds of the whole movie and suddenly it's aimed at kids and nothing but kids.
  9. Mana


    International and Domestic GOAT Member
    I have seen all 3 Sonic films in theatres (more than once), my favorite show of all time is Family Guy (and Family Guy regularly makes fun of the fact that mostly 14- 29 year olds watch the show) , I have absolutely no issue with toilet humor. I was just using the love of fart and private part jokes as an example of why the movies are aimed at a younger audience.

    The Maria death scene couldn't even give the moment as much dignity, as Sonic Adventure 2 rated E for Everyone, did where it was very clear she was shot directly. They could have had a Mufasa being betrayed by Scar moment (lol), a Ellie dying in Up moment, but they were too afraid to go all the way because they want these movies to be for small kids.

    Here's a fact. These movies aren't growing in audience by the droves, and it ain't because they're deep art films no one gets. It's because they're kid films, aimed at kids, and written for kids. You have to be one of the worst movies ever to fail in December. But you also have to be as So-So as possible to not be pulling in amazing numbers around that season. And so far Sonic isn't bringing in massive box office despite the season it has come out in. I wonder why...

    And yes I do think the movie that followed up what was supposed to be one of the most emotional scenes in the film, with a spanking joke about two adult men, is focused on humor more than anything else.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2025
  10. Chimpo


    Artificial Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Sonic isn't bringing in massive box office for what it is

    maxresdefault (5).jpg
  11. Shade Vortex

    Shade Vortex

    The Black Vortex Member
    USA, WA.
    YouTube Memes
    I have no idea what you're on about with the claim of "Sonic isn't bringing in massive box office for what it is", it's done over 336 million (globally) since its release. While that's lower than Sonic 2 it is higher than Sonic 1, I honestly don't know WHAT you expected it to pull, regardless of what its audience was?

    Does a movie have to pull a billion sales in the box office before it's a milestone these days, or something? People's expectations being absurd is the problem here, not the target audience of the movies...
  12. Mana


    International and Domestic GOAT Member
    No these numbers aren't indicative of a movie that managed a higher success in the Christmas season. Unlike Billionaire Aquaman. Unlike 2 billon dollar Avatar the Way of Water. Unlike 1.9 billion Spider-Man No Way Home. Movies that cited the Christmas season as a reason for their growth.

    Sonic the Hedgehog 3 was released at one of the best times possible, with a major marketing campaign, and fell far below Mufasa in the matter of weeks. I don't believe in comparing movies to other movies box offices, but I mention it to show how Mufasa, a very mediocre film, can take advantage of holiday legs and make a healthy profit. Sonic has made a profit. But what happened to those billion dollar predictions? Or the people who said anyone who thought it wouldn't reach 700 million were crazy?

    The movies have their audience, and that audience isn't growing in droves. Even with Shadow who is literally one of the most popular characters in the franchise.

    I was only talking about why it didn't get nominated for an Oscar anyways.
  13. MH MD

    MH MD

    can talk about how the movie had other scenes that depicted serious things and themes like how Gerald's intent of basically suicide was known

    but anyway, Having Maria shot to death by gun isn't the mature thing you think it is, besides they were aiming guns at her anyway, the intent is clear, only missed by "accident" and she died by explosion instead -she still died you know- and how it is any different from how SA2 portrayed it really? it's not like we see the moment of her death there either, we don't see a headshot, it's just understood through the context and story.

    Just like we understand that mufasa died cause he fell of a cliff, it's not like you see his corpse and how it was run over and blood and all that, you just understand from context and good storytelling

    and an example you gave earlier, The Last Wish, a very good movie that i liked that it's main theme is death

    And despite that, it actually treated his 8 deaths with humor, which according to you is not giving the theme the dignity it deserves, yet somehow it's a more mature family movie? that's just a plain old contradiction

    and the movie in general is lightheared with lots of humor despite it's main theme, doesn't make it a movie only aimed at kids.

    and that's just plain false, movie till now anyway actually grow in audience compared to previous 2 movies according to the numbers we have, which is even more impressive considering it's actually competing with a huge disney movie, managing to beat it on opening week, and now the difference between them is so small , so what are you even about now anyway? what is even the discussion about at this point?

    Not to mention the point that kids movies somehow more limited in audiunce is just plain false anyway, just look at Minions films.
  14. Mana


    International and Domestic GOAT Member
    Buddy, my post was only about why Sonic didn't get nominated for an Oscar for Best Picture. The fact that you feel the need to defend this movie so badly when if my opinion held no merit, you'd just ignore it, says everything that needs to be said.

    Mufasa currently - 481 Million (by Disney at a low point apparently). Sonic 3 - 340 million (despite opening higher).

    Super Mario Bros Movie - 1.3 Billion. Sonic 3 - 500 million (maybe). I don't care.
  15. Chimpo


    Artificial Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    I've provided everyone here with numerous analysts posts and comparisons throughout this threads run about the film's performance. I don't feel like I need to repeat myself again so go back pages if you must.

    Considering your general attitude on this board and the absolute asinine comp films you just pulled (not to mention how you previously brought up John Campea), I am absolutely certain your only motivation here is to prove to everyone here that you were right about whatever the hell you're trying to prove. You're still hanging on about that billion dollar prediction 1 person with clearly no real knowledge on box office performance made and presenting it as if everyone was backing them up.

    I have no interest in discussing this further with you because you clearly have no actual interest in an actual discussion.
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  16. Mana


    International and Domestic GOAT Member
    If that's how it's being taken, I won't say anything else until the final numbers are tallied. But I have to say this.

    I've kept up with box office for 16 years now. The interest in this subject and these numbers come have always been from a place of wanting to have a deeper connection to pop culture. You can dispute quality but you can't dispute numbers. This has always shown me what people are interested in, where tastes of gravitating, and give a better idea of what to expect down the line.

    A silent rule that most people who keep up with this heavily have always maintained is that we should root for movies to succeed or fail on their own based on their own merits. Never rooting for movies to succeed at the expense of others. Because when it becomes that it becomes rooting for companies and that's gross.

    99% of people who keep up with box want every movie to succeed when possible because that ensures theatre's keep their lights open and more films can be made. And those artists that make movies that aren't meant to make a billion or have appeal to everyone can have a place for their movies to be shown on the biggest screen in the best environment possible.

    Sonic fans making this into a pretend David v Goliath fight (these are both billion dollar companies) wasn't something the community wanted or needed as it went against all the principles of how we look at these numbers. They should be used solely to gauge public interest in a brand or creator and nothing else. Especially pretending these companies are anything other than companies.

    Sonic 3 won't beat Mufasa...but so what? Sonic 3's competition was never Mufasa. It was Sonic 3. Paramount doesn't care that Sonic 3 didn't beat Mufasa. They are happy it beat the previous 2 Sonic the Hedgehog films. And that is all that matters because it means more people are interested in Sonic than ever. This ensures we will continue to get more movies, comics, games, and shows in the future because Sonic is showing itself to be more of a viable franchise every single day.

    Sonic was never going to beat Mufasa and that's okay. It surpassed itself and box office fans know that's all that matters.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2025
  17. MH MD

    MH MD

    It's not me defending the movie, it's discussion about some points you made -and i even agreed that it wouldn't be nominated for oscars anyway but i am disagreeing about the logic of it- , if you gonna be defensive about it like that then don't engage in the discussion you know, it says more about you that you consistently ignore obvious points and facts while keep bringing back really really old discussion points from weeks -maybe months ago- as if you want to prove that you were right, previously saying things like "see? i can admit when i am wrong, but would anyone else do? clearly not!"

    So maybe instead it's time you just admit that your point about the movie aimed for kids and no one else is just plainly wrong using all metrics and data we have -and just plain logic-, or the fact that it somehow limited it's audience cause the butt jokes -despite such jokes being present in more mainstraim works- , or even if it WAS aimed for kids solely it won't somehow limit it's audience more than "family" movies.

    Anyway, here, enjoy a poster of a kids movies aimed primarily at kids that crossed 1 billion.

  18. Mana


    International and Domestic GOAT Member
    Older people love minions and love them enough to go out to the theatre's to see the films. Do you see 50+ year Olds sharing sonic memes constantly? I say that to say every movie will have different circumstances for success. When the sonic films prove to have that level of cross generational appeal (remember the Minion suit campaign teens started for the 2nd film? Sonic 3 didn't get something like that) then we can compare those two.

    However I already said I would drop the subject so I ask that you don't quote me right after. I have nothing to add until the final numbers come in.
  19. Pipoza


    I thought Sonic 3 did a great job handling its more serious themes in contrast to the more light-hearted elements.

    When it needed to sit with the serious feelings, it did so and when it needed the snappy comedic timing, it knew when to use that.

    I don't care about the pop culture references, but, for example, the Casper joke got a big grin out of me because it was a very snappy cutaway that was also relevant to Knuckles' character.

    The larger-than-life, live action "cartoon" nature of it and rapid pace of the movie just made even the most ridiculous moments "feel" right to me.

    I didn't mind the dance scene or the cutaways during the final battle because I feel like even those tone switches "fit in" because of the expectations the movie set for me.

    People make the Dragon Ball comparison a lot because of the final 30 minutes, and my immediate comparison were DB's Battle of Gods and Superhero movies because they also were very much interested in conveying a singular theme in their very contained runtime, but upon further reflection, it reminded me a lot of the simple messaging of the early Dragon Ball manga, specifically, actually.

    For all of the infamous issues with the DB animes, the original manga has absolutely fantastic panelling and pacing when read in bulk, and yes, sometimes to the point where maybe some stuff should've had more time spent on it.

    Beyond being part of Sonic's roots, DB actually isn't a bad inspiration to take after for your family movie in a very general sense (outside of maybe the more dated humour).
  20. MH MD

    MH MD

    Good then, Minions have appeal for everyone -families- while ALSO having butts jokes and still managed to cross 1 billion so obviously butt jokes don't limit the appeal of movies in any way shape or form if they can even be used to advertise them, glad we agree!