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Sonic the Hedgehog Cinematic Universe Thread (& Knuckles)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Dark Sonic, May 28, 2020.

  1. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    I never watched the movies when they came out but I'm finally getting round to it now. The Shadow movie seems to memey to miss out on.
  2. BenoitRen


    Tech Member
    I just remembered that I still have cinema tickets that ex-colleagues gifted me. Now I will definitely watch Sonic 3 at release!
  3. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    Frankly I’d love if they could make an animated movie at some point lmao. Something in the vein of Mutant Mayhem or Spiderverse would be legit
  4. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    It's what these movies should have been in the first place.
  5. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    100%, but alas.

    tbh I’m fully expecting before I’m dead for there to be another animated Sonic movie. A good one? Who tf knows, but I’d be very surprised if a studio didn’t take the opportunity to take a crack at it.
  6. HammerKirby


    HammerKeebi Member
    I am a bit disappointed at the fat suit and general look for Robotnik/Eggman. The leaks made it sound like he could look exactly like the game Eggman so the fact that he's just a bit chubbier is a small letdown. I'd love to see Eggman's classic or modern looks in the movieverse before Jim Carey retires.The movie look is fine, but it would just be cool as a fan.
  7. AnimatedAF


    I feel like a lot of these live action movie franchises always seem to be followed up some years later with an animated movie (see Smurfs, Mutant Mayhem as mentioned and also Transformers). The quality of these of course is never guaranteed either but I think we will see a fully animated Sonic feature down the line. More when than if.
  8. BigTigerM



    I suppose the most mouthwatering dream for many of us hoping for such an outcome would be a Marza Planet animated flick... 'Tis the sweetest of any dream.
    If that wasn't an option though, what studio would y'all want to see pick up the licensing for, say, another trilogy?

    For the Asian side of things, MAPPA and Madhouse are currently the most renowned for their flashy visual work, but I've only heard the worst things about their company practices so I'm not too keen on having them onboard. Science Saru would probably be the most realistic bet, with their claims to fame being Devilman Crybaby, Ride Your Wave and Scott Pilgrim Takes off, but a full length theatrical Sonic film sounds like a nightmare of a project for them to take on. I don't know how Production IG are still alive, Studio Khara is on a surprising rampage but Anno would take literal millennia to finish it, so I dunno who could take it on. Sunrise, maybe?? That's Bandai Namco Gundam money, they could do just about anything they wanted to - plus the merchandising potential they'd get from such a release would be through the roof.
    The best possible choice SEGA could make for a collaboration though? Studio Trigger. They're not afraid to handle crap-tonnes of characters, they got that electrifying wow and energetic pizzazz to their storytelling that's sorely missing from the series as of late, and their visual output could land itself soooo well to our lil' furry friends.

    I don't know of any European animation studios, so y'all gotta help me out with this one. Ellipse did work for Tin-Tin (the old one) and the Garfield Show, so I'm not expecting much. Ankama is probably too busy developing games, but they did put Mutafukaz and Wakfu on decently-sized screens so that should account for something. Cartoon Saloon supposedly made Wolfwalkers and Secret of the Kells, so they're definitely more in the tug-at-your-heartstrings department, which might be of use if SEGA wanted to make a, say, Echidna-centric film... Or anything slice-of-lifey, really.

    Things don't get any better here on the western front. Warner Bros has all the money in the world, so like Bandai Namco they could do just about anything they wanted, but they have a hard-on for cancelling projects and would rather focus all their energy into their animated DC work, so any collaborative efforts that succeed would be only the sourest of shovelware. Mikros Animation has Asterix, Spongebob and TMNT money (thanks to previously noted Mutant Mayhem film), so they could probably pull off just about anything with decent results - It's just SEGA that I'm worried about them working for. Illumination would absolutely froth at the mouth to be known as the studio that got to make the first true films for both Mario & Sonic the Hedgehog, and their modern sensibilities and negligence for any organic matter on this Earth might just make that film magically work (they're garbage, but it's garbage that sells like hotcakes). Disney would laugh any SEGA rep out of the room, Aardman Studios could produce cute little adverts for the Sonic brand (maybe a stop-motion ad campaign?), but nothing on a significant scale...
    I think our best chances for something that could be decent is between Sony Pictures and DreamWorks, SEGA just has to make sure they're picking up the right chalice before they go hurriedly drinking from it.

    Those're just my observations, tho! I'm always missing crucial info, so if anyone wants to contribute anything, I'd gladly suggest doing so. :3
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2024
  9. Mana


    International and Domestic GOAT Member
    People asked me to drop this argument and you still quoted me .

    I don't think Sonic has the franchise goodwill to get a billion dollars just because it's Sonic and coming out at a great time. Nor do I think Sonic 3 will have the major jump up in quality that would cause it to have a The Dark Knight or Toy Story 3 level jump (two franchises that had extremely goodwill for years before their billion dollar movie) to a billion.

    I still don't and none of your points change that especially not the one about the MCU which still doesn't devolve or focus heavily on toilet humor outside of the Guardian and Deadpool films, which people like because they "go there" (and no Guardians movie reached a billion despite being heavily loved and wildly successful films).

    Have a good day.
  10. XCubed


    Will Someday Own a Rent-A-Center Oldbie
    We really need some clarity on this.

    Attached Files:

  11. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    You were pointed out for lying in an attempt to make some point and then doubled down on your lie when specifically questioned about a statement. No one told you to drop your argument about the film's performance. You're free to continue your sharing your opinion.

    The Spanish trailer has him saying Grand Father. I haven't checked the other languages to see how they translated it, but Pop Pop I'd usually used to refer to Grand Father.

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  12. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
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  13. Mana


    International and Domestic GOAT Member
    Me genuinely misinterpreting a scene is lying? Even though I said several times to ignore that point because it didn't change anything else I said (and I didn't edit it out because it apparently "makes the thread hard to follow)? What?

    Like I said I learned my lesson, next time I'll just edit it out instead of continuing to reply.

    Was you thinking that fake Burger King ad real, you lying too? Or is it possible for human beings to sometimes misinterpret or share incorrect information without bad faith or malicious intention?
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2024
  14. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    They're not dubbed, but Paramount Japan, Taiwan and Italia have the trailers up and subbed.




    I can't read the other two, but I know the Italia channel says grandpa. Anyone care to verify?

    This one is dubbed

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  15. Simon A.C. Martin

    Simon A.C. Martin

    Fixing railways
    Just finished watching Knuckles, enjoyed it surprisingly more than I expected. The easter egg of the OVA hat gave me a smile - the original film was one of my favourites growing up.

    Also, appreciation for the “& Knuckles” tagline in the title!

    The Sonic 3 trailer also has me hyped. All kinds of fan service. I am here for it. Love it.
  16. Plorpus


    Hog Blue So What Member
    The Japanese one definitely says grandpa. But… oh boy. Looks like the Japanese localization is kinda rough… They went the Sonic Frontiers route of sometimes putting completely different dialogue for the subs even when it doesn’t make sense. Of course I get that some of the dialogue has to be changed, that’s just the nature of localization. But this feels like the Japanese equivalent of 90s anime dubs except instead of trying to add jokes and personality they took them away. I wonder if the previous movies were similar… I know Eitaro Toyoda himself handled the localization of 2, but is he involved this time around?

    Here’s the transcript in case you’re curious:
    (The top text for each line is the English line, the middle is the Japanese subtitle, and the bottom is my translation)
    also, the movie is called Sonic X Shadow: Tokyo Mission. They’re really trying to play up that it takes place in Tokyo over there.
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  17. Kilo


    Starting new projects every week Tech Member
    Changes with the weather
    So Wade Whipple's line delivery of "The Flames of Disaster!" in the Knuckles show final fight has become a huge meme on Twitter overnight
    And it's gotten to a point where Sonic producer Shun Nakamura has referenced it.
    What a strange timeline we live in.
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  18. Zephyr


    God, I can't believe they'd keep referencing Sonic 06 like this. It was a bad game people hated. Somebody tell them that reminding people of it will lead to financial ruin!
  19. Londinium


    People actually read these? Member
    Arguably, Sega themselves making fun of bad Sonic games was what led to an improvement in the brand image overall

