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Sonic the Hedgehog Cinematic Universe Thread (& Knuckles)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Dark Sonic, May 28, 2020.

  1. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
    Assuming what they did last year, they'll probably wait the release date gets close to 4 months before release, then there's a good chance they release the trailer there.
  2. Jaxer


    I'm gonna be real here, I think that Paramount taking their sweet ass time with releasing the first trailer is gonna have major reprecussions on the film's box office performance.

    Lazy marketing has sunk blockbusters based on large IPs in the past. Star Wars is one of the biggest media franchises on the planet, yet Solo was a disastrous bomb in 2018 due to Disney doing literally zero marketing for the film until 2-3 months before its theatrical release.
  3. Chimpo


    Toastiest Retro Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    That's not why it flopped. The movie stunk, no one wanted a Solo movie, and the movie had nothing but bad press from all of its production woes such as Lord and Miller being kicked off the project. (Zero marketing? Really?)

    Don't be ridiculous with the doom posting. They're not going to spend their marketing budget half a year before the film's release date.
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  4. Jaxer


    The Rise of Skywalker from the same franchise the next year had like thrice as much bad press ever since its first trailer dropped, yet still managed to gross a billion dollars. And while spinoffs always tend to make less money than main series installments, Rogue One from two years prior managed to make a decent profit. And that movie was not an origin story to one of the most famous antiheroes in Hollywood history.

    I didn't like the film either, but its flaws in execution have not stopped prior or later Star Wars films from being incredibly successful. Its marketing was the only major problem unique to it alone, and it's the lowest grossing live action film in the series.
  5. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
    Yeah, I'm hyped for the movie, but I think everyone needs to remember Paramount only started to post trailers and the actual marketing for Sonic 2 only 4 months away for the movie releasing. And we all know how crazy they went with the marketing. Feels like they're just going to do a similar thing with Sonic 3.

    I've seen people saying they lost the hype for the movie because the trailer is taking so long to release, but we know once it releases, everyone will loses their shit lol.

    We'll probably only need to wait another month (counting from now) before the trailer comes out.
  6. Chimpo


    Toastiest Retro Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Barely. Rise of Skywalker was considered a big misfire grossing significantly less than Force and Jedi. Its legs were pathetic with the film leaving screens after 13 weeks. The only reason it grossed as much as it did is because it was the closing chapter of a trilogy. Comparing it to Solo is stupid. Rouge One had the benefit of coming out a year after Force Awakens which was well received and people still had high hopes for the franchise. Solo came out after Last Jedi, which started the downward trend of the Star Wars IP that Disney has been struggling to recover from since.

    Solo had a marketing campaign. It just wasn't a good one. Which is far worse than not having one at all because Disney spent money on it. Your comparison here aren't valid and don't seem to be based off any actual numbers or logic here. Especially since you're using Star Wars of all films as a baseline.
  7. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    I do not understand why people are whining about a trailer not being out nearly half a year before the film is due. You'd have long forgotten about it by the time the film's out. I wasn't expecting anything until September, October.
  8. Boxer Hockey

    Boxer Hockey

    It's because people think there was some great trailer already shown to a bunch of people when there really wasn't. It was handful of shots shown to theatre owners and licensing partners. It was never meant to be seen widely because it's not a real trailer.
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  9. Battons


    Shining Force Fan Member
    Brings me some relief knowing that everyone is still in the dark around the movie, I was pretty concerned that if there was an actual trailer made things would be leaked way before they were supposed to and ruin some of the fun of the big advertising push that’ll happen. Thanks for letting us know.
  10. RDNexus


    Not wanting to rain on anyone's parade, it's a genuine question I harbor for quite a while now...

    Why do people, nowadays, worry so much about spoilers? Why do spoilers and leaks ruin their experiences?

    I ask this because, in my case, such things usually pump me up towards those experiences...
    So I really wanna understand the PoV of those who prefer to be in the dark until the big moment.
  11. Jaxer


    Pretty sure that this isn't a new phenomenon.

    Hell, even the Simpsons had a skit about how angry people got in 1980 over having The Empire Strikes Back's ending spoiled to them.
  12. RDNexus


    OK... But why's that? Is there some sort of explanation?
  13. qwertysonic


    creating the biggest sonic collection
  14. Blast Brothers

    Blast Brothers

    I mean, I think the potential downside of spoilers is pretty obvious. To go back to the Simpsons/Empire example, that one would've really stung if it happened to you because it's a reveal. The movie was written with the assumption that it would be narratively satisfying if that piece of information was revealed at the right time. So having that experience taken away from you feels annoying.

    I think vague spoilers, like "X character is in the movie", are less bad because they still leave room for surprises when watching the movie for yourself.
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  15. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL
    Spoilers are a double-edged sword; on the one hand, people want to be surprised, and being spoiled naturally ruins the surprise - you can't be surprised if you know what's going to happen - but at the same time, multiple studies have shown that knowing what's going to happen usually increases your enjoyment as it simplifies the learning you have to go through while reading/watching/playing.

    For me personally, if there's a major surprise that's supposed to be a "wow" moment then I don't want to be spoiled on that. But I don't particularly care for e.g. "there's a bit where this thing happens and it's cool" even if it is a story spoiler. I guess I'm agreeing with Blast Brothers in that it's about the reveal rather than individual plot elements.
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  16. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
    Man, was I disappointed when the ship sank in the Titanic movie.
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  17. Iggy for Short

    Iggy for Short

    Admittedly, my own aversion to spoilers can be a bit much at times, but the argument I'll always come back to is this: You can always go back and re-watch something to further appreciate it with foreknowledge later. You only get to experience it blindly once. And unfortunately the internet's only made it easier to stumble into details you didn't want to see yet, or for leaks to make the rounds and take a bit of wind out of an eventual trailer's sails.

    Obviously a reveal shouldn't be the only thing holding a piece of media up, but if I get robbed of a Cool Moment™ in something I'm excited for because people blurt it out the nanosecond of release, that still sucks and I'm gonna be annoyed at whoever was careless at best or an asshole at worst. (Though leaks are a bit more varied, and I'm less certain where to draw the lines there.)
  18. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
    I'd pissed if for example (and reason) Blaze would appear in the movie and someone'd just casually showed a picture of it, because I would not expect that and would want to be surprised.

    Some people also just like to have blind experience as possible.
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  19. sayonararobocop


    I ended up spoiling both Sonic and Sonic 2 before watching but plan on avoiding spoilers this time.
  20. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    As long as her first line isn't, "What is this place?"...