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Sonic the Hedgehog (2020) movie

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Dark Sonic, Dec 7, 2013.

  1. Yoritoshi


    São Paulo
    Cosmic Boll
    Isn't it amazing how the shot of Robotnik actually looking like Robotnik during the last 5 seconds of the whole movie, which I suppose is meant to generate even the vaguest amount of hype, also shows the most drab first-person shooter depiction of Mushroom Hill imaginable.
  2. Powpuck


    Anyone willing to edit in Right Said Fred's "Wonderman" in its stead.
  3. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and looking for post-grad work...

    Carrey as Eggman is the one somewhat redeeming factor. Which isn't saying much because he doesn't look or particularly even act like Eggman at all (besides the end scene, and even then it only makes him look somewhat closer to his design by 11 points out of a scale of 100).

    Almost everything else looks like it was carelessly grave-robbed off of any old-hat film of the genre its occupying. Nothing looks original or inspired. It doesn't resemble the franchise in any format except for the thing in there that they want you to believe is Sonic. And that thing they are saying is Sonic is still easily the worst thing about this entire project.

    His design still looks awful and the animation/CG for him only accentuates that. The production crew clearly didn't spend a lot of money on him because he doesn't look like he exists in the scenes he is in, both in visuals and in the weight of his animation. It's like a half step between the direct-to-video Woody Woodpecker and the live-action Chipmunks. Honestly hard to believe this is their result with a $90M budget.

    This film might just be bland as opposed to actively atrocious, but I still hope it doesn't break even at the box office to warrant any sequels.
  4. runde


    Using Plan "B"... Member
    Deep in the gut of Texas
    What was I was supposed to do again?

    That trailer was hilarious for the wrong reasons, pretty much sums up the year and so of reveals.

    All that needed was Sonic saying "I live my life a quarter mile at a time."
  5. JcFerggy


    Do you want to taco 'bout it? Member

    I don't know, I'm still not a fan of his look, but I'll likely check out this dumpster fire in theaters.
  6. Graxer


    I think it looks like it may be a decent movie... as long as I completely disassociate it with the Sonic franchise. If it was a completely new franchise and still had Jim Carey in it as the villain I think it could be a moderate success.

    As it is, with the Sonic franchise behind it, it may have more people checking it out at the cinema, but it will probably have a negative effect on review scores.
  7. Glaber


    Has Beaten Sonic Genesis for GBA Oldbie
    I actualy enjoyed the trailer, but I'll wait for the movie to come to dvd. There's no way I'm seeing this thing in threaders. that honer goes to Detective Pikachu.
  8. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and looking for post-grad work...

    This is the timeline where Ken Penders won in more ways than one.
  9. Sir_mihael


    I'm actually hyped to watch this trash. I don't know what to say. I hated the trailer but at the same time I was grinning the whole way through. My blood ran cold. I laughed. I cried. COVER ME WITH THIS CAR CRASH, PARAMOUNT.
  10. GoldS


    I'm shocked and appalled

    that they used "Gangsta's Paradise" instead of the much more appropriate "Ghetto Cartoon".
  11. SuperSnoopy


    I like Sonic Advance Member
    Lyon, France
    Slice of life visual novel, coming soon...?
    I'm surprised how much worse Sonic's design looks in motion.
    This is cursed. I also kind of want to make it my new avatar.
  12. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Oh Sonic. What have those bastards at Paramount done to you?

    Dear god no. This trash fire needs to bomb horribly to remove any financial incentive to do so.

    Do not pay to watch this movie.
  13. KingOfBunnies


    This timeline is incredible and I love it so much. This movie looks exactly what I expected it to be.
  14. Endgame


    Formerly The Growler Member
    Seeing Sonic with "electricity" flowing through him ala. The Flash - called it earlier.

    So they're still going through with the "Gotta Go Fast" mantra?

    I can imagine a whole new breed of memes are soon going to appear from this.
  15. Creature SH

    Creature SH

    The first words the world have heard uttered by live-action Sonic are most closely associated with a meme that shows a misshapen, barely recognizable version of him from fanart put together by a small child.


  16. Ayu Tsukimiya

    Ayu Tsukimiya

    UGUU~ Member
    Kinda sad that everything about his appearance has more in common with Sanic and intentionally creepy fanart than anything else.
  17. Knucklez


    This is the most expensive and elaborate Sonic parody I've ever seen in my life. Bravo!
  18. cornholio857


    The Great Cornholio Member
    Jacksonville, FL
    In search of TP
    Wonder if the "electricity", or Sonic in general, in the real world is what transforms Robotnik into his video game like appearance? Or if it has an effect on Sonic? Sonic in the real world=looks realistic, more time in real world=closer in appearance to that we know. Doubt the Sonic part but mainly speculation.

    As for the trailer, oooooohhh boy. I'll definitely check it out once on DVD or streaming. If anything I'm hoping for a "Troll 2-like" experience.
  19. Nova


    Don't take it too seriously Member
    As I've posted on Twitter and Discord (and anyone from there will be tired of hearing it at this point :v:), my predicted general outline based on the trailer goes something like this:

    Sonic ends up in our world somehow and causes the power surge, Government sets a specialist/scientist on the case, Dr Robotnik, and Sonic tries to save our world while Robotnik progressively gets more obsessed with catching him. Sonic eventually does save our world and finds a way to return home, but it's a one way ticket and Robotnik somehow manages to chase after him, the only desire he has now being to catch Sonic. He doesn't care Sonic saved the world, he just wants to catch him now. The end scene from the trailer is after he's been trapped on Sonic's world for a few weeks or months (note the stubble, dirty red jacket, unkept moustache) and at this point, he's fully gone mentally.

    I really hope they take it in this direction, as a normal scientist turning mad and/or somehow turning up in Sonic's world was always what I thought the backstory should be when I was younger, so I'd be interested. It also fits with Carrey seemingly being the biggest draw in this movie.

    Basically, I don't totally hate it. Sorry to be contrarian? The design still sucks.
  20. Jay T.

    Jay T.

    It takes an idiot to do cool things... Member
    I don't hate Sonic's design (especially considering I've seen weirder that people liked), but that mouth and legs is rather off putting. I can somewhat get they didn't want Sonic to have "noodle limbs," but those human like limbs just don't work here. Sonic's model in 2006 was criticized for having long legs, so this isn't in the right direction. That mouth doesn't work at all. They're trying way too hard to make Sonic fit in the real world. I do at least like that Sonic does somewhat act like Sonic, but I'm honestly getting a bit tired of "Gotta go fast" popping up all the time.

    I'm alright with Jim Carrey being Eggman, and I do hope what Nova's prediction is the direction they go. I can see the action and story playing out OK. The writing though is kind of up in the air, but can't say I have my hopes up. Really didn't like that joke about Sonic being in that bag. It was just, bad. I don't see the movie making its money back, but I wouldn't be too shocked if it makes at least a good chunk of it back. Gonna kind of suck being a Sonic fan on the Internet for a good while, again. I guess to try to have some optimism, this is one of those bad game movies a lot of IPs have been through at least once, and hopefully we'll get something way better than this in the future. SEGA really needs to be more careful with who they decide to handle their IPs, especially Sonic.