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Sonic the Hedgehog (2020) movie

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Dark Sonic, Dec 7, 2013.

  1. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and looking for post-grad work...

    I'm not shitting bricks. as i said earlier--when they said live-action, my expectations were already set. especially when that poster hit.

    but I'm still....just.....why.

    why at this design.

    why at this movie.

    why at this franchise.

  2. Tiranno


    Steveosaurus Rex Member
    All they had to do was make an animated movie.

    That's all they had to do.
  3. Laughingcow


    Resident Edgelord PHD Member
    If I can hazard a guess, merchandising rights. It's the same reason Star Trek is currently a trainwreck.
  4. Hukos


    The worse this movie looks, the more my interest in it increases.
  5. SuperSnoopy


    I like Sonic Advance Member
    Lyon, France
    Slice of life visual novel, coming soon...?
    hahahahahaha it look so fucking bad it's almost unreal

    As if I was not embarrassed enough to be a Sonic fan already
  6. Retroman


    Gotta Advertise Fast!
  7. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and looking for post-grad work...
    btw, in case you had an inkling that Sega may had learned anything from the sonic boom fiasco in regards to franchise management: (remove the dots between "t.s.s.z.n.e.w.s")

    "On our website right now, the text from the now deleted HCI page that accompanied the above images that indicates a four-tiered direction for Sonic going forward: Classic, Modern, Movie, and Animation."


    in the face of everything with sonic that's happened over the past five years, i can't believe sonic mania wasn't just trashed from the jump
  8. Retroman


  9. Linkabel


    I saw that earlier and I have a little bit of hope that animation means more stuff like Sonic Mania Adventures from Tyson Hesse and his team.
  10. Antheraea


    Bug Hunter Member
    WE DON'T NEED FOUR SONICS. Why do they keep insisting on doing this shit? Just make like one fucking game. One fucking aesthetic. Trash everything else. God forbid.
  11. Chibisteven


    Wow. That is awful looking. It's like a stupid idiot gets to be in charge of something and they keep wrecking it by changing everything until it's no longer even remotely anything like it's supposed to. It's one of those things that's actually made fun of happening in Hollywood in sitcoms. Just some stupid idiot executive that needs to be given the pink slip and banned from making movies (probably so stupid that the brain dead executive doesn't even know what that is). Sad that this is happening to Sonic at the moment.
  12. Zephyr


    Why is this a bad thing exactly?
  13. Jason


    *Results not lab tested. Member
    Further unnecessary stratification of a character no one asked for.

    Can someone here win a multi-million dollar lottery and finance a film themselves, please? I want off this ride.
  14. Harmony Friends

    Harmony Friends

    it's the whole gang Oldbie



    this honestly actually managed to go below my expectations because of that fake[?] poster the one with sonic kicking back

    mainly the EYES in that looked so much better

    these eyes are... just the worst.
  15. Zephyr


    [quotename='Jason']Further unnecessary stratification of a character no one asked for.

    Can someone here win a multi-million dollar lottery and finance a film themselves, please? I want off this ride.
    [/quote]I guess? What stands out to me moreso is further confirmation of a "Classic" branch going forward. As long as that's a go, they can give the rest of this franchise a hundred stratified sub-branches for all I care. Like, if Sega took SystemsReady's advice and focused on literally only one thing, more Classic styled games would be that one game/aesthetic that's most worth pursuing. For people who only care about Classic styled games, what we appear to be getting is literally no different from them taking said advice. For people who care about other things, what we appear to be getting is better than them taking said advice.

    Who's losing here? No individual fan is obligated to consume shit in other lanes just because it has the brand name attached to it.
  16. Laughingcow


    Resident Edgelord PHD Member
    To add, if Sega were to add "a hundred stratified sub-branches", I would image we would have a hundred DEAD stratified sub-branches to toss on the pile with the failed Boom reboot and Sonic Underground.

    While the Classic Modern/Dreamcast split isn't something I would have advocated for, looking at the situation as it is, I think it is the correct course of action. At the very least, I can get good classic Sonic shit. Still waiting for Dreamcast/Modern Sonic to get his shit together though.

  17. Volphied


    「限界の向こうは無限大」 Member
    It's like Sega heard the constant complaining about too many side characters, so they fixed it by giving us just Sonic... multiple times.
    Now it's just Sonics, all the way down.

  18. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    Poor boy. Movie is going to be the Nickelback of video games. Not too bad, but the airbrush looks silly. Ha ha! I cannot wait for the day that kids beat up each other over which Sonic is the best!
  19. Antheraea


    Bug Hunter Member
    I guess? What stands out to me moreso is further confirmation of a "Classic" branch going forward. As long as that's a go, they can give the rest of this franchise a hundred stratified sub-branches for all I care. Like, if Sega took SystemsReady's advice and focused on literally only one thing, more Classic styled games would be that one game/aesthetic that's most worth pursuing. For people who only care about Classic styled games, what we appear to be getting is literally no different from them taking said advice. For people who care about other things, what we appear to be getting is better than them taking said advice.

    Who's losing here? No individual fan is obligated to consume shit in other lanes just because it has the brand name attached to it.

    I feel that it speaks to a lack of coherent vision, the same kind that basically has been plaguing the series since Boom was conceptualized. It also is confusing to people who aren't constantly into Sonic. Like it or not, Boom, while literally marketed and considered a spinoff, was still considered a black mark on the franchise even by people who weren't into it. All anyone talked about re:Sonic was how terrible that game was. People generally can wrap their head around Classic vs Modern, but any more than that and they tend to focus on the thing that either came out the latest or gets the most attention. (and usually, the Sonic games that get the most attention are...the bad ones. which Sega will now have more chances/branches to put out)

    And we didn't get any non-Boom games for a while either. Or non-Boom ancillary works. For all their insistence on stratification, they never seem to have the resources to evenly distribute it, or even to express it in a manner that doesn't just look like "oh god we need to try everything to try to get something to stick" (when literally Mania was the thing that stuck and yet they're not focusing on it)

    Sonic is legit the only big franchise I can think of whose creators keep insisting they need to split off into distinct subsections, which makes me think that they really don't understand why Sonic is appealing. Like, Pokemon has a ton of spinoffs but Pokemon is still seen as coherent - and that is why Detective Pikachu has everyone's interest, because it's a rare case of Nintendo going really weird with it instead of Sega's "let's change everything every five years" approach. Zelda has freaking Crossbow Training but everyone can pinpoint what tends to make up a Zelda title, a Zelda aesthetic. Sonic being purposefully split up into a bunch of different branches makes it seem like Sega doesn't have a coherent aesthetic, plan, gameplay style, anything, for their flagship series, and it's been like this for over a decade now, and now they're doubling down on it like it'll solve all their issues, and they're talking about this while also putting out a movie that is already doing a fantastic job of erasing any kind of goodwill they have managed to build up.

    Sidenote, I legitimately have no clue why they're not going nuts with Mania. The characters are cuter-looking and the colors and aesthetic are way brighter, on top of finally releasing a good game - any fourth-rate marketing guru can spin gold out of something with those traits, and yet...nnnnoooope
  20. Lapper


    Lappering Tech Member
    Sonic Studio, Sonic Physics Guide, Kyle & Lucy, Freedom Planet 2
    We are deep in the valley.
