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Sonic the Hedgehog (2020) movie

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Dark Sonic, Dec 7, 2013.

  1. MH MD

    MH MD

    Wasn't the movie already released in cinema? how it can be 'leaked", unless you mean cam rips?
  2. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
    Well, I didn't want to go because I hate cinemas in general and I thought that this movie was going to be crap, but the positive reviews persuaded me to change my mind, I'll go later today with my girlfriend, she actually loves cinemas instead so it might be a nice thing to do for Valentine's day (except that she doesn't like Sonic), we'll see how things are going to turn out, I'm not ruling out the chance that this is still going to be crap after all just yet.
  3. Flare


    Oh... lots of fun. I really loved their characterisation of both Sonic and Robotnik in the film. I really wouldn’t mind them taking across some cues into their games storytelling... or visuals.
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  4. Sonic Warrior TJ

    Sonic Warrior TJ

    Time for a buzz, cuz Member
    I have tickets to four showings. Three today, and one on Tuesday, with various friends and family. At some point I'm going to see it at this little retro theater about 40 minutes away. Needless to say, I'm excited, and possibly insane. Happy Sonic Movie Day, everyone. Time to drown in popcorn.
  5. RDNexus


    Make that 2, for now. What little I know of the movie, seems to have been done kinda decently overall, other than the need for a Anthro×Human buddy romp in Sonic and Tom. But, oh well, it's not all that bad xD
  6. Endgame


    Formerly The Growler Member
    Do you think it would be best for someone to create a new 'spoiler thread' for those who've watched it?
  7. Afro Thunder

    Afro Thunder

    Call Da Doctor! Member
    NS, Canada
    Trying to get outta Dr. Dre mode, and actually release an album.
    Nope, the full movie's been ripped in high quality, and plastered everywhere. I guess someone snatched one of the advanced copies that was shown.
  8. MH MD

    MH MD

    I dunno, all i see is camrips still, high quality ones but don't see any clean HD rips from any twitter posts i see, all of them are clearly cam
  9. camcommunicates


    Just got back from a showing in Seville with my partner. There was only one other person in the cinema but I hear they like going to movies late here so that might be why.

    Honesty, I really enjoyed it. It could have been a lot better, but it was a solid 7/10 film. My partner liked it as well, and I think the general audience will. There was some great little references that I feel like fans will only pick up on, and some are really well done. I think it was a bit too Americanised though, considering how big Sonic is/was in places like the UK, France and Australia, they should have made it more neutral.

    The SEGA film logo intro was amazing. Made me hope they start more movies on their franchises

    Hearing Sonic say ‘oh no’ when dropping the rings - not sure if this was intentional but I straight away thought of Knuckles

    The Sanic drawing was amazing and really well implemented

    The little nod to the truck chase in city escape was great

    Was not expecting the post credits scene at all, loved it!
  10. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    Fuck you Paramount. Fuck you.

    How dare you make a good movie?

    We've never seen Sonic in this position before. A lonely kid desperate for some friends? I had no idea this was the angle they were going for, and when I realized it I had my doubts.

    But above all else, Sonic was an adorable little asshole with a heart of gold. They got it perfectly!

    And Carey's performance was pitch perfect. I've got zero complaints.

    I'd see this again. I think I will!
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  11. Alriightyman


    I am back... from the dead! Tech Member
    Somewhere in hot, death Florida
    0101001101101111011011100110100101100011 00000010: 0101001100000011 01000101011001000110100101110100011010010110111101101110
    I'm trying to decide whether or not to go see this. Is it actually worth seeing?
  12. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    Absolutely. It's no masterpiece, and it's nothing like the games at all. But I'd wager every fear you had about the "Sonic comes to earth and recruits a human to help him" storyline will be soothed.
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  13. Linkabel


    I feel like it is. The second trailer with the redesign does a great job of showing how the movie is going to go down and its general feeling.

    I say that if you liked it or you were at least interested then go see the movie.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2020
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  14. Alriightyman


    I am back... from the dead! Tech Member
    Somewhere in hot, death Florida
    0101001101101111011011100110100101100011 00000010: 0101001100000011 01000101011001000110100101110100011010010110111101101110
    I may go see it next week sometime. I feel like if I trust anyone's opinion of the movie, it would be this community.
  15. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
    It is a fine movie indeed, completely unrelated to the plot of the games, and definitely a movie more oriented to casual families than to historical fans, but eh, I liked it. If only cinemas weren't so expensive :(

    There are lots of references scattered around for us to notice, too.

    Also, lots of plot holes. But it's fun, and it completely gets Sonic's attitude right.

    btw, I watched the Italian dub, because girlfriend, but I'll make sure to grab the original version eventually, I'm sure there are even more references and puns that I missed, I hate dubs.
  16. I'm just a bit disappointed that I'm gonna miss half of Carrey's performance and all of Ben Schwartz's due to watching a dubbed version of the movie, since I'm going with my 6-year-old daughter who can't yet read subtitles fast enough. And it's not only their performances, a lot of the jokes usually get lost in translation as well.

    I can't really afford to see the movie twice, so I'll probably catch the original version at a later time some other way.
  17. NHY


    I just got back home from seeing the movie, having gone pretty much straight from work.

    All in all, I really enjoyed the movie. It was a fun, fast paced adventure that keep me enthralled from start to finish. Is it a masterpiece, of course not nor was I expecting it to be. There was also some genuinely touching moments in the movie and some scenes left me with a big grin on my face. Jim Carey stole the show as Dr Robotnik, he perfectly captured the eccentric mad scientist we know Robotnik to be and everyone else involved did a great job too. I'd give a solid 7/10 out of 10

    * The Crazy Conspiracy Kook with the drawing of Sanic made me laugh out loud and I heard quite a few other laughs too in the cinema
    * Baby Sonic at the start was Adorable and I also like the use of Echidnas as a tribe who want Sonic's power.
    * I like the angle of Sonic been lonely and wanting actual friends
    * I honestly didn't mind it been nothing like the games. I feel it captured the spirit of the games just fine. The reason Sonic goes after Robotnik in the games after all is to save / protect his friends
  18. Wafer


    Find me on Twitter instead Member
    Wow wow wow. It's not perfect, but I love it.

    I loved all the little things! The Echidnas! Chili dawgs! Getting new shoes (no, really, it was touching)! Sonic JUST WANTING A FRIEND AH MY HEART. All of the touching moments managed to avoid overcooking themselves. T-TAILS!

    I'm game for a sequel. Heck, I live walking distance from a cinema, so I might just watch it again on Monday.
  19. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
    I wasn't sure how to post spoilers on this forum and I typed my previous message while I was walking so I made it quick, but let's stop for a moment to address what is the biggest plot hole of all, in my opinion.

    The whole trip to San Francisco went down too easily, there's no way in the world that someone with Robotnik's resources would deploy only one land vehicle to pursue them, the duo should have never arrived to San Francisco at all. Come on, Robotnik, not even a chopper or something? No APB on the license plate, no roadblocks even if the destination was known?

    Also, why did Tom think it was a good idea to flash his badge to the receptionist, being a wanted man whose name and face appeared on the news literally a few hours before?

    Also also, I'm surprised that the rings didn't fall down from the roof over the course of one day, apparently there's no wind at the top of a skyscraper.

    Sure it all worked out fine because plot, but...
  20. Wafer


    Find me on Twitter instead Member
    I guess my only significant issue with the film is it could've been longer for me, and San Francisco would've been the perfect place to do that. Lengthen out the "getting into the tower" bit, maybe throw in some other distraction from Robotnik along the way.