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Sonic the Hedgehog (2020) movie

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Dark Sonic, Dec 7, 2013.

  1. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    I know I said I wasn’t going to watch it on day one, but I had nothing better to do, so why not watch the Sonic movie, and guess what –

    it’s actually really good!

    Fast paciness was on point, Tom Wachowski is an ok character and I felt right at home. However, there’s still room for improvement: Firstly, quit the whining, Sonic. You’re not really alone. And secondly, it’s nothing like the games. You just gotta roll with it.

    I don’t understand how anyone can hate this movie when there’s so much nonsense coming to the big screen, but oh well.
  2. RikohZX


    well some critics are a bit more angry than probably reasonable
  3. ItsBrieDude


    my brain is the spinning seal gif Member
    Did anyone else notice that + - one of the "safe" planets remaining resembled the Sega Saturn Logo with a swirl around the planet?   Really nice touch.
  4. I saw it with my friends earlier and left very impressed. Jim Carry as Robotnik was great, the bits of lore were very nice, and the action was quick and fun. This was a great movie for old and new fans alike. I would reccomend it to anyone, even non Sonic fans.
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  5. The Joebro64

    The Joebro64

    Ok, here's my thoughts...

    It was actually pretty good. It told a good story while remaining pretty faithful to the games. I really liked how the Knuckles Tribe was at the beginning. The performances were really good, but Carrey stole the show. Honestly, for a first impression, it delivered.
  6. Afro Thunder

    Afro Thunder

    Call Da Doctor! Member
    NS, Canada
    Trying to get outta Dr. Dre mode, and actually release an album.
    Just a heads up, the full movie got leaked already, so beware if you're trying to remain unspoiled
  7. Dek Rollins

    Dek Rollins

    size of a tangerine Member
    Just got back from the cinema. I liked it a lot.
  8. Boxer Hockey

    Boxer Hockey

  9. The Joebro64

    The Joebro64

    This isn't anything of a spoiler, but the Sonic Mania intro theme does actually play at the beginning of the movie. IDK about you guys but I thought that was a nice touch.
  10. KingOfBunnies


    So yeah, it was good. I liked it. Like you could do a lot better, but you could certainly do a lot worse. It's enjoyable and I didn't hate sitting through it and I've definitely sat through worse movies. Maybe like the most solid 6.5 I'd give it. Maybe a 7. Jim Carrey obviously steals it, but Ben Schwartz as Sonic is also really good. He brings a good energy.
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  11. Abiondarg


    If you told me when that first wretched trailer dropped that I would enjoy this movie, I would have told you that you were out of your mind. But here we are.

    Pretty charming movie and I'm legitimately excited for a sequel.
  12. Just got back from the movie. Very pleasantly surprised. Not bad at all, paramount. Happy camper here. On par with the pikachu movie I'd say. I may have even enjoyed this slightly more but that's probably because I'm a diehard.
  13. EmerlForgotten


    Sonic Music Curator Member
    + - I really enjoyed seeing the Echidna Tribe on the big screen. They looked awesome.  
  14. Boxer Hockey

    Boxer Hockey

    ;) ;) ;)
  15. Antheraea


    Bug Hunter Member
    I liked it. It was a good time, and I was especially happy seeing that the kids in the same theatre as me liked it a lot. It gives me warm fuzzies to see Sonic be liked by people again.

    (Can we seriously not spoiler blocks of text??)

    + - It's nothing like the games but that's alright. There isn't really a way to make it like the games without basically going through an existing storyline verbatim, albeit cut down...or quite possible stumble into Archie melodrama territory.  

    + - I actually feel that James Marsden doesn't get enough credit for his performance in this - he's quite funny and has great comedic timing, and the scenes with Tom and Pretzel Lady were super cute and charming too. (the "pretzel lady" nickname was extremely funny to me because ever since moving here last month, my dog's favorite sleep position is to twist himself up - which I refer to as "pretzeling")  

    + - I think the pacing really shows that the movie has been re-edited during the delay, you can kind of see the threads here and there, but that's also okay.  

    + - Carrey is absolutely nuts in this movie and I loved that too. He's not like...generic manic, he's like surprisingly violent for someone of that archetype. Lots of threats to people in very colorful ways that I was not really expecting. Also HOO BOY that threat about looking up the general's search history is gonna go over kid's heads hahahahaha. The comedic element of like, his Batmobile-tank progressively getting smaller and smaller for each form was great too.  

    + - I especially liked the easter eggs, like the movie inexplicably starting with one of the Hyper Potions tracks used for Mania and Robotnik's power box having a tape label saying "Badniks". Also fucking Sanic showing up killed me.  

    + - The time stop scenes are pretty great. There's a manic Looney Tunes energy to them and I really, really wish the movie used that more. Similarly, the end of the movie has some fucking great shots in it with a degree of gravitas that I think the movie could've used way more of, like Eggman's ship coming through the portal in slow motion or it folding out to reveal more guns just before Sonic goes ham on him. I wonder how much budget this movie had, because come to think of it it doesn't seem like there are a whole lot of locations or effects (until the movie's climax).  

    + - Regarding this, mind you I haven't played any of the 3D games past Heroes, so this isn't a xeroxed "Sonic current game writers suck", but: it is kinda nice to see Sonic like...get upset, get lonely, have struggle (he gets his ass kicked surprisingly a lot too), which he doesn't really have much of in Adventures 1 & 2, even with Adventure 2 fake killing him. Which I mean, he's a bit more of a kid in this which you don't really see all that often, usually he's just "snarky teen" and that's it, and it has its time and place but it was nice seeing him with some range.  

    + - Also, I appreciate of honestly dark it is to have Sonic focus on a "bucket list" like he's gonna die?? because like that is the ONLY context "bucket list" gets used in in real life, so seeing that come up a lot was actually kind of intense.  

    + - Finally, Sonic going "You have something of mine, I think I'll have it back" during the final faceoff is legitimately the scariest/most intimidating he has ever been to me and that is hardcore.  
  16. Antheraea


    Bug Hunter Member
    + - was there seriously legit any explanation for Sonic's backstory before that got added in when you were brought on??  
  17. Boxer Hockey

    Boxer Hockey

    There was, but I can’t really go around saying what changed and why unfortunately. For now just take my winks as a sign that I’m glad you liked it.
  18. Linkabel


    I think that the only reason why I liked Detective Pikachu a little bit better was because they did a good job of integrating the game world in a clever way. It feels like a pseudo sequel to the first game, with callbacks and even easter eggs (like Red appearing) but still standing as its own story.

    And while I wasn't expecting a story that takes place in the SegaSonic game world, I was hoping for something that resembled it more when it got announced.

    And it doesn't help that some of the plot points hit the same roadblocks that Sonic X has in my opinion.

    Saying that, it does have a lot of charm so I'm looking forward to a sequel if it does happen.
  19. Fadaway


    Tonight, I went to see The Rise of Skywalker. Hated it. Loved the Leia moments but hated the film. Ugh. Sonic? I dunno. I went into a Game Stop to dick around before the movie and the Game Stop employee asked if I was going to see the Sonic movie when I mentioned I was going to see a movie. Omg what has happened to cinema? The new Star Wars was bonkers but II gues they did the best with what they had. It was super cheesey. I wanted to see Sonic. I will try to see that on the next couple days. I heard there were fart jokes in it and that immediately threw me off. Autocorrect did not recognize the word ‘immediately’ and that threw me way off. Fuck autocorrect. I want to go cheesin' with Dr. Robotnik. We could plough around town and cause mischief.
  20. Vangar


    Ok, Also one of the safe planets was the sun from early Sonic 1 Concept art! I missed what the others were because that one caught me so off guard! I felt like it was a direct nod to us older fans, so thank you Boxer, if that was you.

    Last edited: Feb 14, 2020