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Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Director's Cut

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Ultrared, Jul 2, 2019.

  1. Blastfrog


    See ya starside. Member
    Early mockups used straight up S1 sprites, and the S2 beta still retained a lot of S1 elements such as the eyes and the animations. Do you plan to use any alternate sprites for Sonic?

    The concept of this project interests me a lot. Like many others have said, it's ambitious. Best of luck to you.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2019
  2. JustAMotobug


    Eggman Robot Member
    United States
    I would love to see what's next for such a great looking project so far. Like how most people on this thread have said it, this project's looking out be something amazing and ambitious. I wish you the best of luck as well. I can't really say enough about this whole project, to be honest.
  3. Ultrared


    Sonic 2 Director's Cut
    Sorry for the super late reply. A progress report post was coming, so I figured I would include my reply with it in order to make the most out of my trial posts, but it's taking longer than I expected due to certain events.

    To answer your question, the aim of the hack isn't necessarily to make Sonic 2 look like the mockups and prototypes, but to implement the scrapped zones and storyline in the final game. Going by that, it makes sense to keep the final sprites.

    At the same time, I can see why some would prefer the use of beta sprites, as those are closer to the early development stages that inspired the hack. So the plan is to have two versions: one using the final graphics, and an alternate "beta flavored" version that uses the early art from the leaked prototypes for various areas (sprites, title screen, CNZ, etc.).
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  4. Dulappy


    koronesuki Member
    I believe it is best this way as it satisfies everybody who wants to play it. You have also said that your ASM skill isn’t very good, but I think that instead of 2 versions you could have some sort of menu before you get to the title screen in which you choose the appearance you would like the game to have. On the other hand though, two versions do seem better in terms of simplicity and how genuine you want it to be. It is your hack though you are the one to choose what you want.
    Also I’m pretty sure you’re not trial member anymore. I was a trial member before the update and now I have more than twenty posts.
    That’s all from me.
  5. This is like some kind of weird fever dream I would've had when I was around 10 (in a good way!). Ocean Wind is incredible! Eagerly looking forward to a playable build!
  6. Ultrared


    Sonic 2 Director's Cut
    Ah, yes, combining the two version into one would be ideal. That way people could hand-pick between beta and final graphics for each instance. I've considered it, but it's a low-priority feature right now. Since I would probably need help implementing these options, and beggars can't be choosers, I figured I would focus on important features first, leaving bells and whistles for later.

    Whoa. Does that mean that there are no trial periods in the new forums? Thanks for telling me, I somehow missed the memo.
  7. So how many levels are done?
  8. Sally Rose

    Sally Rose


    I see that dispite how popular and talked about this game/ hack is. No one has asked the biggest and single most important question ever. So please allow me.

    Will you be useing the same old sonic 2 bosses we have all faced time and time again?
    Or shall all the bosses be new exciting and challenging something fresh and new just like the new zones themselves.

    I deeply hope it is the latter of the two paths here as I deeply love the boss battles in sonic games. To me a new zone isnt a new zone with out its own new boss battle. So it is with great hope your also going to be doing a full cast of new and better bosses. Please and thank you. A die hard sonic game player and fan gamer.

    Sally Rose.
  9. What the actual fuck, you're dropping the same post twice, as you've posted almost the exact same thing here. Please.
  10. Sally Rose

    Sally Rose

    No. Its not the same post. Its similar yes. But I do not like nore do i mean to make repetitive posts. But seeing as they are two completely diffrent projects. The question is valid both times separately. I was the only one asking both times is the only problem here. But I legitimately do wish to see my questions awnsered, also op is diffrent in each case as fan game creators do not share a hive mind nore are in possession of some form of telepathy. So asking both questions, Although similar. Are in fact two completely diffrent questions addressed to two completely diffrent individuals. And one. The thread in sonic 2 cd remix has been beautifully awnsered by the threads op. Now I simply await the thread OP for the other game.
    Thank you and have a nice day

    Sally Rose
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2019
  11. Ultrared


    Sonic 2 Director's Cut
    Sorry people, late reply again.

    No levels are finished yet. Tropical Sun and Madness Mountain have been partially implemented, and I've done the art for 6 zones so far. I'm currently working on the graphics for the outdoor sections in MMZ, and once I'm done with that, I'll take a break from the art and focus on implementing TSZ. After that, I'll probably start implementing Ocean Wind.

    I guess that depends on whether better coders than me offer to implement custom bosses. I would think they're one of the hardest things to implement, though, so I won't hold my breath.

    Sorry if that sounds disappointing, but custom bosses are beyond my skills, at least right now.

    Tweaked versions of the official bosses should be more doable, though. For example, since OWZ and OOZ are counterparts, I could put the OOZ boss in OWZ, and a harder version in OOZ.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2019
  12. Sally Rose

    Sally Rose

    Thats ok then see if you xan get help with bisses but if not makeing them harder should be fun enugh. Lol
  13. Have there been any updates? I've been following this project for a while before I joined Sonic Retro, and I would like to see how it's going!
  14. Ultrared


    Sonic 2 Director's Cut
    Thank you for your interest. Progress has slowed down as I've been busy recently, but I'm still working on it. I've made some progress in terms of level art and level design since the last update, but I don't want to reveal everything right away. Better to keep some surprises in store for when people play the game.
  15. failsandwich


    This looks super cool! I especially like Mountain Madness Zone.

    Will the music be based on existing songs from Sonic 2, or will it be entirely original?
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  16. PhotonSeek


    This project looks pretty cool, hope you're able to complete it. As for the music, perhaps basing some of the zone music off other tracks from Dreams Come True's "The Swinging Star" album could work well, considering Masato Nakamura worked on it at the same time as Sonic 2's music (and of course, "Sweet Sweet Sweet" was reworked into its ending theme).
  17. Ultrared


    Sonic 2 Director's Cut
    I'm using the preexisting S2 songs for the moment, but I should start adding new tracks at some point. Some zones are already in need of them, like Ocean Wind.

    Thanks for the suggestion. I'll take a look at Nakamura's other songs later on to see if I can find some usable material.
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2019
  18. The Joebro64

    The Joebro64

    This looks incredible! The instant I saw that concept art, I knew that someone was going to make a ROM hack based on it, or else I'd learn hex to do it myself. I do have one question, which I haven't seen anywhere in this thread: is Hidden Palace going to have a unique layout, or will you be reusing the one from the 2013 iOS/Android remaster? I'm still sold either way, I was just interested.
  19. Sally Rose

    Sally Rose

    Just wondering, anyone able to offer you help with custom bosses? I realy hope youve found some help in that regard, My favorite part of a sonic game or any game for that mater are the boss encounters, sory if i am being a nusance. just checking in on a promiseing game.
  20. Ultrared


    Sonic 2 Director's Cut
    The former, as S2DC will be taking a different approach. The remaster opted to reinvent HPZ, giving it a new layout and making it work more like a standard Sonic zone, with a boss and everything. Which is fair enough, it worked for the kind of remaster it was.

    The HPZ in S2DC, on the other hand, will be based on the original plans for the zone as I understand them from dev quotes, as well as the original layout, only expanded and more polished.

    It's all right. Someone* offered to help with the implementation of enemies and bosses, but we're focusing on the former for the moment.

    * name withheld until they're ready to come out
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2019
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