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Sonic Superstars Ultra Mega Spoiler Containment Thread for Spoilers [SPOILERS]

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by The Joebro64, Oct 12, 2023.

  1. Gnidel


    I think it does scream Sonic. We may be more used to kaijus in Modern Sonic games, but for me whatever fits Sonic, fits Sonic, whenever it's Classic or Modern.

    I agree that it's random.
    We were tempted with the concept of "Eggman roboticizes giant legendary animals" but it goes nowhere. All we got were just regular boss superbadniks that simply contained giant pigs, birds and seals in them. We meet giant snake and yeti, but they end up as decorations instead of bosses. Reversing time to resurrect a dragon to roboticize might have worked, but the game never makes an explicit connection between time reversal and dragon. And it's never roboticized, it turns out that the dragon is evil all along even without Eggman's involvement and Trip turning into a dragon ends up as just a joke.

    And for whatever reason my brain interpreted this song as Number One from Bleach and I still have that song in my head because of that.
  2. Kiyana



    I love this song from Bleach. Anywho I'm confused about the storyline from Sonic Superstars. And Trips superform looks like a mod and strange. Anywho did you hear about SEGA's plans for next year? One of them mentions a DLC for Sonic Superstars plus a new Sonic game.
  3. The KKM

    The KKM

    Welcome to the nExt level Member
    IDW's Sonic the Hedgehog comic books
    roboticization was never a thing in games and I'm glad it didn't start here
  4. The KKM

    The KKM

    Welcome to the nExt level Member
    IDW's Sonic the Hedgehog comic books
    yes, it's how sonic 3 was meant to end. it's been classic sonic than likely you've been alive
  5. Gnidel


    What I meant was since Sonic 1. I meant putting animals as batteries for badniks. Not its SatAM/Archie usually irreversible and more invasive equivalent.
  6. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    I'm indifferent to the dragons - I agree Trip's super form looks like it breaks the game and makes it less fun... but all the super forms break the game and make it less fun. They're just little novelties - though why the main Sonic cast are involved in the super final boss instead of Trip by herself is anyone's guess - it could have been its own self-contained thing.

    Anyway something I hadn't seen posted yet:

    There's your rabbit.

    It's a neat addition I suppose? I'm not sure there's much to say about this.
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  7. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    It's cool that the skin exists at all, tbh. Super obscure fan service.

    If only you didnt need to preorder or buy a specific version of the game to use it! Would have been great as an unlockable for beating the game or something.
  8. Turbohog


    Played the first couple levels. So far it feels very mid to me. Probably better than Sonic 4. The bosses suck - I hate not being able to hit a boss more than once per sequence.
  9. MeatClown


    How much automation is there? this is make or break for me
  10. Gnidel


    Not much, very little. I think it's in healthy moderation.
  11. Kiyana


    So far from what we've seen, do y'all think this game is replayable?

    That battle mode is definitely a hit or miss and according to Izuka there won't be any updates like what they gave to Frontiers.


    Almost none. That's the best part so far. You can influence almost any form of "automation" in the game, and that aspect nails the classic feel very well.

    Most of the game's problems seem to be centered around mid design choices in the latter half, and annoying to even brutally punishing bosses that instakill you way too often.

    Bland-ish visual design and a mixed bag on music is the next problem, though I'm slightly hopeful for a patch on the latter issue afterall.

    But physics and player control are pretty much on point, and that also means player autonomy is very strongly protected. The few dashpads that exist allow you to go in either direction most of the time.

    Kind of. A lot of the exploration rewards are heavily tied into unlocking cosmetics for battle mode, unfortunately. Some of the challenges in it are fun and can be played alone, but I can't see myself spending much time with the mode.

    There is no single save file per character, so you won't necessarily do full playthroughs with one character in the same way. All chracters can be freely swapped in the world map between acts. Though of course the game still has something like 5 save slots either way.

    There's lots of paths to explore in the stages, if that suits your fancy, but the "Knuckles Routes" version of the game is really more for Trips story, which has alternate layouts. And I don't think Sonic and Co can play her versions of the stages at this point.

    Sadly, that kind of says to me that once you beat both story modes+ Last story... your only really incentive to keep playing is either unlockables for battlemode (again, all cosmetic), or throughout exploring the levels until your heart's content.

    In theory, it's short enough to replay over and over again in a similar vein to the classics, but there's far less challenge to doing so. I think there may be very slight variations on the ending to the main Sonic and co campaign depending on which character beats the final boss?

    Also, I don't think there are any oldschool cheats in the game? No classic sound test/level select and Debug mode has been found as of yet? The former is very redundant with the new overworld map, but it was still nice we got it in Mania, and it doesn't quite feel right now having it in a classic game.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2023
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  13. Turbohog


    It feels like a huge missed opportunity to not have an option to pair characters together like in Advance 3. I'm never going to play co-op, but would've enjoyed mixing characters together in single player.
  14. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    It looks like they did the game a disservice by promoting Speed Jungle Zone early on, as that one appears to play itself more than the others. It's not a Sonic 4 situation where they put boosters before every loop (although again, promotional shots sort-of suggested that).

    Gameplay is monumentally broken in co-op, so in a sense anyone who isn't the lead player is basically having the game played for them there, but single player is okay enough. Bosses look like a slog though, and there are other things I'm sure will come out of the woodwork in time.

    It's more of a presentation issue this time around. Music is inconsistent and graphics are medicore at best. The Sonic 4 comparisons aren't going to go away.
  15. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
    What is going on with the soundtrack?

    First, you can clearly hear literal Sonic 4 songs leftovers in this, different version of the songs we already know.

    And now, there's this too.

    Even the sound effects sounds different, too.
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  16. Snatcher42


    This is strange.

    If you search for "Sonic Superstars Cutscenes" on YouTube there are multiple versions that sound like that.

    But there are also versions that sound like the "final" music posted officially.

    The stream I watched from CinemaTriggerMedia sounded like the final.

    So possible it did ship with some beta tracks. And possible it's different console to console (PS5 vs Switch).
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    Ironically, you actually have a ton of control over the use of rails on speed jungle. It looks automated, but it's not. You can jump off the vines to pick multiple paths, jump, stop, and stand on them, and even go backwards with full momentum systems in tact in whatever direction you choose.

    It's not like the rail grind systems of old. You have much, much more player autonomy.
  18. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    Haaa, I just did this myself playing it. Speed Jungle has a lot of verticality and stuff you don't even see.

    Nothing about the game felt automated in the slightest so far.
  19. Naean


    Naean H.F. (Nez Man) Member
    United Kingdom
    2D. Sonic Fan Game
    And the fan improvement remixes begin! :)

  20. Iko MattOrr

    Iko MattOrr

    Finished my first run with all the emeralds; I still didn't play Trip's story, and didn't play the final boss again after getting all the emeralds.

    The level design style changes a lot in later levels... there are some heavily based on a gimmick like Press Factory, others that heavily resemble Water Palace from Sonic Rush (mostly the Generations 3DS version, I'm talking specifically of Lagoon City), and that's the level where you can find the most automation in (you can always jump but on those water slides jumping is useless, they will still push you in the designed direction anyway); unrelated, but that stage also has a Sonic 4 reference, a water gimmick from Lost Labyrinth. Golden Capital even reminded me of the casino 2D level in Lost World 3DS... those references to handheld games might even be intentional at this point. The zone that plays like a classic level the most (IMO) is Pinball Carnival, when you are not on the rollercoaser gimmick (Act 2 excluding the rollercoaster is probably my favorite act in the game). Golden Capital sucks hard.

    My opinion didn't change much, the gameplay is good (not laggy, the physics work well, always in control of the character, etc) but every other thing is not very well executed, and in my opinion it hurts the game a lot.

    Special Stage 5 required me more than 10 attempts and I had to grind giant rings for it after finishing the game, every other emerald I took them on my first try. I don't know if I'm the only one with this problem or what, that special stage is ridicolous, it feels like the game is trolling me.

    Overall, it's a 7.5 game IMO... I would rate it even lower but I'm not sure. IMO Frontiers is a slightly better game all things considered, even if not by much. Both the original classics + Mania and the Advance games are better than this IMO, maybe the Rush games too... this game goes in the Generations 3DS territory, if not that it has way more content. Generations 3DS had better bosses anyway, Big Arm alone is better than anything in Superstars. Sonic 4 may be worse, but I feel like I could have a little bit more fun with episode 1

    The thing that this game made to me the most, is making me miss the Advance games even more.
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