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Sonic Superstars: A New 2D Sonic Game (Fall 2023)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by DefinitiveDubs, Jun 8, 2023.

  1. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    Regarding her controls, @XCubed, what's wrong with them? She controls the same as anyone else. Trip is just Amy + a superior climbing ability to Knuckles and a busted super form.

    Her campaign sucks. But I really don't know what you mean when you're criticising her controls. Like, how do they compare to the MGZ spinning tops? That doesn't make any sense to me right now.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2025
  2. XCubed


    Will Someday Own a Rent-A-Center Oldbie
    I was able to put sensitivity on max which fixed it, but Super Trip is a super mess. She should control more like Sonic in Egg Reverie vs a crane carrying an object.
  3. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    That didn't provide any clarity.
  4. Palas


    Don't lose your temper so quickly. Member
    The comparison with "a crane carrying an object" really clicked with me. She's really slow to accelerate and decelerate, which gives her a sense of weight, but makes it very cumbersome to make her land on -- say -- those pads on Golden Capital that make you jump between background and foreground. That's exactly how it feels to control Super Trip!
  5. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    That's how Sonic's jump in Colors feels to me.
  6. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member
    I felt no problem at all controlling Trip. I don't think I even noticed any difference.

    In fact, after I beat the game, I didn't notice the "Trip's story" option on the menu but I knew we could play as her after beating it. So I ended up playing a couple of the regular levels with Trip (not her story, but the regular game), and I was having a blast. It was much more fun than her own campaign.
  7. XCubed


    Will Someday Own a Rent-A-Center Oldbie
    Thank you!

    It’s like they took the “Super Sonic is too hard to control” complaint too literally and added way too much weight to the movement and it’s awkward going from flying to…..running? (Can we call it that?h
  8. It makes using it for Fang’s phase two if you somehow get to it with enough rings or used the glitch to stop ring drain before it was patched not a guaranteed win due to the boat like sluggish steering making it incredibly difficult to dodge the webs which can still lead to a a one hit death even in super form because whoever designed that fight is a sadist.
  9. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    My problems are she controls like a worse version of spikes in her climbing mode and then it's hard to actually activate the climbing. I feel like you should be able to stick to the wall rolling with enough speed but you just don't?
  10. XCubed


    Will Someday Own a Rent-A-Center Oldbie
    Ya’ll :colbert::

  11. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member

    1:08:30 - 1:08:50
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  12. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    what the absolute fuck
  13. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
    Trip had an ideia.
  14. Jaxer


    I haven't really described my opinion on this game in thorough detail, but long story short, I thought that it was great aside from the half-assed Emerald Powers, the instrumentation of certain tracks and all three final boss battles. Not a once-in-a-generation masterpiece like Mania was, but easily the best Sonic game from the last seven years and it's not even close.

    So words cannot describe how utterly furious I am to see Sega screaming at the world at how badly this game failed. The narrative manipulation Sega has been doing this past decade is so fucking blatant that it's downright absurd.

    Think back to when Frontiers launched in all of its buggy, edgy and fan-pandering glory. Suddenly Sega couldn't shut their pieholes about how much of a critical and commercial success it was, even producing that highly cringe-worthy "Accolades Trailer" where triumphant music played over cherry-picked quotes from 6/10 and 7/10 reviews. Of course, numerous respected and prominent gaming journalists were actually quite vocal about their problems with the game, but their voices were instantly muffled by angry mobs of fans. And this is a bit of a tinfoil hat theory from me, but given all the reports of Sega bribing influencers to silence criticism of their games that were popping up around this time, I don't think that this was a coincidence either.

    And ever since Sega started giving all this special treatment to Frontiers, a game all about pushing down past entries of the series (even commercially and critically successful ones!) in an effort to appease to Sonic fans and nobody else, many people started getting concerned about what this would mean for the future of Classic Sonic. These fears were largely alleviated by Sonic Superstars, a game that, despite its many flaws, quintessentially captured the Classic Sonic experience. But what's with the unnecessarily complicated Monster of the Week storyline? Or the direct connections to Sonic Adventure? Or the Shadow skin? Or the Shadow everything, for all that matter?

    Yeah, Shadow was gonna be in the third Sonic movie, we've known that ever since the second one hit theatres. But suddenly it's "The Year of Shadow", and you can't go two feet into any given direction without Hot Topic's favorite hedgehog being shoved down your throat as if he's a universally beloved symbol who transcends barriers of culture and language. Excessive amounts of Shadow merchandise, Shadow mangas, a Shadow game with the Sonic Generations remaster are all something you should've seen coming from miles away. You were expected, no, supposed to like this character who's spent the past twenty years being universally recognized as the video game industry's equivalent of Jar Jar Binks.

    So then SxS Gens comes out with the nu-metal, Black Doom and Mephiles, and once again, this game is just so successful, you guys! And here's Sonic 3, and just look at that Rotten Tomatoes critic score! That number's a totally accurate reflection of professional critics' opinion on the film, right?

    So right in the middle of their masturbatory fanfare about how much people love Shadow, G.U.N and Maria, Sega decides to drop the bomb that the Classic Sonic game from a year ago, which they had otherwise kept complete radio silence on ever since its launch, was a lame flop that nobody liked. Why now, and not back when the game was more topical? Hell, why make a claim like this in the first place when we have numbers and sales charts that tell a completely different story?

    It's quite simple, really. Sega wants us to get comfortable with Sonic's new status quo.

    I hope y'all like guns and swearing.
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  15. penBorefield


    Badniks, attack! Member
    Conquering the world
    You take that back!
  16. PsychoSk8r


    PsychedelAnt | Tone Turner Oldbie
    Birmingham, UK
    30 Day Project: Revisited.A New Release!
    At first, I was reading your post and thinking “most of that is just pre-meditated marketing”…

    Then this question hit, and whether or not I agree, you’re a good thinker.

    I personally, am hoping that if anything, it results in the redirection of classic sonic, to bring new classic up to the standard of old classic. They’ve got working examples and the public reactions to both within the last decade, so hopefully it’ll nudge things in the right direction…

    but I think your thinking is correct, I will expect nothing but keep a glimmer of what could be!
  17. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    “Narrative manipulation?” Like what is this lmao

    Posts like this truly err on the side of insanity. Just take a moment to think and breathe for a second.

    What benefit would it be for SEGA to manipulate the narrative of “Modern Sonic = good, Classic Sonic = bad”? Why would they go out of their way to make games with classic branding, only to just make up the fact that they weren’t successful in order to push forward the “status quo?” Like what?

    SEGA, like any other company, are motivated by one thing: money. If the games featuring classic Sonic branding brought in more money than those with modern Sonic branding, I assure you that we would see more of those. I’m pretty confident in that I feel a game like Superstars is much easier to pump out than one like Frontiers, even if Superstars is the better game, there’s not much they have to do as far as rethinking the nature of Sonic and how to make it fun again, all the pieces are there already. Look how long Nintendo held onto the bland New Super Mario Bros. branding and aesthetic.

    I’ll give you cherry-picking quotes from mediocre reviews, but either way, Frontiers was the best selling Sonic game since Sonic Adventure. I didn’t love the game or anything, but it behooves SEGA to make more games like it than Superstars since clearly one outperformed the other.

    And again, bringing up the movie: Sonic 3 was a record breaking success for not only the franchise, but video game movies in general. It’s only really behind the Mario movie in revenue, and I believe it currently holds the highest Rotten Tomatoes score of any game adaptation. SEGA and Paramount are right to celebrate that.

    I think we were lucky to get Superstars, and we are lucky SEGA are so relaxed on emulation and fan content. Sonic Origins is more ambitious than the large majority of classic game compilations out there, and there’s tons of Sonic fan games that evoke classic vibes than ever before. And frankly, as a teacher, I see kids repping classic Sonic merch constantly. The classic design is pivotal to the series’ identity and I highly doubt they’re going to let go of it anytime soon.

    EDIT: Also, its hard to say if you saw the movie or played Shadow Generations, but aside from a quick moment in the movie that’s essentially an audience wink, there’s no guns or swearing to be found. If you haven’t played Shadow Generations, I highly suggest you do, unless you like hate 3D Sonic or something. The game is easily the best Sonic game released since Mania, and frankly gives me more hope for the series than Superstars did.

    I think as long as the series continues to exist there will be Classic Sonic branding and content. Will we get a new classic game every year? Fuck no, but the branding clearly is successful with fans old and new.

    SEGA will follow the money, and until the well dries up, there will continue to be games that appeal to the classic aesthetic of the franchise. I also know very few game franchises that do this, lol. You never see Nintendo pump out “Super Mario Bros. 5” or whatever that uses SNES inspired pixel art or character designs, y’know?
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2025
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  18. Chimes


    The One SSG-EG Maniac Member
    posts like these are why i love this forum
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  19. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    me every time I see some shit I deeply disagree with:

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  20. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    need a hug?