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Sonic Superstars: A New 2D Sonic Game (Fall 2023)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by DefinitiveDubs, Jun 8, 2023.

  1. Battons


    Shining Force Fan Member
    I didn’t say that and I will never say that. Games go down in price overtime until the collectors market picks them up, that’s just how things go.
  2. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Where's your data to back up this statement? Game released on the 6th. The earliest I can find the game going on sale was November 22nd. NPD reported Sonic Frontiers was the 4th best selling game in November. Are you telling me Sonic Frontiers sold a majority of its 2.5 million in that week of sales? If that were the case, the game would be front loaded and it would no way have the legs to eventually hit the 3.5 million mark reported back in May.
    Bro, get out of here.
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  3. Mana


    International and Domestic GOAT Member
    Price and value is relative but money is a limited commodity for most people. When I said I didn't think Superstars was worth $60 I said that in comparison with other games that came out at the time.

    I feel that unless you're a diehard sonic fan there are other experiences for $60 or even $70 that are both longer and more generally fulfilling than Superstars.

    Superstars remains the quickest I ever sold a game after finishing it because how much the Trip story stuff turned me off. I'd like to see people like Arlo and IGN give a review that includes trip mode which is clear they didn't complete and as it is how you reach the final boss it counts as part of the game.

    You can feel it'd worth $60 but the fact that Mario Wonder with a $5 discount is far ahead of Superstars even with a steep Black Friday sale, tells me everything I need to know. And before you say "Sonic would never sell like Mario!" Cool , one of the guys who runs sonic said he wants him to compete with Mario so I'm allowed to make this comparison and they faltered.
  4. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    It’s so weird the most negative discourse I hear around this game comes from this community.
  5. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Ain't that norm?
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  6. Spamitex


    #1 Knuckles Fan Member
    Nah, this feels expected. Honestly I'd be more worried if it were the other way around.

    As someone who's played both series, I find the Wonder comparison to be just as fair as it is flawed. It's easy to say Wonder > Superstars, but then you forget to look back and realize it took Nintendo over seventeen years to make a compelling 2D Mario game again. As far as I'm concerned, Superstars was competing with the last seventeen years of 2D Mario, it's sequel needs to truly rival whatever 2D Mario is now.
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  7. Mana


    International and Domestic GOAT Member
    If superstars was competing with all of modern 2D Mario that makes me even prouder for people voting with their wallet for decades now with the tens of millions selling and compelling to many New Super Mario games.

    This game got what it deserved sales wise.
  8. Kyro


    The way some folks talk about this game is totally bizarre to me, it's so weirdly personal on both sides.
    I think it is a perfectly fine game that i wouldnt recommend to non sonic fans without a sale. That said, with a sale? Yeah, go for it, its a fine game that plays well. It stumbles a bit, and absolutely doesnt stand toe to toe with wonder.
    But then again, sonic doesn't get the benefit of no deadline and Nintendo's endless budget, does it?
  9. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    Can't wait for the switch copy of Superstars to cost $165 dollars in the year 2046 because of nostalgia bucks.
  10. Mana


    International and Domestic GOAT Member
    I don't think anyone on here who critizied Superstars or its price tag did so from any place but love for Sonic and a desire for him to be great.

    There are franchises in a way worse state than Sonic but you won't hear me talk about them because I don't care about them anymore. Star Wars, for example, has been putting out mediocre to bad TV shows for years now with only a few highlights and I never complain about it because they've already lost me forever after the sequels.

    If I'm taking the time to critique the game and speak on things I feel it needs to work on I'm doing it from a place that I hope they get a general idea of what people did and didn't like (and SEGA does frequent social media, I think including this site) and use it to improve the next time.

    All my complaining comes from a place of love and a desire to see Sonic one day actually get to compete with Mario sales wise and quality wise. If I didn't care then I'd just keep my mouth shut but I just can't do that.
  11. Rlan


    Doing some research based on the Art Book in the game regarding Animal friends.

    In the art book, there is art for a large Pocky & Large Ricky, but neither appear in the game. Going further - neither animal appears as a model in the game at all. Only Flicky, Rocky, Cucky, Pecky & Picky.

    However, regular Pocky & Ricky do appear in a single spot in the game - the final cutscenes for the story modes for celebration, but never as models in the game.

    I wonder if there are any 3D models of them anywhere in the game, or references to them?
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  12. Zigetch


    Enjoy this world~ Member
    Legitimately happy Superstars is doing well. Glad to see Origins on there, too.

    I guess I root for Sonic like a sports team or something. This is the best it's felt to be a Sonic fan since the early 2000's for me.
  13. bombatheechidna


    This game would be so much more fun if they fixed the multiplayer mode. The worst part of multiplayer is the final boss. Things get really weird and glitchy. The camera only follows player 1.


    Some of us wish it would, and there's merit to that. The games turn out a lot better post-launch because of it. At least SEGA is now greenlighting extended support to fix issues.

    But oh well. I can hope for minor balancing patches, but even that seems unlikely I admit.
  15. If you're satisfied with paying more money for something, then that's on you.
  16. Why it wouldn't it be front loaded? The game launched literally right before the Holiday season and the first DLC didn't' come out until the following year. It sold 2.5 Million in its first month, and then sold only 1.5M over the course of the following year.

    I didn't even say the game did badly so why the attitude, I'm sorry for stating facts and that just seems to upset you for some reason.

    Fans always defensive when you criticize their favorite things, regardless of how constructive it is or not.
  17. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    People get really offended (or offensive!) Whenever someone else spends money on something they don't feel was priced right, for some reason. It's very weird and kinda cringe.
  18. KaiGCS


    Yeah, it's like... Baldur's Gate III has hundreds of hours of content, enough dialogue to fill a dozen movies, it's bursting with intricate systems and customization and replay value... but I could honestly say it's "not worth $60" and mean it, because if I bought it, I'd play it for an hour and get bored. It wouldn't be worth it to me.

    I've spent twice as much on Sonic Superstars (having bought it on both PC and Switch), and I feel I've more than gotten my money's worth. Both in terms of quantity (I've spent over 100 hours playing it) and quality (I've enjoyed it a great deal). But it aligns with my tastes more than anything that's come out in years, so of course I love it! No game is for everyone, and I wouldn't be offended if someone said they wanted to wait for a sale, or that they didn't think it'd be worth it to them at all.

    Saying a game "isn't worth it" is a subjective statement that is too often portrayed and argued as an objective one.
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  19. Just got this game today, and I'm loving it so far. Though something does feel a bit off, and I can't put my finger on what it is. Maybe I'm just rusty on Sonic.

    Does anybody else feel this way when playing Superstars?
  20. Antheraea


    Bug Hunter Member
    personally I soured on the game pricing argument when people were bitching that Metroid Dread was the full $60, because the Metroidvania genre had been overtaken by indie games severely undercutting themselves to get anyone to actually buy their games. I'm of the personal opinion that if people put a lot of time and tech and effort making things and wrangling that tech into submission*, then yeah it's worth full price.

    *I think it's a miracle that literally anything works. The thousands if not millions of people and decades of paid!! work from those people somehow works well enough to have a working operating system for instance, and that only goes up when one considers the decades of work and thousands of people working on Firefox so I can type this. Go farther, and now we also get to try to wrap our heads around the number of people and years of work to get this forum interface to work. And server technology. And hosting. And connection infrastructure. Technology is magic. The same rabbit hole can be delved into with video games.