Prototype images from close to the start of this engine/editor's development. Sep 17. Was pretty rough! Nothing too mad to see. No tools for curves and only basic movement is added, wall modes barely even work properly. Commented out remnants of code from before the polygons were even a thing. This is the only build I have working from before March I believe. From Twitter: Humble beginnings. (I didn't plan on this engine being a 'maker' so I'm sure there's older files somewhere) - At this point I wasn't still comparing dots to get the slope angle (cause angles are in the shape data ofc) but the dots remain. Spoiler
Why do you keep on getting better and better on this project : ) This game might as well be it's own, it's way too good to be a Sonic Maker
Oh Loving the textures here, feel very much like scanned in old posters/manuals. (In the best way possible that is ) This maker really has an elevated design from the Classics. Like its not just a throw back or emulation, but its like the classics with your own twist which is refreshing today.
Blown away, really really great. Easily as good as official art if not better. Great poses, gorgeous colours and shades. If I where to make any suggestions it would be that the logo might benefit by being simplified. Maybe it's worth sending some SEGA's way if you haven't already...
Rarely do I see a person who's both talented artist and a programmer/game designer. Huge props for your hard work. I can't wait to play Sonic Studio.
That latest video looks fantastic, can't wait to see a release of this. A couple of quick questions though; How will levels be exported/imported and what will they run out of? Is it possible to string multiple levels/zones into a full-length 2D Sonic game? And what are our options regarding different character-specific maneuvers such as Sonic's drop dash, Knuckles' gliding, Tails' flight, Mighty's ground pound and Ray's "Mario Cape feather" flight? I know a lot of these (like full length games and movement options) are kind of secondary at this stage of the game, especially to getting a fully-functional level editor working and reliable, but I'd love to hear your plans for the future.
Hello everyone. Second post as a trial member... My name is Carlos and I'm a member of Retro Sumus, a small indie dev team from Spain, currently working on Xenocider for Dreamcast (yeah, yeah, I know...), among other little projects. I decided to register as a user here because I wanted to try contact Lapper. We are interested in porting Sonic Maker to Linux and Mac if this hasn't been done yet (which I couldn't really find any info about). Perhaps Lapper could be into this idea. So, in addition to sending him a PM once I was approved as a member, I thought I might as well ask other users here what they think about it. I was advised to try this thread, as I didn't know Sonic Studio Fan Project was an evolution of Sonic Maker... I mean, it is, isn't it? Well, if it's done with GameMaker then this is probably not doable anyway, but I thought I might as well give it a try and ask...
I'm not Lapper, but I *do* know it's made in Game Maker Studio, which only needs a permanent ownership license to export to Mac and Linux. Your porting work might be relevant if Lapper ever wanted to port the game to not be tied to that software, but I dunno whether he'd bite for that. Guy seems to be AWOL right now, or at least undercover while incubating the final product - and I know when you're in that state of progress, the idea of starting again from scratch for a new coding platform might not sound appealing.
Bit of both - It's just a bit of fun for me, I don't take it too seriously so I have no interest in porting it I'm afraid. :v:
This is a moot point, but there is a way to port it without bothering with GM Studio licencing, with the free open source ENIGMA IDE. There's some caveats