Please refer to the proper build in your post. For your convenience, a list of builds: -0307 -031094 -031194 -032194 -0328 -0329 -0330 -0405 -0412 -0413 -0415 -0421 -0427 -0429 -0430 -503B -0505 -0506 -0525 -0530 -0531
0307 - Can crash on title screen - When you run ot of lives you get a screen with scrolling stars. - There is a texture in the background here, where their isn't in the final and many builds after this one: The final version: - Title Screen has no Copyright: 0307, 031094, 031194 - All say "022894" on title screen - The scrolling stars screen now has objects: These are different to the final, where it's just a "Game Over". Probably just the final scene from the game where they fall back to earth? 032194 - Option Screen Starts working 032194, 0328, 0329, 0330 - All have "Date" startup screens as well as "SEGA Interactive" 0405 - Just "SEGA" Startup 0412 - SEGA Startup now has Sonic scroll, but instead, Sonic invterts the colours of the SEGA screen - Copyright information added, in different place to final: 0421 - Final Title Screen Other Notes: The Robots in the first level appear to release Chickens when killed in early versions, while the final version releases Flicky-esque "Blue Birds"
On all protos up to 412, pressing down while the game is paused it lets you skip levels. You can also press button 2 to move your character anywhere.