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Sonic Speed Simulator, Officially Partnered Sonic Roblox Game

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Snowbound, Apr 13, 2022.

  1. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    The Hill Top Chao Fruit mission is ass because there's so few places to actually grab them and I can't begin to think what it's like without a bunch of Event multipliers. I've mostly been ignoring that specific mission in favor of leveling up the DJ Knuckles skin which should make those types of missions even easier and I'm not in any rush for Marine since she's not limited time... I think.
  2. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    An update, they added an Auto Move path to Hill Top, meaning you can semi-idle and still be collecting the Chao Fruit that are on the path. There's still the downside of the fact you have to check in / have an input at least every 14 minutes (or else the auto rejoin will kick in but send you to Green Hill's Auto Move path instead) and it's still painfully slow if you don't have an Event modifier, but it's an option.

    New boss battle against Super Neo Metal Sonic sucks and I don't really understand how you're supposed to cut down on time with it. With all my highest Magnet stats you still don't collect enough XP orbs to attack the most amount of times and the Damage stat changes absolutely nothing, so I don't know what's going on.

    I also only just now found out how Fast Friends actually work. they account for whatever is currently your best stat in any Friend and then multiply it, meaning I had one of the best XP Chao but I never knew how high it went because I just never upgraded it. (This is why I hoard those fuckers!) Apparently they used to also count Trails but it was removed litterally this update (I didn't pay enough attention to the stats to notice a change), when I just now decided to max out a couple more, so that's fun. I love games where the rules change when you're paying to exploit the rules to your advantage.
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  3. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    I just can't recognise this as like an actual, real game. To tens or hundreds of thousands of fans, its both their introduction to and only way of interacting with the Sonic franchise. But it's nothing more than a footnote as far as I'm concerned. Modern gaming is depressing.
  4. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    It's online. It's free. SSS has no incentive beyond "I wanna spend time in Sonic's world", which is not devoid of charm. There's nothing quite like it out there, either. This game (or "experience", as Roblox calls it) simply doesn't give a fuck, and as a result, people loosen up and have fun.

    If only their money-making methods were less extreme.
  5. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    Don't get me wrong, i fucking hate it, but I'm in too deep.
  6. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    It's not an actual real game. It's a roblox experience for kids. There's nothing wrong with it or depressing about it. As far as free quality software goes, kids have it good. Better than we ever did. There's tons of ridiculously good shit on roblox

    Of course that's ignoring the elephant in the room that is the predatory gacha, other money making methods and the abuse of the developers of these titles by big publishing companies. But that's not a Roblox exclusive problem, or even a gaming industry exclusive problem.
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  7. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
    i'd rather have kids nowdays growing up with a Sonic Roblox mini-game than League of Legends.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2024
  8. JcFerggy


    Do you want to taco 'bout it? Member
    I have a PS4 Turbo pad, combine that with an auto clicker, and I just left the Super Neo fight to loop while I went up out for lunch. I have a few alt accounts I'm alternating through just so I can have a full inventory of Super Sonic fast friends, but I plan to use the spares as currency to barter with to get the skins I'm missing.

    If you're only just learning about fast friends, my recommendation is to go to Cyber Station with as many luck stats as you can manage and gamble farm Toy Metal Sonic with regular gold rings instead of spending red rings at those other kiosks.

    As for the game itself? It's an enjoyable enough distraction. Same sort of energy I got when I would play Sonic Forces: Speed Battle on my lunch breaks and seeing the IDW character start to be added. My main draw for playing is seeing the new skins and returning characters. I absolutely love that I can play as older characters like Blaze, Jet, Gemrl, Marine, and Neo Metal. Just the fact that characters who haven't seen the light of day in years now have a new render and official 3D model makes me smile. I'm honestly surprised that they don't lean into the older characters more, but I understand it's easier just to make alternate skins than to model an entire new character.

    I do enjoy whenever a new world is added, as usually there's a new mission dedicated to that world that I can grind out for a day or two. Add on the weekly events, and it gives enough reason for me to keep checking in. The fact that this game has both riders gear and a flyable plane is honestly quite nuts. And more recent updates keep adding character abilities, so the most recent knuckles that were added can glide. Certain other characters have a double jump, metal characters don't need to breathe underwater, and the ability to fly in super forms.

    I actively do not participate in any of the monetization practices, and have yet to spend a single cent on this game, but there are days I regret that decision when grinding out the weekly events. My stupid cookie clicker brain really wants to get the double experience and double stats just the see a number go up, while prior events I would have liked the five friends expansion and double race tickets before they changed their progression structure.

    Another thing I used to do before the progression update was attempt to speed run through all the worlds up to Speed Jungle, and see how long it would take me to unlock Classic Sonic under a new game plus mindset. While I never uploaded any of my VODs anywhere, I had some fun seeing how long it would take me to make a new character, trade over a handful of items from my main account, and then go. At the time it was also the fastest way to get additional red rings, but then more changes kept happening.

    Speaking of, I don't know if I like the new system they've put in place recently. On the one hand, I'm happy I no longer have to grind out 180 seconds of boost in race missions for Dondonpa, but it sucks no longer having any missions that run on timers. So now once I finish a world's main story, there's essentially nothing left to do in there.

    As a result, I no longer get the ring, XP, or magnet abilities as often, only ever getting them on daily login bonuses. I kind of liked the daily world challenges, and it used to be one of the main sources of collecting red rings for casuals, until one update randomly decided to have auto run reward 10 red rings instead of one for every milestone. So whenever I'm on my computer, I just have it idling away running laps (When fading in, if you mash C, you can get the game to bring out your hoverboard, and so long as you don't reset you should be doing faster labs).

    And don't get me started on this stupid golden egg lottery. That's just downright despicable. Before it made very clear what I could and could not unlock without spending money. Sure, the roulette is similar, but I can keep retrying for way longer, collect enough spins to get a premium attempt, and not feel like the rewards are a limited commodity (I know they change every so often, but still).

    So now instead of logging in and playing for an hour or every now and then, I log in, see if there's an ongoing event, and if not, just jump into the auto run instead of actually playing.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2024
  9. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    Honestly I'd say even disregarding anything about the money they want you to put in or what is essentially gambling, the tasks that get put in are just not fun. Combine that with the neutered and bastardized version of the excellent Digital Swirl Engine gameplay, and the haphazard asset usage to where nothing really feels like a "place" crafted for me to explore and think of stories in. If we're comparing it to free stuff from the old days, or at least my old days, club penguin and Poptropica understood it way better even after they adopted money grabbing tactics. I wish it was better, but this in particular is pretty lackluster.

    I'm not entirely looking to do this in particular faster, but I was more wondering what is supposed to give you an S Rank time bonus because I feel like I'm doing pretty much everything right since the Damage stat seems to do nothing and have like 50+ magnet but can only do it in the A rank timeframe (two full flight paths and then I have to wait to finish him in 1-4 hits after the third starts) and all it makes me think is "oh I don't have the overpowered magnet pass", which would be great if that's what it took.

    Also you misunderstood me. I mean I only now figured out how Fast Friend stats work, but I've been playing since way before then (day 1) and just got around to getting a couple more of my Top 5 to max because I didn't feel like I needed them before, and then I figured out how it worked, all after they changed it. It wasn't very clear to me, the Wiki never really specified extensively and "gives % best stats" isn't a great explanation even if you see it all the time.
  10. muteKi


    Fuck it Member
    See when I played this regularly i considered it peak gaming: a game where the goal is watching number go up while listening to my backlog of podcasts. Last time I booted it up I barely recognized it. Green Hill Zone is some kind of outdoor shopping mall.
  11. JcFerggy


    Do you want to taco 'bout it? Member
    A new update for Speed Sim as dropped. This time it is Autumn Forest Zone from IDW's 2021 Sonic the Hedgehog 30th Anniversary Special. The music for the level is Cyber Space 1-4: Genshi from Sonic Frontiers, with the other musical notes for the level being Soleanna Forest from Sonic 06, Deep Woods from Sonic and the Black Knight, Beyond the Speed Of from Sonic Runners, and Cyberspace 3-2: Go Slap from Sonic Frontiers.


    Along with that, we also get the character Tangle the Lemur, the second IDW character behind Phantom Rider Unmasked, who is currently in their Golden Egg gatcha.


    This "game" is quite the unique offering. Recent updates have added world such as City Escape, Space Colony Ark, Pumpkin Hill, and Radical Highway, so plenty of SA2 representation, but we also have New Yoke City and No Place from Sonic Prime, giving us playable sandboxes where otherwise we wouldn't have gotten such cross-media promotion. With this being the 3rd time that IDW content has crossed over to the official games, I hope we get more worlds like this. So many unique concepts for Zones are essentially sitting there waiting to be made into fleshed out levels in the comics, so to see Autumn Forest fleshed out like this really brings a smile to my face.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2024
  12. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
  13. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    Why does it feel like only the worst parts of this series are really willing to commit to cross pollination? Just throw Tangle in Sonic Rumble or something already (which granted likely won’t be a whole lot less scummy than current gacha offerings from this series, but we’ve yet to get news of the inevitable next Sonic racing game).
  14. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    Adding IDW characters before any of the Deadly Six is a crime. Lock them up for 10,000 years.

    Also lol they're still using the statue room base as part of the capsule model.
  15. Volphied


    「限界の向こうは無限大」 Member
    That's a questions that answers itself, no? Being "worst" means you can throw in whatever you want with zero fucks given. Coz it's not like anyone will care enough to complain.
  16. Clownacy


    Tech Member
    Can confirm: I'd rather the comics and TV shows and films and whatever stay in containment in their weird corner of the franchise and not infect the main games, but I don't care if they cross-over with other spin-offs.
  17. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    I understand the sentiment of “it’s bad, so they can afford to experiment”, but the IDW characters deserve so much better as their legacy. I’m not asking for Tangle to be the focus in Frontiers 2 or whatever, but SEGA has done all of the work to make IDW compatible with the games in a way that Archie never could be to the point that it’s officially canon. The trouble is that they’re squandering all that by restricting it dreck that’ll be all but forgotten not long after the respective skinner boxers reach EOS.

    I just really want to see Sonic Team properly embrace what the IDW book offers. :(