So it's been a while...a long while...since we've posted a new podcast recording. However those who pay attention to the topic post feeds for the forum might've noticed a topic in the staff lounge about bringing the podcast back. Well it wasn't just a bunch of bull shit guys! We decided to actually do it! This week we decided to look are a pretty wide range of interests in the Sonic community. In fact we hit the ground running with the discussion of Rotor's alleged sexuality and from there, get into a pretty deep discussion about the <a href="" target="_blank">Sonic Archie universe</a>. We even take a look into the mind and character of Dr. Robotnik AKA Eggman to find out he might not be quite so evil and instead just a jackass. We also talk over TSSZ News and the man who runs it, Tristan. And we say things like (EDIT - Inflamatory - T). But after all the drama, we go ahead and discuss one of the more positive aspects of the community which is the hacks! In particular, we talk about Sonic Boom and how much we both love it hate its difficulty. After that, we give Sonic 2 LD a bit of a spotlight, which is a pretty cool project by Doc Eggfan. Be sure to stick around for the next episode (within the year) where we'll talk about Sonic 2 HD and Tom Payne's art scans from Sonic 2's production. And who knows what else! You can grab a copy of the podcast here or subscribe using the Sonic Retrocast feed.
I really enjoyed listening to you guys. It's really made me want to get more involved with this community. :]
I was going to laugh if Overlord wasn't in this one. The funny thing (disappointing?) was that I was thinking about pitching doing basically this. This seems like a pretty major improvement over the first one, but it sounds like a few people are still in the bucket. Is that Overlord and Scarred Sun? And the feed doesn't seem to be working. Hehe, have you guys been listening to 2P Start! Live? And you guys need to not breath into your mics.
I wish I could've been in the recording group for this one, though I need to go post some of the pre-podcast skype conversations we had. Too bad I missed the reading of the Sonic "official?" fanfiction.
Just a note- Rotor wasn't the first gay character on the Sonic franchise, Max and his partner (Max being Mighty's father on Fleetway comics) were. EDIT: Somethings to correct regarding Sonic Universe- Sonic Universe is meant to focus on other characters than Sonic, yes. But the XX Years Later is another reality/future/whatever, so they also shoves it on Sonic Universe. Think of it as if suddenly Sonic Universe ran a story about AoSTH. Proof being, that arc finished and now the next 4 comics are about Knuckles. EDIT EDIT: Robo-Robotnik, the current Eggman, was the one from the stgory "Night of a Thousand Sonics". Robotnik didn't die on the EVE arc. He died on Endgame. Then came back, then died. Robo-Robotnik came, took his place, was a complete robotic, could roboticize with the touch of his hands, and then got turned into a human by them aliens. And I feel ashamed of knowing this much. People, just discuss Fleetway. Still a bloody awesome thing XD EDIT EDIT EDIT: Is there a link to the first podcast?
Mighty's dad in Fleetway is Blockhead Bill. His partner was Society Max. I love being Mighty obsessed. <3
While I try to figure out what being a melvin means() , I'll just add that I was quite bored, and renew my plea for a link to the first podcast.
1. Google 2. you really couldn't go to the front page of the site or click on the album cover on the feed?
To be honest, I didn't feed it, I downloaded it... and even so I doubt I would remember clicking it. Just like it didn't cross my mind that the podcast would be on the wiki. OK I'll stop hogging the topic now. Thank you :D
These podcasts are great fun. Keep 'em coming! Also, how many of you are up in the wee hours in order to be synchronised? :v:
I know Overlord was up WAY late in order to cast with us, which was cool of him. Right after the cast, he died.
Fortunately the afterlife has broadband. :v: But yeah, I think I ended up finally getting to bed at about 5:30am XD
Okay, can we take this topic away from the insults or whatever, please? This is supposed to be discussing the podcast and most of these replies are the exact opposite of that.