I think the character profiles from Sonic Channel would make for a good roster: https://sonic.sega.jp/SonicChannel/character/ Add on top of that characters with more recent appearances, like Mighty and Ray, and you get a decent selection of characters. What's always so tricky about putting together a good roster for Sonic games is coming up with what order characters should make their appearance. It's boring always having to start out with the same ones. This year's calendar motifs showed how great of a chemistry these characters can have if allowed to interact with each other: https://sonic.sega.jp/SonicChannel/enjoy/calendar/ I want to see them incorporate that more into the games. Some bonus picks from me: Tails Doll, Bean, Bark, Shahra, Erazor Djinn, Merlina, Sonic Man
Okay, now I'm adding Rachel, and 3 Wade Varients just to spite you./s I tried to pick one character from each non-comic universe, and Stone seemed like the last-offensive pick from the movie-verse. I guess Longclaw could work, but she's dead.
i mean long claw got into runners, so shed be the most likely, right? unless you wanted to go the "movie!sonic" route.
Fair enough regarding her inclusion in Runners. (I'd still rather have Stone, though. ) Regarding Movie!Sonic: if we're opening portals to other dimensions, I'd rather have a bunch of different unique characters than a roster with 5 different Sonics.
Let's not pretend a predatory mobile game is comparable to what we'd typically expect from a Sonic racing game on console.
Realistically what five versions of Sonic would SEGA allow? 1. Modern Sonic 2. Classic Sonic 3. Movie Sonic ...Then what? No IDW Sonic is just Modern Sonic to SEGA No, Boom is dead and buried Junio Sonic is just Classic Sonic Archie Sonic is buried by SEGA OVA Sonic, 10% Chance Fleetway isn't considered apart of current Sonic branding by SEGA
Tangle and Whisper should be in the game so that random people who view the IDW comics as the worst piece of media ever made can be mad about it for 7 months
If they are really doing the multiverse thing, my unrealistic dream is to have Aosth robotnik playable. In his majestic PINGAS way. Pretty please.
Sonic Man Ugly Sonic Both viable candidates. Ugly should start showing up in things like Bad Box Art Mega Man does in Capcom games.
They should fully embrace the memes and put Sanic in the roster, as the only character without a car. They just need to make Sanic canon, the movies kind of did it already (even though it was canonically just a sketch of Sonic). Give him a super serious lore explanation too. (I'm joking but would be funny)