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Sonic: Project Mettrix

Discussion in 'Fangaming Discussion' started by Shoemanbundy, Aug 11, 2008.

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  1. jman2050


    Teh Sonik Haker Tech Member
    I am face palming so hard right now.
  2. Puto


    Shin'ichi Kudō, detective. Tech Member
    Portugal, Oeiras
    Part of Team Megamix, but haven't done any actual work in ages.
    nigga you gay
  3. Aquaslash


    <The Has-been Legend> Moderator
    I hereby quote the great GerbilSoft:

  4. SMTP


    Tech Member
    Wow, the physics are WAY better than the last demo!

    No wonder I was wtfing when Tweaker kept claiming its just like the original, even though last demo it wasnt. He was talking about this one. :P
  5. muteKi


    Fuck it Member
    I can't seem to find a download link anywhere. Is it Engine Demo V7? That gives me a 404 error.
  6. Stealth


    Tech Member
    Sonic Mania, HCGE, Sonic Megamix, SonED2, [...]
    I've just been informed that the level ripper in the launcher "doesn't work". What's happening here is something that was present in Demo 6 as well (thanks for telling me :P). Demo 5 was the last version to use the filenames "sonic.exe"/"sonicwin.exe", as any remaining Sonic-specific elements were removed from the program in Demo 6, and they were renamed to "E02DOS.exe"/"E02Win.exe". This was the only part of the launcher that wasn't updated

    Here is a corrected version of the launcher. If you've already downloaded either of the two demos, replace the "launch.exe" you already have with this one. The full packages have been updated with this version, so if you haven't downloaded either of them yet, they will already have this version

    The link you tried to use should have lead to the same archive, but apparently that one was broken, even though the image link was correct. They should both work now
  7. muteKi


    Fuck it Member
    It works! Thanks.
  8. Rika Chou

    Rika Chou

    Tech Member
    Does the level editor have a restriction on file name/path length? When I use the Level ripper and click on the "Edit Files" button I get this message in the editor:


    Also like I said in the ProSonic topic, I wish there was an external level editor for this. Something like SonED2 with the E02 restrictions instead of the Gen/MD restrictions would just be so awesome.
  9. Stealth


    Tech Member
    Sonic Mania, HCGE, Sonic Megamix, SonED2, [...]
    The "Edit Files" button is an entry to the level editor with existing files that aren't set up within the game yet. You'd use that in conjunction with "Add to existing ...." textboxes, typing the names of the files there, or using the "browse" buttons to find them. That button doesn't call the level ripper

    If you want to open the editor with the output from the level ripper, what you'd need to do is set the "Start Editor" option in the main window before setting the rip options and clicking "Rip Level"

    I don't really understand the need for an external editor, though. It was external a long time ago, but that was just too much of a pain. Direct integration with the game lets you test the layout while you develop it. If you're worried about losing the data during gameplay, just save before switching out of the editor as you would before you quit the external program and ran the game. If you really don't want to use the editor from in-game, there are two other options - First, you could use the "warp" and "Start Editor" options to go directly to the level editor for a level that's already set up within the game (this method also allows you to drop back into gameplay, and re-enter the editor), or you could use the "Edit Files" option from the level ripper window, where you directly select the level and tile files to edit. That method doesn't enable gameplay at all
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