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Sonic: Project Chaos v2.5

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by StephenUK, Oct 9, 2005.

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  1. StephenUK


    Liquor in the front, poker in the rear Tech Member
    Manchester, UK
    Quackshot Disassembly
    I've decided to release the current version of my hack. So far, it includes the following:

    Time Travel support (collect warp icon and jump into starpost stars)
    Sonic Speed Boost (Hold A to increase speed. Drains rings at a rate of 10/sec. Sonic Only)
    Sonic and Shadow (Shadow uses Johnny's sprites as temporary placeholder)
    GHZ acts 1 and 2 complete (all timezones)
    Emerald Hunt (in one timezone per zone, but varies zone to zone)

    I'm aware that act 2 has a few broken tiles in the pipes, but I'm gonna fix them another time. The menu on the title screen uses left and right to switch between selections. This is in place ready for the new menu, but I've not put that in yet. On the options menu, Sonic and Tails = Sonic, and Sonic Alone = Shadow. Other than these, I'm not aware of any issues, so if you find any more, please let me know. Anyway, the link is below. Hope you like it ;)

    Sonic: Project Chaos v2.5
  2. SmashFGM


    Awesome I love your hack StephenUK.


    Edit: your hack is very cool. Nut I came across a problem I went to the past on the second hack and the background got messed up.

    Attached Files:

  3. stormislandgal


    It's not a phase! Tech Member
    Married life <3
    You are a mad bastard when it comes to ASM. Keep it up.
  4. Quickman


    be attitude for gains Tech Member
    omg porjcet
    I notice you've used an EHZ-style alternation between the lighter blocks and darker blocks of grass. However, I feel a four-colour gradation from lightest on top to darkest underneath would suit your style of grass more.

    Also, there's some solidity errors to sort out (mostly to do with loops) and some art which needs doing (end card stuff mostly), and why can't I charge spindash? This makes some things much more difficult.
  5. Tweaker


    Charge Spindash using the A button. I assume you use C, like I do?

    Like I said, kickass. Make sure to fix the spring bug I mentioned on SSRG.
  6. LocalH


    roxoring your soxors Tech Member
    Rock Band 3 Deluxe
    I want to c&p what I wrote in the thread on SCARZ:

  7. Heran Bago

    Heran Bago

    Ah! It's Puyo battle then. Tech Member
    This hack is fantastic. I love ASM hacks.
  8. BadCopNoDonut


    O RLY? Oldbie
    Sonic D T
    This is fucking awesome. I can't wait to see the completed product. Just....damn!
  9. Yes, this is an awesome hack. (Allready posted a bug report on The Hacking Revolution forums)
  10. StephenUK


    Liquor in the front, poker in the rear Tech Member
    Manchester, UK
    Quackshot Disassembly
    Hmm the Genesis thing is strange. I've tested this on a number of emulators and it worked on all of them fine, including Kega. The only thing I could think of is that it doesn't like the SRAM feature I started to add but didn't finish. It's implemented into the title card, and since it seems to be fucking up on level startup, I think it might be this. I'll fix the bugs, remove the SRAM and update the hack later on.

    EDIT: I've updated the link above to the revised version of my hack. Bugfixes include:

    Solidity tags fixed (they were too close to the loops to have effect)
    Act 2 Past and Future backgrounds
    Removed diagonal spring from Act 2 Future
    Fixed Spindash charge (It was coz of something I changed while trying to do the Peel Out)

    Hopefully, it'll work on the real hardware now, coz I've scrapped the SRAM save/load data, although I left the SRAM still enabled in the main header. The load data was built into 2P option, which is why selecting that started a new game with 0 lives. The SRAM wouldn't save anything for some strange reason. Anyway, if you find any more bugs, let me know. I'm gonna start work on Bionic Base Present when I get back from work.
  11. Rika Chou

    Rika Chou

    Tech Member
    It's coming along very nicely. Found a couple of bugs:

    1: Some collision bugs, causing me to fall to me death. (occurred end of loop in future)
    2: Sonics start position is a little high in act 2. (occurred in future)
    3: There is a spring in act 2 (diagonal, down, right) that seems to be solid, so sonic cannot bounce off it. (occurred in future)

    I have an idea. How about you use the "running faster" animations for sonic when he is using his "sonic boost"?
  12. Vangar


    I was waiting to play this! :D....
    But where did the new title go that you were showing off in your signature before?
  13. Ultima


    Games Publisher Tech Member
    London, England
    Publishing mobile games!
    Heh, so you released it. Did you use my emerald art in the end?
  14. Shadow Fire

    Shadow Fire

    Ultimate victory! Member
    The Land of Darkness
    Sonic: The Lost Land (Series), The GCN (site)
    I want your microsecond counter! =P

    Seriously, that feature was one of the first things I noticed. I didn't bother looking for the emerald... I couldn't be assed looking. Heh.

    Make babies with me!

    *sits down and starts to make little toy babies*

  15. StephenUK


    Liquor in the front, poker in the rear Tech Member
    Manchester, UK
    Quackshot Disassembly
    I thought I removed the diagonal spring. Ah well maybe I didn't. I knew about the start position being a little off on Act 2, but since it didn't cause any major gameplay issues I just left it for the release. I will fix it though. As for the collision, which act were you in? I'll have a look at the tile again to double check it's collision once I know.

    I didn't put the old title screen in because I have to fuck around with the title screen animation script again, and at the moment I really can't be arsed. I'll get around to it, but at the moment it's not really essential. I'll probably release more often now anyway, coz now I have the base code for the time travel all completed, making the levels will be easy.

    I will make a new animation sequence for the speed boost since I know how to edit character mappings properly now, although I'm not sure how to define this to an animation number in Sonic's programming. I'll find it in the end though, and then I'll use a S3 version of the Peel Out graphics, which will also be used when I get the Peel Out in and working.

    My main priority now is getting the art in for all the levels and then adding in the extra zones. Just one thing though. Is there any zone ID which causes chaos on a Genesis and crashes it. I've heard that GCZ crashes the genesis, and that HPZ can crash it as well. If this is the case, I will have to leave out these zone ID's coz I really want this to run on the real hardware once it's done.

    Oh yeah Shadow Fire, I'm 100% straight btw. Sorry to disappoint you :P
  16. Shadow Fire

    Shadow Fire

    Ultimate victory! Member
    The Land of Darkness
    Sonic: The Lost Land (Series), The GCN (site)
    Uh... I'm also 100% male... therefore impossible for any of us to give birth... (ouch) If you saw my actions, you'd have seen I was making TOY babies... They're for Ordos for his birthday... along with a blow-up, life-sized Saxman doll for his fantasy purposes...


    Honestly though. I like the timer addon.
  17. Sonic Hachelle-Bee

    Sonic Hachelle-Bee

    Taking a Sand Shower Tech Member
    Lyon, France
    Sonic 2 Long Version
    Very good Stephen, very good. The time travel feature is nicely done.

    There is a lot of pros to say about this hack, but anyway you might want to know the cons to make it even better:

    There is some collision problems with your ramps. It seems some ramps lacks some pixels of collision in the center. This causes Sonic to stop hard in the middle if he's not going too fast enough to jump the small "gap".

    A yellow diagonal spring is solid (reported already). Did you set the right spring for it (41 47)? You can't flip vertically a spring, it's not working.

    Your hack won't work with my favourite emulator, Genesis Plus (black screen even before the Sega logo, bad ROM size). As I said before in other posts, this emulator is very close to real hardware. You are lucky, instead of that small error, all seem to work fine.
  18. Darkon


    Few glitches I noticed, collecting a time emblem then restarting the game results in you starting on the timezone of the emblem.

    Sonic has green patches when skidding (unfinished sprites?).

    Emerald graphics are screwed up for Shadow.

    Returning to the start of Emerald Hill Zone 1 in the future results in what im guessing to be a titlecard made up of random sprites to appear and stay on screen until the level ends or reloads, also causing some objects not to load such as bridges and loop rings.

    Other than these, excelent work, cant wait to see when this is finished.
  19. Quote from The Hacking Revolution forums:

  20. Maxtream


    That blew my mind. Using the original idea, (or at least what some people think) time travel in Sonic 2. Do you have all past, present, and future? Any bad futures? Also, do you want any suggestions for what other time zones alterations should look like, like for chemical plant? I could give you some good backgrounds if you want.
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