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Sonic Prime (Netflix Animated Series)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by The Joebro64, Dec 10, 2020.

  1. Chimpo


    Artificial Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    It's a bizzare complaint because the show's B-Plots are these side character stories. Throwing in a useless fetch quest for Shadow is going to take up screen time. Right now Shadow's involvement in the show is tied to the A-Plot and he takes up Sonic's screen time to push that story forward. But if you want to suddenly give Shadow a quest (that's exactly the same as Sonic's, but with a different McGuffin) then you're going to either expand A's focus and runtime and reducing the current B focus or make Shadow the B-Plot moving forward.
    So which is it?
  2. RDNexus


    @Sneekie then I guess it's I who's getting tired of so many self-contained stories where little progress happens in a (supposed to exist) big scheme of things.

    How many entry points do exist now? You got comics, live-action movies and now this. Aren't there enough? Can't they be satisfied enough of self-contained stories?
    Heck, it's been decades since I last felt the franchise actually (apparently) progressing, somehow in its overall narrative. I'm sick and tired of these tirades from SEGA.

    And I mean sick and tired of self-contained stories and broken pieces of a potential long-running storyline, not of the franchise itself, mind me ^^"
  3. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    They're not going to gatekeep the franchise, lmao.

    There's going to be as many entry points as there are people still being born, because those are potential new Sonic fans. Every game or media is going to be JUST self contained enough to be inviting. They're not going to kill their brand for the handful of fans who think the Sonic Netflix TV show needs to be "benefit the franchise in the long run", which you still haven't explained what that means. I mean it when I say I don't understand.

    There is no "overall narrative". Sonic does not have a goal or endgame. Sonic will fight Eggman and he'll save the world. Sega will make Sonic games and TV shows and comics and movies so long as they make a profit. They will add, remove, change anything they feel if they think it will make good art a or profitable product.

    Why would they kill the potential of the show to tell its own story and be entertaining for some nonexistent myth arc?

    Is this what people mean when they say the MCU ruined media?
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2023
  4. Kyro


    The newest episode was pretty good, I really like how they characterize shadow here to bounce off of this version of sonic. I like their dynamic a lot.

    I do have to wonder what exactly shadow is going to be doing, though. If they are working together, what all is he going to be contributing exactly besides placing the shards where they belong once sonic's collected them?
  5. RDNexus


    Maybe because of the very same reason people are sick and tired of american superhero comics?
    Always going around in circles, never heading somewhere worthwhile, only feeding the same tirades time and again?
    The franchise may be a product, to give money to SEGA, but that doesn't mean it has to be done this way.
    It could be done differently, it could try to build upon itself story after story, as it did until SA2, at least.

    By "benefit the franchise in the long run", I mean presenting or developing stuff that could appear later on in the games or so...
    Like a continuity, something that stopped existing since Sonic 06 (or Sonic Heroes, depending of how rigorous one is).
  6. Chimpo


    Artificial Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Super Hero comics have seen radical changes over the last 2 decades, many with lasting effects. They've done anything but the status quo and they've created a difficult barrier for newcomers with their constant mantle swaps and renumbering. You could not have picked a worst example.
  7. RDNexus


    Worst example? It's simply the opposite spectrum of the same issue. They dig deep one rabbit hole, then jump ship. Rinse and repeat.
    Sonic franchise, from a certain point on, stuck with self-contained stories that barely add anything to future games, if anything at all.
    Where one makes it hard for newcomers to join the fandom, the other makes it too easy but with little substance (in my honest opinion).

    While in Sonic franchise's case there's loads of decent entry points, in due time newcomers either grow tired of not having much more of 1/2 games they like or they stick to said favs of theirs and join the parroting voices that SEGA kept hearing the most until recently.
  8. Chimpo


    Artificial Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    They don't jump ship. What do you think lasting effects means? Using Spider-Man as an example, the Spider-Man 616 universe is still dealing with the events of One More Day from 2007. He hasn't recovered from being able to manage Parker Industries after the events of Avenging Spider-Man. There's an arc right now that is putting more nails into the coffin on the Peter and Mary Jane relationship.
    Your example was that audiences are sick of super hero comics because of running around in circles. That is not the case. Don't try and spin this.
  9. Levi Church

    Levi Church

    Icon art is made by Christian "Kris" Dobbins Member
    Loved the episode.
    Kind of cool that this sort of canonizes The Void from Sonic SatAM. I doubt we'll be seeing Naugus hang out in this one though.
  10. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    It was like this in Mega Man Fully Charged too. Aki/Mega Man just gets thrown around like a ragdoll while his more competent human sister often ends up taking care of things. I wouldn't have it any other way. (Okay, I would, but I still think it's funny)

    New episode is nice. Steffan Andrews reminding me why he's the greatest and should score the movies. I'm excited for some more episodes.
  11. DefinitiveDubs


    I have got to gush about the writing and the voices. This episode really sold it for me. Prime isn't perfect (the overarching story isn't great but there is definitely potential for improvement with further seasons) but the characterization is on fucking point. It is so, so, so satisfying to see Shadow actually written properly OUTSIDE of a comic, and OUTSIDE of Ian Flynn. Finally. My god. Was that so hard?

    And the voices are good. Sonic and Shadow sound better than they ever have. Deven Mack just sounds like a perfect middle ground between Ryan and Roger. And whoever Shadow's VA is feels like Jason, but with just enough David sprinkled in there to make him sound cool and not monotone and boring.
  12. Iggy for Short

    Iggy for Short

    I can't help but feel this episode would've been a better one to end the first batch on. Instead of a cliffhanger teasing one of the ongoing mysteries, we get some questions answered, learn additional bits of information, and solidify a new goal going forward.

    In fact... it's the only episode of the nine we've seen to NOT end on a cliffhanger. Was this originally meant to be our Act 1 closer? Because that sure would've made calling the first set "Season 1" make a smidge more sense.
  13. DefinitiveDubs


    That would make sense. But I could also totally understand a studio suit thinking opening the second batch with Shadow would start strong for ratings.
  14. Launching the second wave with Shadow's crucial exposition episode makes more sense than ending the initial wave on it imo.
  15. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    Disagree personally. Granted, I’ve not watched the series fully yet (not least because it’s not actually fully out yet, no matter what Netflix would have you believe), but I feel like reframing what’s happening and showing what each hedgehog’s goal is from here on is pretty apt mid-season finale material.
  16. I don't disagree that it would've fit as a nice, possibly even better, cap of the first batch. It has been like half a year since the first seven episodes dropped though, so starting back up with an episode that recaps, re-contextualizes, and progresses the plot seems like the best move to me.
  17. DefinitiveDubs


    You've got to realize we live in a world where Disney will delay an episode until Christmas to air it as a "holiday episode" just because it contains snow. Opening the second half of a season with the second-most popular character behind Sonic himself despite the pacing being ruined would be a very believable thing for Netflix (or whoever's in charge of that) to do.
  18. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    Ah, I see you too were a Gravity Falls fan.
  19. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
    They did something similar with Amphiba's Halloween episode, lol.
  20. BenoitRen


    Tech Member
    I thought the episode on YouTube was a leak, until I read on Nintendolife that Netflix put it there themselves. So I finally watched it.

    Nice to finally have some concrete goal instead of just zipping around.

    I actually have no idea if Shadow is acting like I'd expect or not. The only games I've played that feature him are Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Heroes. The former has him acting out of revenge, and in the latter he has amnesia, so I don't know what he's like in normal circumstances.