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Sonic Prime (Netflix Animated Series)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by The Joebro64, Dec 10, 2020.

  1. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    My issue with Prime Shadow is that he sounds like game Knuckles in his more serious moments. Besides that, I think Kirk Thornton better portrays the self-assured ego of Shadow and has only gotten closer to David Humphrey as time has gone on.
  2. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    So if we assume something to do with elements, green for life and blue for water, why did red not give us a volcanic world?

    The Red Shard's world wasn't always like that either, as suggested by the jungle and ocean worlds to be their cases: their world was just like the Prime World, bar Knuckles and Rouge living in Green Hill for some reason, until Robotnik paved over the area years ago...

    The logic of the Shatterverse just isn't adding up to me.
  3. Hez


    I kind of hope they have one shard be "classic" world. It won't be, but that'd be such a cool world.
  4. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
    They have all the excuses now to introduce Blaze's dimension and I really hope they will.

    They probably won't.
  5. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    Well, apparently this is a single universe shattered, hence Shatterverse. I could see a Classic World though from the flashbacks it's unlikely and they've always been "this" design, but the Sol Dimension, it's unlikely, unless the Sol Emeralds saw the Chaos Dimension go pop and send Blaze over to investigate...
  6. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Id love seeing their takes on classic Rouge and Big, along with a 3D model of classic Amy. I don’t think Blaze fits in the narrative but a classic dimension might, and at least one character seems designed around the classic designs (elder Eggman, his mustache is Classic Eggman’s, he’s rounder, and has more yellow in his design based off classic Eggman’s cape thing)
  7. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    Or, to skirt around SEGA's inane split, 1930's styled universe that just so happens to use the classic designs as a basis:
  8. Lmao that Metal Sonic with a bowtie cracks me up.
  9. Forte


    I speak better after three beers Member
    Ehh, instead of the pirate world, we should just see Blaze's dimension. I mean, it's water world with pirates right?

    So... Why didn't she appear?
    Why all the time we only see the main cast, Rouge, Eggmen, Big and occasionally Shadow?

    Why no Omega? A perfect fit for new Yank City? Is this a rights thing? Like for example, they bought rights only to certain characters, and they can't use anyone else?
    C'mon... Give me Blaze, give me Omega, where's Espio? How cool would a cliffhanger be if Silver showed up, instead of Shadow?
  10. RDNexus


    Erm... Have people not noticed that each shattered reality is a parallel world of that Green Hill setting from Ep01?
    Everytime Sonic landed on a new shattered reality he'd happen upon the mountain or the loop-de-loop. To not mention "the palmtree".
    Blaze's world is a totally different world/space/reality. It ain't shatterspace material.
  11. Taylor


    Ultimately this show is made for kids first, fans second. Having all the AU characters be the "prime" characters in a funny outfit and accent makes it easier for kids to remember
  12. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    And god do I hate that excuse. See my previous post:
    Do people really think so lowly of today's generation of children?
  13. Taylor


    You pointing to SU proves my point considering how long it took that show to really expand its cast of characters. With only 8 episodes to make an impression, it makes perfect sense to focus on a very small cast, especially with the show immediately starting off with a much more ambitious premise than either SU or BTAS.

    Edit: It's not that I think kids are too dumb for Sonic Prime with more characters, so much as the show has to do double-duty of both establishing Sonic's world and then making AUs for it, there's far more going on than something like SU or BTAS which were allowed to grow slowly and naturally (and in the case of SU, too slow for a lot of adults, apparently)
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2022
  14. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    When I was a kid, I assumed that every Sonic thing I knew about was related: Sonic Adventure, Sonic Underground, Sonic X...
    I also had the weirdest assumptions of Sonic Adventure. Like, "Twinkle Circuit hovercars are just something Sonic normally uses" etc.
    The thing about the more "mature" "kids shows" is that you're still not watching that at 7 with the same eyes as you would even at 12. You're going to accept the plots as they are, as a sequence of events. Batman is closer to 12 than it is to 7, and Sonic is closer to 7 than it is to 12. If you're 7 watching Batman you're not watching because of the gripping narrative and emotional beats, you're watching because "cool detective dressed as a bat beats funny bad guys up". Sure, you'll appreciate the rest of it in time, but that's not why you like it.
    This argument against "it's for kids" always springs from the people who grew up watching a show that they feel a bigger connection to later. I think that's definitely a place for that, but there's also a place for stuff that's always just as you remembered it and it's ridiculous to hold a show like that to the standards of shows like Batman or Avatar where the creative talent has something more specific in mind aside from just "entertain children". And more often than not, they get rated PG anyways, which is certainly stepping beyond "for kids" and entering "for families".

    So let Sonic Prime get away with broad strokes not because it's "for kids" but because it's a fun show with some good messages that kids will grow up remembering fondly.
  15. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    I was 5, and the show came out when I was a baby: I caught reruns here in the UK on, I think it was CITV?

    Also, half the time Batman didn't beat up the bad guys to beat them. One ending that's stuck with me since I first saw it was the Baby Doll ending:

    No fighting on Batman's side, just trying to help her until she encounters something that forces her to confront her issues head on.

    A good chunk of the time, Batman wasn't even able to take the bad guys head on, like Clayface and Mr. Freeze:

    Another scene I remember as a kid, "gimme a mirror..."

    That scream, that bloody scream as he sees what happened to him...

    And yes, I actually felt sadness and sympathy every time, even at 5 years old. The show taught me to extend kindness to everyone, including villains, even if in the end, you can't help someone who doesn't want to be saved.

    But all my peers thought I was a weirdo, so I guess I am :eng99:

    It's not really all that fun, to be honest. There's a couple of cool fight scenes, but it's just kind of stock adventure tropes.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2022
  16. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    Except that "PG" is literally just the "G" of today. Go watch something like The Secret of NIMH, which wad also a G.

    I don't know if PG-13 is even a thing anymore either.
  17. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    I wish I could see what you guys are seeing in this show. Ignoring that this is a licensed property for a second, it doesn't really do anything interesting with its premise. The alternative worlds are generic as they come and mostly featureless. It's a wonder why the council is 5 separate characters when only 2 of them see to do anything or get any focus. The only good thing right now are like 3 fight scenes across 8 episodes.

    Taking the license into account, it doesn't do anything with it that would label this as "yep, this is Sonic". You could replace everything here with another franchise like Ratchet and Stank and you end up with the exact same show, with the exception of adjusting some of the fight choreography. We get transported to 3 different worlds, but the cast is only the same 5 characters and we never really flesh them out because the story keeps resetting. You would think Sonic would retain information after the second jump but he's continues to be oblivious about the situation each time. The writing for the first 6 episodes feel like something that would be more akin to Nick Jr. rather than aimed at kids or pre-teens.

    I know it's only 8 out of a planned 24 episodes and this show was most likely designed to be binged all at once (although with the constant flashbacks to events that happened not even 5 minutes ago, who knows) but it is takings its sweet time to build up towards anything. Doesn't help that nothing feels cemented outside of Rusty and Nine since the other worlds are just throwaway filler slots so far.

    I know the go to defense is going to be to treat this as it's own thing, and that's fine. I've done this with everything else that's come out. But you have to have your core principles in place. I mentioned it before, but this Sonic is awful. He's actually stupid. The hog describes himself to be 2 things. Cool and Blue. They got one of those right.

    Cool character designs for toys though.
  18. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    Indeed, people have been declaring that this is Sonic's best cartoon, but... is it?

    It's a basic, by the numbers adventure, except instead of going from place to place on Earth, he's going from place to place in other universes.

    That premise had so much potential, but here we are...

    I might talk to people, see if I can do a "this is how I'd handle it" series in Blender, if someone can teach me how to use the darn thing well enough :eng99:

    (Hmm, might also need VAs, stuff to fathom...)
  19. XCubed


    Will Someday Own a Rent-A-Center Oldbie
    I’m loving the 2D stories of meeting Tails and Knuckles. I’m hoping someone finds the Lava Reef Act 2/Hidden Palace remix. I’m assuming someone used a midi as a basis and VOPM. They decided to change a few things which was cool, along with the HPZ fight!
  20. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    I guess it's just really hard to fathom people just like it for what it is, instead of disliking it for what it isn't.

    I can rock with complaints about elements in the actual show though. You think Sonic's an irredeemably irritating idiot? Cool. I can disagree with that and leave it there. You don't like that they've not done anything interesting with the premise so far? I'd argue that there's still 16 episodes to go and it's far too early to judge that, but I'm not gonna glue my hands to the floor about it.