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Sonic Prime (Netflix Animated Series)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by The Joebro64, Dec 10, 2020.

  1. Wildcat


    Saw all the episodes so far. It’s really good. I too found Sonic a bit annoying at times. Too many wisecracks when he should be more serious.

    No indication of SATAM or AoS universes. Maybe not if they’re sticking to the idea that Sonic created these alternate universes by destroying the crystal and since he never meets other versions of himself. Still they could say he just unlocked them and has not come across them yet.

    Loved seeing Hidden Palace. Confirms it’s in continuity with the games.
  2. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    The wisecracking over serious was one of the things I liked about him, actually =P
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  3. Wildcat


    Some wisecracking is fine but it just kept going even in more serious moments. Kinda broke the tone and was off putting at times. It did seem to calm down a little as things went on. I guess to go along with his personal growth and realizing what the palm tree symbolized.
  4. Linkabel


    Like someone mentioned, I found his personality being a mixed between his movie and game versions. I didn't hate it but made him look younger than what we're used to.
  5. Frostav


    I have just checked out the first episode. Several thoughts:

    -Why is the animation SO MUCH MORE expressive than the games. Holy crap. The character models look GREAT and they're so lively and fun!

    -The voice cast is excellent, every character I've seen so far is easily one of my favorite actors for their characters respectively. These dudes could take over the games and I'd be A-OK with that.

    -Shadow's characterization at least from what I have watched: dear god. It's SO much better than the godawful games characterization.

    -Sonic still not realizing he's in an alternate dimension is hilarious like damn he's not THAT stupid lmao

    Gonna keep watching, but I like it so far!
  6. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    Hm, I wonder if this is supposed to give a taste of how he's (Shadow) going to be in the third movie.

    Anyway, I'm going to watch this over the holidays. Should be a fun time.
  7. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    Which is ironic, since he's apparently older due to the series apparently being set after the current set of games.
  8. Frostav


    On episode 4 now and wow, I'm glad Rouge in in this series because she by far has the best glow-up of all the game characters. After literally a decade and a half of her doing nothing in the games she looks SO good in this series. Dammit. Now I'm sad the games keep wasting all these characters >.>
  9. Levi Church

    Levi Church

    Icon art is made by Christian "Kris" Dobbins Member
    Yeah IDK. Here is another quote from an interview.
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  10. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    Interesting. Thanks!

    I'm not per se against notes and restrictions, but I sure hope they get frequently updated. I bet my arse they’re based on ShtH (because that’s where he got his funny image from) and not on SA2 or Heroes. Worth a facepalm.
  11. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    Something interesting about Rouge is that her body language looked a lot more like Zeena's. Even her voice has been shifted closer to that area. But in terms of her overall personality, she seems like she works pretty hard - which is the polar opposite of Zeena who's pretty lazy as a result of her self-obsession.
    They pretty much made her "good" Zeena, just obsessed with shiny things.
    "Sonic's rival" is pretty much the only place they've been going with Shadow since he popped back up for Boom. It's not the worst take in the world to make that his centerpoint but the frustrating part is that the two "must" fight as soon as they show up on screen together. From that perspective, they'd need to act a bit more uneasy than Sonic would interact with Knuckles but team up as often as Sonic and Eggman do these days (it's actually ridiculous how often that happens)
    The only reason it works for me in Prime is because he actually has a bit of a reason for it (and it looks cool while we're at it) but for the movies I really hope we get a Shadow who's angry and pretty broken at first but then mellows back down and for the games I... I just hope the two can be at odds for decent reasons, not just to prove which is the best in a dick measuring contest that ends with a tie. Or at least let Shadow be cockier about it like in Heroes (and honestly even SA2) because that's pretty much the only thing that opens him up easily.
  12. kyasarintsu


    There are three things I've noticed that bother me in particular:
    1. The world seemingly revolves around Sonic and his friends. I know what they're trying to do with it but I wish we'd see at least a few more unique faces. I wouldn't mind them being one-timers.
    2. Sonic takes way too long to get with the program. Someone as savvy as he is should not have taken so long to understand what's going on.
    3. I really don't like that we're shown so much of the pre-shatter stuff up-front and then just getting repeated (mercifully truncated) clips of it. Having the flashbacks and "previously, on Sonic Prime..." in every episode feels so incredibly weird, especially with binging being such a big part of the watching culture for things like this.
  13. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    *looks at the current Vegeta-lite character, who seems to be reaching a point that his punching Sonic in the face is a greeting, then at the past Shadow character who prioritised protecting the world and jumped in between Sonic and Silver to protect Sonic where current Shadow would probably leave him like a resort in an avalanche*

    Is... he sure about that?
  14. That whole sequence introducing Shadow felt so wrong to me.

    I’ll ignore the weirdo characterizations so I can enjoy what’s there, but people saying, “This is game Sonic,” are sooooo far off. This series just feels like Boom and SatAm had a baby.
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  15. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    Yeah, I don't get why Shadow decided immediately to punch Sonic in the face. He sees a shockwave pass, sees a weird vision of a figure running around a sphere, then decides the best course of action is to attack Sonic instead of tracking down Robotnik, who is the most likely culprit behind, y'know, a giant shockwave and any evil plans occurring that may cause such things...

    Why did he even see that vision, anyway? I don't recall future sight as one of his powers...
  16. Ch1pper


    Fighting the Battle of Who Could Care Less Member
    Watched all 8 episodes over a few days. General reaction: Not the worst, not the best. I'd be down for more.
    It doesn't leave me embarrassed for Sonic Boom while my best friend gets TMNT '12 (though he loved Boom Knuckles).

    THAT'S what's been nagging at me! The styles of humor and Sonic's laid-back attitudes between the two are different enough that smashing them together is kind of jarring, even though on paper it shouldn't be. There's Boom's aloofness to SatAM's… wisecracking-but-determined do-gooder? A lot of things I could say about one could be said about the other but are presented in more nuanced ways depending on the context. Here they're just flipped on a dime back and forth. It gets the job done, I suppose.

    Cast is generally good. GHZ Knuckles is weird as others have said. I like GHZ Amy's voice a lot.
    Shadow has finally achieved a great mix of Thorton's/Griffith's over-confidence and Humphrey's nuance. I really like it.

    Oh and Dr. Babbles can go roll off a cliff. The older I get the more I loathe incoherent baby characters. He truly adds nothing to the plot and I find his voice more grating than I should. The whole Chaos Council feels pointlessly fractured when Eggman himself would've been fine, but I imagine/hope they'll be better expanded upon in future episodes.
  17. I agree with this, as even though I like Zeena (a little bit I'd say), I hate that her whole character can be basically boiled down to "nail obsession". Just trying to throw my opinion out there.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2022
  18. Londinium


    People actually read these? Member
    The Chaos Council was not a mistake, without it, we wouldn't have gotten Emo Gamer Eggman (Emoman?)
  19. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    I'm a bigger Zeena fan than most which is probably the only reason I make the comparison.
    Dr. Babble is my favorite honestly, I think he works incredibly well.
  20. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    Those exist?