Welp, I had little interest in Speed Simulator before but I guess I'll download Roblox for this. What a weird way to do this.
I guess I’ll check this out. Not super convinced I’ll be a fan of the show but I have Roblox downloaded on the Xbox so why not. It could end up being enjoyable even if it’s not the platonic ideal of Sonic media to me.
Someone please record/take pictures of how this is going down in Roblox for the wiki. Sonic Simulator or whatever also needs a wiki page as well...
The first episode of a new cartoon is airing in a game, that itself is within another game. I don't understand what's going on and it makes me feel old.
Well at least the kids getting into Sonic through Roblox are getting into a game that largely features rolling/momentum physics. Anderson Paak put on a killer show for Fortnite
Poppycock! You can't have live concerts in a video game. That doesn't make any sense. + - Yes I know it's a thing and no I don't get it.
Roblox is a platform for games, above anything. It's like an app store, but with some elements that can carry over, like the general appearance of your character and items they might be wearing, or basic things like a pause menu or chat. Its attribution as a "game" is misleading in some ways, because unlike Minecraft or Fortnite, there's no one true game to it anymore, but it's the only way to really categorize it. You could also see it as alternate servers that provide different experiences. In Sonic Speed Simulator, you're playing with controls comparable to the Sonic Adventure games, but on another game or server, you will be playing with something that might feel way more basic. I've never actually attended a Fortnite concert, but I have watched Dragon Ball Super in it, and with that, they had a whole custom modeled area with a screen and an area you could stand in and optionally you could put the video in full screen, so it was basically a video player in the game. All it was is a different mode you selected, and although I think they'll have similar stuff in Sonic Speed Simulator, it'll just be a portal within the same game, like a hub world. All of this isn't nearly as complex as it sounds, but it's hard to visualize through text alone. As for the premier, It could totally be a shitshow. I don't know how they would do a full live stream. Maybe they'll let you just jump in and watch the episode at any time during the day and then leave to play the tag game or claim the free content. All I know is, it's not surprising Wildbrain (the people producing the show) is collaborating for this. They've had a deal with with Gamefam (the people who make Sonic Speed Simulator) for a while now.
I can't believe they're officially releasing an episode of a Sonic cartoon exclusively through pirate reuploads.
I know, right? =P I've got access to my parents' Netflix, but it's going to be such an arse to watch it through that. Certainly not doing so through bloody Roblox.
Spoiler How are we still not past the point of making sub-par pixel art? There are plenty of great artists out there that would love the opportunity... Sonic's mouth/eye animations are rough. Some of it feels like it fell out of an amateur youtube animation.
The stuff modeled after the games is rough, but probably passable for almost anyone not on these forums. The pixel art that's original from the rest of the sequence actually looks nice.
It's not a retcon. Anyway, I'm always confused as to why adaptations of games don't use the original artwork, even when they have sequences that are supposed to evoke the original artwork. It's not like it's not trying to be the original. They couldn't get the original sprite sheets or anything? Otherwise, this looks great.
The "Origins retcon" is the only time in the 30 years since S2 that its been clear to everyone how Sonic and Tails were supposed to have met.
Yeah... I'm not gonna lie, I was getting war flashbacks to Ron Lim Sonic with some of those mono-eye looking frames. Ah well, it is what it is.
I'm not going to drag the Continuity fight over to this thread, but it is, leave it there or @ me in that thread. Only because SEGA of America decided to write their own story, and then Sammy SEGA have decided to replace the original manual stories with, in my opinion, utter crap. I'm expressing disgust with a retcon reaching other media, just leave it be, it's not worth a fight here.
Ya def put me on the side of don’t give too much of a shit about what some Japanese people wrote in a manual 30 years ago, particularly for a game like Sonic 2 that had multiple direction changes in its development. Hell the series itself barely had a direction at that point.