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Sonic Prime (Netflix Animated Series)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by The Joebro64, Dec 10, 2020.

  1. Well Star Wars Clone Wars was CG and Transformers Prime, and both shows had way better writing than they had any right to be for children's programs.

    CG is just the standard for better or worse
  2. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Anyone who thinks the Freedom Fighters are going to be in this is deluding themselves. They're long dead, get over it.

    Interestingly this wasn't mentioned at all at the Game Awards last night, so I wonder when the original announcement this accidental tweet went out for was supposed to be?
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  3. Josh


    It's times like this we need an "I agree, but also I'm sad about it," rating.
  4. At best, they'll get a reference but don't expect them to be major characters like they were before. That ship has sailed.
  5. The Joebro64

    The Joebro64

    The Freedom Fighters have no chance of coming back. Apparently, Sonic Team really wants them to be forgotten because they didn't create 'em. I personally think it'd be fun if they came back, but they'd have to be changed pretty radically to fit in with the normal game universe in my opinion.
  6. BadBehavior


    Basically if it's just another "continuity is for losers" comedy like Boom, my interest is gonna drop harder than when I saw Classic Sonic in the Forces teaser. Ok, not that hard but you get what I mean.

    Provided it goes in a direction similar to other Man of Actions shows, I will prefer it to Sonic Boom.

    Also, get Ben Schwartz for Sonic.
  7. Josh


    BEST: Based on what we know so far (namely that it's not gonna be in the style of Tyson Hesse's shorts)... probably the studio hiring either the Boom writers, Toby Jones from off of OK K.O, or Ian Flynn. That'd put my concerns to rest.

    WORST: A direct follow-up to Sonic X starring Chris Thorndyke.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2020
  8. foXcollr


    Resident Dolphin Member
    How long before a Netflix exclusive's air date do they usually announce it? I'd figure the announcement was more than a little premature if it isn't slated to air until 2022, but I'm not sure what the industry standard is. But I've also lost my perception of the passing of time this year, so maybe 2022 is a lot sooner than it feels. That being said, maybe they're planning to announce it alongside some anniversary-related things, making it part of a big PR push like they tried to do with Boom.

    When it comes to characters I'm really not expecting anything other than the core cast and maybe some original characters for the show (like we saw in Boom). I really did not like the Boom universe and wasn't too fond of its characterizations either, so seeing "normal" modern Sonic silhouetted in the teaser image is a little bit reassuring. Assuming that's the Sonic design they're going with, it'll be neat to see the modern, not-Boomified cast in a CGI show for the first time. At its peak (stuff like Sonic Unleashed's opening), modern Sonic CGI animation can be really exciting
  9. almeda


    you are now watching madTV. Member
    Omg I always wanted a new Sonic show! I wish it wasn't 3D animated though, but still! A new show for Sonic, if executed well, would be so cool. I just hope it's not a comedy styled show like Boom? I really would love a continuous plot with some good writing, and a nice arrangement of characters.
  10. MH MD

    MH MD

    Long live the King Member
    It varies, there is no "standard" ,sometimes it can be far like 2-3 years from now, or it can be just few months between announcement and release, best to just wait for official announcement and see.

    Since we only got a logo and it was not leaked before, i would imagine it's still really early in production, but we shall see.
  11. I'll always be excited for ANY new Sonic media, but I fear this won't blow me away. I will be watching it regardless of genre, but I would prefer a more comical approach akin to Boom versus full throttled non-stop action.
  12. Fadaway


    I hope it is based solely on the original 2D Mega Drive games (and CD and Mania) and nothing more. No Adventure. No Shadow. Nothing from the lame American animated shows from the '90s. No chili dogs. No Mobius. Hey, a man can dream right?
  13. Josh


    You're including CD, huh? Just don't make your wish on a Coconuts' paw...

  14. Good grief, that would get shallow quick

    If you refuse to let literally any new media onto the show, even if it's not from the current franchise itself (i.e. a new character or new locations custom made for the show), and you only focus on the mania cast and genesis world, there's not much to go off of.
    I hope you realize that tails, knuckles, west side island, angel island, etc. only exist because they were willing to try new things? Mania adventures was only 6 episodes that were a few minutes long each for a good reason. Now I agree with you, I'd love to have a full fledged mania adventures style tv show that stays fresh for years to come... but i just don't think it's possible without throwing some toppings onto the green salad. This show needs to have an identity. And while I love mania adventures as much as the next guy, I don't think a full tv series locked behind a single concept like that can thrive.
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  15. Mecha Sally

    Mecha Sally

    The thing is, Sega tends to pretty much ignore SatAM/Archie stuff. With the exception of that brief period in the 90's when they had Sally merchandise and advertising the current Archie issue on their site for a time, they pretty much act like those continuities don't exist. Either they associate that stuff with the whole Penders thing and it leaves a bad taste (which is unfair since he only had ties to the comic, not the show), or they just plain don't like it. Like others have said, it's highly unlikely they're going to come back. It sucks, but I get it.
  16. Only for viewing

    Only for viewing

    aka Superstarxalien Member
    I would also prefer this, but the teaser image featured Modern Sonic so it appears it'll be focused on that. I imagine it's also because they still don't want to dedicate time and money into getting VAs for the classic iterations of characters.

    On another note; We should not expect for the show to break away from the rules SEGA normally establishes in licensed Sonic media, should we? SEGA has been pretty adamant on the omission of humans as of late (with the exception of the movie), and Sonic as is doesn't really lend well to slice-of-life.
  17. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    I don't really have too much to say until we see something from the actual thing. Other than that, it's just "More Sonic stuff! | Ok, got it!" and that's all. I've heard they tied the IDW comics to Forces, so it wouldn't be weird to find the show would be linked to these or the next main game to keep the trend, but that's the furthest I can go with conjectures. That aside, if you ask me what kind of show would fit Sonic putting together action, humour, actual plot and an aim for kids, I'll just say Lego Ninjago.
  18. Man, some of you are so damn boring lmao. I cannot imagine for the life of me how you could center an entire show around 4-5 characters and not expect it to get stale after a few episodes. Some of y'all need to let go of your distaste for the things that aren't the Classic games. It's ok to like Modern Sonic and SATAM.
  19. The Joebro64

    The Joebro64

    How many Mickey Mouse shorts was Disney able to make with 4-5 characters?

  20. Do you want shorts or a full blown series?