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Sonic Prime (Netflix Animated Series)

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by The Joebro64, Dec 10, 2020.

  1. Mecha Sally

    Mecha Sally

    As much as I loved season 4 I do agree it was insane how long some of the episodes were. The last two episodes were like watching movies and not episodes. They were still cool, but still.

    This teaser still isn't giving me the info I want but hopefully we get more soon.
  2. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    Official poster for Prime. Coming December 15th.
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  3. Azookara


    yup Member
    It's been really weird how this show has been marketed. We know basically nothing about this thing, lol.
  4. Frontiers marketing
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  5. SuperSnoopy


    I like Sonic Advance Member
    Lyon, France
    Slice of life visual novel, coming soon...?
    it's to keep a sense of myyyyyyystery :V
  6. Mecha Sally

    Mecha Sally

    Well, we have a solid release date now, at least. Though I'm curious if all the episodes will be out at once, split into "parts" or released weekly. If it's weekly I won't be signing back up for Netflix right away.
  7. Mana


    International and Domestic GOAT Member
    Just to add to your point the average episode of dragon ball super was 17 and a half minutes if you add together the opening, ending, and 2 minute recap every episode and the pacing during the main arcs like Goku Black and Universal Tournament was great.

    Adventure Time and Steven Universe also told amazing multilayered stories within 11 minute time frames. 20 is plenty and anyone who says otherwise must not watch a lot of anime and cartoons.
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  8. To Mecha Sally, I think they said the first pair of episodes would be connected so essentially a longer pilot and 6 more episodes all in the first batch. Have to find the source for that.
  9. The KKM

    The KKM

    Welcome to the nExt level Member
    IDW's Sonic the Hedgehog comic books
    tbh, that's stock netflix
  10. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Ya Netflix is horrible about advertising their shows. The fact we know about this at all and didn’t just find out a month in advance is already something.

    Netflix would rather show you shows you’ve already seen apparently and trick you into thinking it’s new :eng99:
  11. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
    Yup, Netflix did the same thing with Bee and PuppyCat and the 6th part of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure with the shitty advertising.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2022
  12. Mana


    International and Domestic GOAT Member
    It's due to a change in how they produce shows. When they had 2 or 3 originals a year each used to be properly advertised and marketed. Now that they have 10 to 20 A WEEK they don't put the same attention into marketing and put a lot of hope into word of mouth through the communities the specific show caters to spreading that the series is out.

    Invader Zim, Rocko's Modern Life, Pokemon movies, Devilman Crybaby, Sandman, Neon Genesis Evangelion (even if I dislike their redub), heck even the mentioned about Bee and Puppycat and Jojo Part 6...those are off the top of my head but I've never had issues knowing when a Netflix series I might be interested in is coming out because I use social media and keep my eyes on the series I am interested in. That's what they bet on and it works for the most part.

    Sonic is a huge franchise with a big movie and game that will have just dropped. They don't need to heavily market Prime for it to get the attention they want. The amount of youtubers and twitter people who will do that for them will be enough.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2022
  13. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I’m in general just not a fan of Netflix’s model, ever since they went more to original content over show redistribution. That and their very transparent “throw everything at the wall and see what sticks + let’s make shows for all our audiences even if the pro lgbt content doesn’t really mix with Dave Chappelles specials.”
  14. Mana


    International and Domestic GOAT Member
    Well it works for them generally so I don't see it stopping. Rather you like it or not (I'm LGBT and have no issue with Dave Chappelle, he's entitled to his own brand of comedy and I can ignore it if I disagree with it) is a different debate entirely, I was just explaining the thought process and how/why it works.
  15. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Oh of course whatever they’re doing works for them, doesn’t mean I like it though lol :eng99:.

    And I’m not militant against Dave Chappelle but I wasn’t a fan even before the trans stuff. I do just ignore him, I don’t think he’s funny. I was just pointing out an example of Netflix’s “have their cake and eat it too” model. But eww he agrees with JK Rowling gross :tinfoil:
  16. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    Still more advertising than Mega Man Fully Charged. SEGA's throwing trailers everywhere out makes sense for them to, it's on billboards in Sonic Speed Simulator, we have footage at all well in advance; I honestly don't even think it's Netflix or anything holding trailers up from coming out and just the fact that there's likely not many shot that have been finished at this point.
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  17. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I think that’s the reason we’re seeing anything at all. Netflixs advertising model goes directly against Segas model of announcing things way too early.

    Sega just can’t help themselves :eng99:
  18. One thing that annoys me with Netflix is how they release their animated shows. Only ten or twelve episodes, end on cliffhanger, wait a whole year or a few months until the rest of it comes out, rinse and repeat.
    Because of this, it's made me hate cliffhangers a lot. Cuphead fans share the same pain. (There's 40 completed episodes but only 24 have been released so far due to the hiatus after a cliffhanger bullshit)
  19. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
    I really fucking hate that it, because it kinda forces me to rush the whole season because of the fear of getting spoiled.

    Cartoon Network is doing that same trend and I hate that. Only Disney (and I think Amazon with Invincible?) was doing it right with Amphibia and The Owl House by airing the episodes weekly.
  20. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    We don't need Netflix for that: every show cancelled after ending the last season in a cliffhanger means their creators should burn in hell. I'm ok with closing a season with unfinished business to some extent because the world keeps turning, life goes on, etc., but assuming you'll really have the chance to finish something you later find you can't...