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Sonic Overture Thread [Sunrise Gate Zone Demo Available]

Discussion in 'Fangaming Discussion' started by Jassbec, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. OssieTheOstrich


    "Gone fishing", as they say Member
    I haven't played either versions of Overture (the last demo before it was scrapped nor the demo that's out right now) but I have seen footage of both.

    And I have to ask: Was specific permission granted to use the assets from the team that worked on the previous version, if any, for this new demo? On a related note, I've heard (I'm not sure where this came from) that the project was made against the wishes of the director of the previous team (I'm pretty sure this isn't referring to Lange) and was probably done out of spite.

    Given that this could ruin/sour whatever enjoyment people might have from the demo, could someone on the team try to clear up any confusion surrounding this?
  2. Souplike


    I just do stuff, I guess... Member
    Aquatic Ruin Zone
    Chaotix Re-Bound
    Yes, the sprites and level assets are allowed to be used because Pixy, a member of the old Overture team, is also on the new one. Regarding Lange, he was one of the musicians on the OG Overture team, but due to a series of unfortunate events (which I won't explain because someone can), the music for Sunrise Gate had to be changed.

    However, that question about the music gives me a question about Legends, because it's using an enhanced (similar but better instruments) version of the song, so did Ultra Ring get permission?
  3. RetroRespecter


    It doesn't matter at this point. Sonic Overture is back, baby! WHOO
  4. Jaxer


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that Sonic Legends lists its current tracks as placeholders.

    That's just something that a single person has been claiming without any evidence. Jass has not commented on this new demo IIRC.
  5. AbsoluteG


    disgusted by origins plus Oldbie
    A black Hole
    life and shit..., a sonic 1 remake
    I'll be honest. So I finally had time and tried out the new demo and...

    I'm not that impressed...

    Sonic Overture was a product of its time, which was 2014 to 2016 at best. This was at a time when we didn't have a huge ton of info on Sonic 1's past (Twin Stars, the name of the old big bad, Thirteen, etc...) and earlier builds other than some screens and concept pieces. It may have worked back then in the '10s but Now it just feels off. Back in the day I was impressed with Overture, but now...I'm not...

    it's just how I feel personally...I'll keep an eye on it... As i know of the one who took over the project. and respect her work. but for now at least. It feels like Overture is just there. My two cents, tbh.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2024
  6. MeatClown


    I know Lange Wasn't asked nor Jass or any original person working on Sonic Overture.
  7. Jaxer


    Like half of the current dev team is comprised of original developers.
  8. OssieTheOstrich


    "Gone fishing", as they say Member
    Publicly or privately? Because he did have a talk about it privately.
  9. Jaxer


    Wait, he did?
  10. OssieTheOstrich


    "Gone fishing", as they say Member
    okay so clarification; He didn't privately comment on the new demo release, but rather, privately commented on why he didn't want to join the revival team before it's creation and quote "didnt give his blessing on the project".
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  11. Jaxer


    That's a bold claim to make without evidence
  12. Lilly


    United States
    Shang Mu Architect
    I agree, and this thread really shouldn't be the place for such a conversation. (Easily-doctored Discord screenshots are not valid receipts, either! Sorry!) Speaking on behalf of those who aren't in a position to speak for themselves is gossip. Gossip unanimously does more harm than good to social relationships and everyone's mental health.

    I know it's emotionally difficult to separate this project from its past, but it would be nice if we can leave old drama out of it. I personally find it more than a little distasteful that most discussion in this topic is that drama, and not the game. It does not matter whether this is a public forum or a private text chat, we need higher personal standards when discussing sensitive interpersonal conflicts.

    My greater concern is whether Overture can finally become more than a demo after all this time. And hopefully be a good time to play, for all the trouble it's taken to get here. Second-hand hearsay is all noise to me.

    I feel like this is all that needs to be said about the fan game's past in this topic. jubbalub nailed it down tight.
  13. OssieTheOstrich


    "Gone fishing", as they say Member
    Alright, might as well switch the focus back onto the game itself; The original plan for this post was for me to review both the 2014 Demo and the ’95 Demo, so I could compare the two. However, I couldn’t get past the control screen in the former demo, no matter what I did (looking on the Internet was not an option as it was down when I tried it), so I ended up just playing the ’95 Demo only.

    This is a incomplete review cause I kinda forgot I had wrote this until recently; I'll probably clean it up later.

    Note: I played the game on an old Mac OS via Wine, so it’s possible some of the visual glitches (and crash) are due to this odd combination of hardware.

    First and foremost, the graphics are amazing, everything looks just so appealing. *elaborate
    Though some asset mismatching does happen in some areas (the Act tally for example)

    In terms of the gameplay, it’s pretty much the standard Sonic experience. I thought the linking mechanic was interesting, but it seems to be only exist for a score boost or a “feel good” feeling. That said, it would be a bit neat if there was also a bonus for linking when beating an act.

    The mechanic of standing on objects designated as poles is pretty interesting; It allows the player to get a upward boost and is also useful to stop yourself on a dime to take time to think about what to do next, though sometimes it gets a little in the way of the speed and platforming.

    The shortening of Zones from 3 Acts to 2 is a change I don’t really know how to feel about.

    The boss of Sunrise Gate seems to be pretty much the same as the 2014 version, so there’s nothing to interesting to write about it. Now, once the player gets to Granite Zone do thing gets more interesting.

    GZ Act 2 lagged so much for some reason (which I blame on the hardware, not the game itself)

    The demo also has some oddities and bugs here and here:

    The physics of the mini-wrecking ball in Granite Zone are a little funky sometimes.

    Shield Monitors in Act 2 gave out the Sonic 2 styled-sheld instead of the Sonic 1 styled one seen in Sunrise Gate (and possibly the rest of the demo):

    The boss of Granite had some graphical glitches and eventually crashed after beating it.

    And the review part is kinda over now. Now I just wanna show this:


    I also wanna just put this review of the '95 demo by YouTuber bickuribox12 (some of the points he brought up I was planning to put in my review but i didn't finish it yet)

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  14. ScarlyNight


    Ultra Ring Member
    Sonic Legends, Sonic XG other stuff

    I'm like incredibly late but the short answer to both of these are yes. We were given permission to use the original tracks from the 2014 demo and we're still planning on rearranging that specific version of the SGZ theme for the final release. The tracks currently in the demos, while merely placeholders, were in fact remastered in-house so they sound a bit cleaner.
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  15. expansivelovestories


    reality is profoundly synergistic Member
    I replayed this today, and, although i definitely appreciated the first playthrough when it was released, this second time was really special; it really does feel like a lost path that Sonic could have taken and now is on!! I think the level design didn't click the first time, maybe especially Granite Zone because i had never played a zone quite like that, but today it really did. it's truly incredible!! There are many fangames now that have improved on the original trilogy's level design in really weird and fun ways, just in the placement of basic platforms/ground, and each one is distinct. Overture95 is definitely like this, and i am thankful to have realized it finally!!
  16. MeatClown


    Hearing that they made progress on the cut Adobe Valley Zone. has me excited!
  17. Jaxer


    Where did you hear this?
  18. Felik


    why is the name of the fangame "Sonic Overture 95" and not "Sonic Overture 91"?
  19. It's supposed to be this fictional Saturn game.
  20. Dark_


    Market Gardener Member
    Sonic Aural, Sonic Legends, Sonic XG
    But, why would they make a sonic prequel on a saturn?