These are a few of the issues I can remember for Sonic 3 and Knuckles. The Cool Bonus from Sonic Mania is still present during the end of level score tally, just hidden from view. However, the total reflects the extra bonus In Angel Island Zone 2, after pressing the switch to lower the water level and open the door, you can go back to the previous area, but the water does not move back to its original position The timing for the Angel Island Zone 2 boss is still incorrect. You cannot defeat him in one cycle when he first appears and before he moves to the right After defeating the Hydrocity Zone 1 miniboss, you can spindash up the wall and end the level off screen. After the score tally has completed, and you progress to Hydrocity Zone 2, you can die by the current putting you inside some breakable blocks In Marble Garden Zone 2, you can still die to the camera erroneously scrolling up after the last Eggman encounter underground, after the Sonic/Knuckles path split The Carnival Night Zone 2 cutscene with Knuckles can be triggered a little too early, and the event can happen off screen. The camera doesn't fully lock you in Using the insta-sheild on the Sandopolis Zone 2 boss can sometimes pull you into the boss where you can die from crushing Hyper Sonic's air dash is now more visually distracting, as the palette fades back from white with a red hue for a few frames Amy's badnik combo counter does not reset if you use the hammer spin when in the air. As such, all you need to do is initiate a spin at any point while jumping, and the counter will not reset when you land Amy's hammer dash has a set speed that interferes with everything else in the game that could set your speed. This includes Carnival Night boosters and Launch Base boosters Collecting all of the Chaos Emeralds as Amy results in no message being shown about Super Amy being unlocked, even though you have unlocked her Collecting all of the Super Emeralds as Amy results in a message confirming Super Amy is unlocked. However, this incorrect, as Hyper Amy is now unlocked The animation for throwing a hammer as Hyper Amy has priority over other animations, and can even be used in places where no input should be allowed, such as the Sky Sanctuary teleporters Desert Palace Zone in Competition Mode is still almost unplayable. A lack of path swappers, and some incorrect behaviour with the loop makes the level a lot harder to clear a lap without getting stuck. There are also a number of priority issues with objects New Blue Sphere There's is no save functionality. As such, you have to use passwords to continue The intro animation plays every time you fail or complete a stage and cannot be skipped Completing a stage as Knuckles and then skipping the complete message sometimes interferes with the rotating palette on the difficulty screen, and the large sphere that the characters are running on will not rotate
Actually, New Blue Sphere does have save functionality, but only when you access it through S3&K's Level Select, not the main menu of Origins. Same with OG Blue Sphere. Your guess is as good as mine on that one. To add, I remember playing Carnival Night with Knuckles and putting him in the canon had him briefly glitch and appear visible outside of it.
I'm genuinely astounded that I seem to be the only one with an issue with the rolling physics at the start of MGZ1. I am not normally a stickler but I expect to be able to roll directly into that lightning shield at the start. As I recall the issue with AIZ water was mostly fixed by not letting Sonic actually go through the tunnel by that switch in reverse, but I think I might need to replay the original version to refresh my memory about how exactly they handled that. (EDIT: If you're playing with Tails it is indeed possible to go back on the upper route, and then the water and rumbling effect will still trigger through that tunnel every time. The original games don't really do instantaneous water shifts, after all.)
I was talking more about the gravity itself. Jumping and going in the correct direction in the launch version seemed quite bugged rather than how it felt in the Genesis version. It made it harder to freely control your movements in mid-air and you would fall into unintended areas in the special stage. It was the one thing that made me feel like Origins had a frustrating almost unplayable part at first.
The S1 Special Stages feel better as Sonic; I don't feel motion sickness from the smooth rotation anymore, but there's still something weird about triggering the Reverse and Up/Down blocks. On a stock Genesis, there seemed to be a delay if you hit more than one in quick succession, so the maze wasn't always flipflopping or changing speed all willy-nilly on the fly, whereas now it does. I... guess it's technically more true to form? It's not the biggest deal in the world, but it makes later Special Stages more aggravating for me.
Hitting the balloon Mecha Sonics in Sky Sanctuary (during his second Egg Mobile fight) with Amy’s hammer jump somehow hurts you, even though it’s not spiky or anything. Your normal spinball jump pops those balloons just fine without getting hurt:
That Twitter was apparently working on sending a big bug report to Sega, so I added on some suggestions and also a link to that improvements chart I made, though there's technically a slightly more up-to-date version I've yet to share. Effort's worth a shot at least. EDIT: Oh yeah, I thought they might've made the Springs slower in Spring Yard Zone to fix that infamous stickyness they had compared to the original (also in the mobile release?) where you could easily get stuck in a corner with them for a few seconds, but then I saw it still happening with Sonic+Tails, so I'm not sure if that's fixed or not. EDIT 2: Here's that update:
Apparently if you beat S3K as Knuckles, then exit to main menu, you can then choose to CONTINUE and the game will load Knuckles into Death Egg Zone
I just tested this out, and that’s not true. The game will load Knuckles into Sonic’s Sky Sanctuary instead!
I had an issue in the final Sonic & Knuckles Special Stage: this part: Normally, you're required to follow the horizontal line of blue spheres, which then turns all spheres except four into rings. However, after the latest update, the spheres which are delimited by... either the green or the yellow rectangle on my screenshot, it's one of the two, it's hard to tell when you're playing, but they don't transform into rings. Basically, only one side turns into rings instead of both sides. I can always circle back to the spheres that didn't transform, touch the first blue sphere and turn them intro rings that way, so the perfect bonus remains accessible, but still... I had this happen twice, I was playing as Amy both times if that's important. EDIT: forgot to mention the platform: the Switch
Noticing some weird input lag on the Switch version. There's just this bizarre delay in doing much of anything in the games (like jumping). Tried it in all of the Genesis games. This is with a Nintendo Pro Controller by the way. Menus are responsive of course. EDIT: Though this could be something not an issue specific to Origins, so I'll need to look more into it
I thought this with Super Mario 3D World, but it turned out to be interference with the wireless connection between the console and controller. I don't have Origins Plus currently but know vanilla Origins didn't suffer input lag issues - thinking about it, I have actually played a little of the base game since the new update too, since the other night I decided to try to beat one of the extra Extreme challenges I still didn't tackle yet, and didn't suffer any lag during that. So I'd say my bet is on external issues here.
Can you choose Death Egg on the complete Knuckles save file via the save screen if you beat the game after continuing into Death Egg as Knuckles?
Did your save include all emeralds collected? I managed to beat Death Egg with Knuckles (thanks widescreen) and then the game loaded his regular ending cut scene after beating the "act 3" boss. When I did CONTINUE from the main menu again, it then took me to The Doomsday Zone where beating it also loaded his regular ending. Sadly no lol. You'll have to beat Sky Sanctuary final boss to trigger the sequence again once you've played a different character and/or level.
That makes complete sense. If it only happens through the external menus, it sounds like the Headcannon team have set it up correctly in their remake, but somehow SEGA has botched the integration into Origins' other menu systems.
Replayed save file! Nope! Yes, my save included all the Super Emeralds. All those things you just described also happened with me!
So it seems that your Knuckles game allowing you to continue in Sonic's Sky Sanctuary from the main menu is a bit of an anomaly atm, but logically you can still continue on the same path with the same results.