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Sonic Origins - Known Issues

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Mustapha, Jun 23, 2022.

  1. Beamer the Meep

    Beamer the Meep

    Better than Sonic Genesis... Member
    As Stealth said in his tweet chain, a lot of these bugs arose because of the UI Sega put around the games and a lot of it wasn't present in what Headcannon sent off. I believe it's also mentioned somewhere that they updated the builds of the preexisting games a little bit, but I don't have an exact source on that.
  2. The Game Collector

    The Game Collector

    Washington State, USA
    Being Ted Narcotic's bass player; working on Kelly Kristjanson's tape archive; collecting video games
    I've been using Yuzu to emulate the Switch version with no update patch applied and surprisingly I've only encountered one stand out glitch in S3&K. To get the game to not crash in Yuzu, you have to uncheck the box that says enable multicore emulation.

    The glitch was this: I was playing story mode as Sonic with Tails following and had a lightning shield. I went Hyper Sonic and defeated the Lava Reef Zone Act 1 boss and destroyed the capsule. Sonic showed up as blue but the lightning shield was no longer showing. He still had the abilities of the lightning shield even after getting hit and losing his rings. This eventually stopped after I grabbed a fire shield.

    I was recording video while doing this.

    The physics being off in Sonic 1 Special Stages and Tails' odd behavior in Sonic 2 were noticeable but didn't ruin the game for me. Sonic CD's Special Stages also seem annoyingly harder than usual but that just might be from changes in the mobile port from the original. Like I remember all UFOs being purple except for the blue time adding one. This version has a mix of purple and blue making it more difficult to see which one adds time.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2022
  3. E-122-Psi


    Might explain the extra bugs I guess.

    Also I found a cool video that tries to list down a few of the most glaring bugs. Visual demonstration is helpful here:

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  4. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I'm fairly confident these are the most recent versions of these games, because all the features from their later versions still exist they're just deactivated, like I mentioned earlier the complete save file level select menu in Sonic 1 is still there, just not used. Sonic CD has more fixes from later mobile patches as opposed to the original 2011 PC version that never got patched.

    The real issue is more that the team who hacked and slashed this collection together didn't quite know what they were doing.
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  5. I played a bit of S3K this morning and noticed three more things:
    • In Hyper form, it is possible to go into Sonic & Tails' version of Angel Island as Knuckles. Everything works perfectly, unlike in the original game, but I have a small nitpick: right before the Act 2 boss, Eggman is seen flying in the background, and the sprite is very obviously Eggman, not Eggrobo. I know Knuckles isn't even supposed to see this background object, but they did alter the cutscene for Sonic & Tails in Knuckles' Sky Sanctuary with Eggman falling out of the Egg-O-Matic intact, so it's a shame they didn't think about redrawing this object's sprite or (this can work too) not spawning it at all if the game is played as Knuckles.

    • In Hydrocity Zone Act 2, right after the advancing wall at the beginning of the act, I got crushed by the first rotating platform. This happened to me twice, I know, bad luck. And both times, after respawning at the checkpoint so early in the act it makes you wonder why it's even there, the advancing wall wouldn't start moving, I could go through this part of the act as slowly as I wanted.

    • This might be intentional, I don't know, but when I 'm playing with a completed save file, Super Rings appear instead of Giant Rings in the Sonic 3 half of the game. IIRC, this didn't happen in the original.

    All this applies to the Switch version 1.1.0.
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  6. E-122-Psi



    Do you think we should still keep this thread active to list down the bugs remaining after the new patch?

    Don't know if SEGA are still working on the game, but might be worth noting remaining oddities just in case. Sonic 2's VS still has homogenized jump physics for example.
  7. BSonirachi


    Wiki Sysop
    There's been a couple of new ones introduced as a result of the new cheats for Sonic 3 & Knuckles, such as the Slot Machine Bonus Stage causing a crash if you use the cheat to disable the '& Knuckles' branding.

    That said, I have to wonder whether the homogenised jump physics in Sonic 2's VS mode was also in the 2013 mobile release or if it was introduced in Origins.
  8. E-122-Psi


    The completely random use of S3/S3K themes also kinda bugs my OCD self.

    I think they should either add a toggle for it (combined with the S3/S3K font edits now available) or add a cheat to change it like said font.
  9. RetroJordan91


    The REAL Blue Sphere Guy Member
    I mentioned this in the General Thread but I’ll also bring it up here.. the crash that occurs when doing a Sonic & Tails run of Sonic 1 after obtaining the sixth chaos emerald has not been patched out with the latest update.. it makes the game impossible to beat with both characters together, which is a shame because level select is the only way you can play Sonic 1 like that (with S&T)

    The slot machine bonus stage crash happened to me as well on the Switch version (both Anniversary AND Classic modes) and I mentioned it in the General Thread.. did you also encounter this on the Switch? Or another platform?
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2022
  10. BSonirachi


    Wiki Sysop
    D.A. Garden had brought it up in the Discord server, so I checked it out in the Switch version (which is the version I bought) and it indeed happened to me.
  11. RetroJordan91


    The REAL Blue Sphere Guy Member
    I have a feeling that both of these crashes are Switch exclusive since the first crash I had with the S&T playthrough of Sonic 1 did not occur on the PS4 version.. will have to test the second crash on the PS4 to see if it happens there too
  12. BSonirachi


    Wiki Sysop
    Got confirmation from Mister Neowl in the Discord server that the Slot Machine crash is also in the Steam version.

  13. RetroJordan91


    The REAL Blue Sphere Guy Member
    I literally just sent a software error report to Sony for the same crash on PS4.. fantastic timing :V:V:V

    So it appears this crash occurs on every platform. I hope this gets out to SEGA quickly.. I already sent a support ticket to SEGA themselves for this
  14. I've done some checking out on my complaints of Sonic 1. Just as Tails is fixed with Sonic 2, it seems he is fixed with Sonic 1 as well, so that's gone. The spring issue still exists in Spring Yard, however, I discovered it IS escapable, but it's annoying in comparison to the Mega Drive original. The biggest issue that still remains is the missing Ring in Labyrinth Zone Act 1 since this is meant to be based on the completed Japanese version and not the unfinished Western release. Now for me, it's not the worst as I do have the Sega Ages version of Sonic 1 on Switch, but Sonic Origins are meant to be definitive remakes, so I say it's still a problem. That needs to be fixed in one of the next updates.

    I do hope more of these issues are fixed as the game goes on. Knowing what is fixed in Sonic 2 makes me happy enough as I had few problems with that one. I also neglected Tails there as I forgot I played as Sonic alone since I hate playing with Tails when it comes to the Special Zones, so I forgot I didn't even play with him. That was my mistake and I apologize for that.
  15. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I had a particularly weird glitch occur the other day. After beating the boss in FBZ Act 2 in S3K, I decided to just spam the fire shield a few times towards the edge of the screen for reasons, but I did that a few times and Robotnik just disappeared. His sprite vanished and the screen stayed locked in place, so I couldn't complete the level by jumping on the capsule.

    Thankfully origins save system helped in this case, I just went back to the title screen and loaded the save file and I was back at the checkpoint after the Lazer miniboss (I actually think that is a great feature for in progress files, especially for the longer zones like Sandopolis. Sometimes you just gotta go and it's nice to pick up where you left off rather than going back to the start of the level)
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2022
  16. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    That is, if they fixed the checkpoint issue in act 2, which I haven't checked after the patch but gave me a lot of trouble when I played.
  17. Diablohead


    Indie dev Oldbie
    Near London
    God help me if sega drops support for this shoddy mess of a collection at this point, their mascot, their original masterpiece of a trilogy thrown into the shit pile because sega are being sega.
  18. TomGyroid


    They actually did redraw it, with the sprite present in the game's code. It's just not enabled in-game for whatever reason. It's literally Eggman in Knuckles' Flying Battery Zone boss all over again!
    There's also a sprite for Knuckles piloting the Tornado, which suggests they could've planned a unique ending for when Sonic/Tails beat Knuckles' final boss (Knuckles would swoop in and save both of them from SSZ's destruction with the Tornado). Or more likely, they wanted to edit cutscenes with the Tornado to account for the "& Knuckles" mode cheat that still hasn't been implemented proper. Kinda weird, considering this is the original "& Knuckles" game.
    New animations made for a mere level select/debug mode cheat is such a tease because that means they could totally make new transitions to implement the original CNZ>FBZ>ICZ Zone order, which Stealth acknowledged as a potential option in the original S3&K mobile pitch. Would Sega not allow the original Zone order if they've already denied playing the original halves of the game separately?

    I actually noted a bunch of bugs in a document on Origins, like this super weird one where the game just crashes whenever you try to place an Item Ball in a Bonus Stage with debug mode. I just want to see what the scrapped "S" Item Ball actually does. Also not sure if CD's timer bug has been fixed yet.
    EDIT: It has not. Kinda weird the one game in this collection with two separate Time Attacks has an issue in Time Attacking.
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  19. RetroJordan91


    The REAL Blue Sphere Guy Member
    Well I sent SEGA four separate support tickets relating to Origins bugs.. two of them include video clips of two exact points where the Switch version crashes.. so if they know what’s good for them, they would use my feedback to fix the issues

    I am also hoping that even though the quality of the replacement music is not bad, they at least devote some of their attention to the feedback regarding the 1103 prototype and patching in the tracks from that version of the game for the inevitable physical version.. but hey a man can dream right?
  20. Ashura96


    Not sure if it has been mentioned here before, but don't finish a 2 player zone with debug enabled if the timer remains frozen at 0'00"00 or that becomes your best time for the zone. Wish there was a reset 2P best times by themselves.